ydydxhg's Forum Posts

  • 6 posts
  • anyone?

  • HI There,

    I have been following the following tutorials closely:

    <Adding In-App Purchases to your Windows 8 Game>

    in test mode, the on success purchase event doesn't seem to fire after i select the OK response. neither do other events. I downloaded the example from the tutorial, same issue.

    could anyone please advise me what could go wrong? Thanks so much

    note: I am using a personal licensed version.

  • Hi, does this work on Windows 8 exports?

  • interesting.... i might try this:

    initially, gravity = 0 to make it float,

    on jump, impulse up and apply gravity.

    on dive, reverse gravity and impulse down


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  • any one?

  • Hi Guys, I am new to Construct 2 and am trying to make an action game, where a fish swims at the surface of the ocean and you can tab the screen to make it jump or dive.

    What i have tried is make the fish a platform and make gravity 0 so that it doesnt fall, and make float at the certain height. but now without a solid, the fish cannot jump (not even mention dive).

    Could some one point me to the right direction? Is a platform behavior the right one to use?

    Thanks heaps

  • 6 posts