[Plugin] Flurry Analytics

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[C2] [C3] Support C3 build service and Android 14
  • Hi guys, I've just got back from Christmas holidays and have computer access again. KFC and media are you still having issues?

  • thehen Hello, i'm a friend of we are working together. We make a Game and we export for WEB,IOS and Android. In WEB and IOS we get information of flurry, but with Android not working, is the same proyect any difference between them.

    Is more We use your example and export to cocoonjs work in IOS but isn't in Android.

    So this is our problem(we tried with Consutrct r148,r152 and r155).

    Thanks for your time.

  • worlan okay, thanks for the heads up. This sounds like it may be a permissions issue. Unfortunately my Android tablet is with another developer at the moment, but when I get it back next week I'll look into it.

  • thehen yes, I didn't have much time to look into it further after I made the post, but I'm guessing it has something to do with the json data not being sent correctly.

    I would appreciate it if you could take a look, or maybe know what could cause the events to be logged but not displayed in flurry.

  • So I finally had time to sit down and figure out what was causing my flurry problem.

    The way I logged parameter events was I would add a new key in my dictionary and add a value from a variable, current level, the number of times the user restarted the level or something similar.

    As it turns out flurry wouldn't display events with parameters that only have numbers as their value, so I had to add a text string for the events to be registered and displayed correctly.

  • flurry has seen some pretty big updates, with video advertisements and more features. Is there a planned update for this plugin anytime?

  • Tylermon not at the moment I'm afraid. You're welcome to make any of these additions yourself if you like and I'll merge into the main release.

    Also worth keeping in mind I wasn't able to get this playing nice with Clay.io and CocoonJS. Essentially CocoonJS allows you to have a single webview for making async javascript calls. I can't see a way for clay and flurry to share one. If anyone has any ideas, let me know.

  • Tylermon not at the moment I'm afraid. You're welcome to make any of these additions yourself if you like and I'll merge into the main release.

    Also worth keeping in mind I wasn't able to get this playing nice with Clay.io and CocoonJS. Essentially CocoonJS allows you to have a single webview for making async javascript calls. I can't see a way for clay and flurry to share one. If anyone has any ideas, let me know.

    Ah, that is good to know. My java script wizardry skills are lacking, but if what you say is true with cocoonjs conflicts etc then I'm probably not going to worry over it.

  • The .capx example is still working with the current release?

    I cant make it work!

  • Hi, does this work on Windows 8 exports?

  • ydydxhg yes.

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  • I integrated the Flurry plugin into my app, but i am not seeing any events data in the flurry dashboard. does it take a while to showup ?, I tried the browser, when i trace the http calls it sends data to data.flurry.com , but in CocoonJS with CustomLauncher , I am not able to trace, both doesn't seem to show any data in the dashboard.

    Anything i can use to debug if the calls are going to flurry ? Any idea when the data will show up in Flurry?

  • I think it takes anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes for event data to show up. I recently started using Flurry and that seems to be the time frame you should expect event data.

    Still haven't tested my CocoonJS Android build, so I can't say anything on that note, only the HTML5 export. :p

  • Awesome plugin. I waiting for it.

  • Hello, im trying to use Flurry plugin on a game im working on but it keeps getting an error when i try to use it with an IOS project using Ejecta, it says https://cdn.flurry.com/js/flurry.js does not exist or appears to be empty, then my game doesnt work at all, could u help me? thanks

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