KFC's Forum Posts

  • After listening to a few shows, I'm really digging the podcast.

    Since I mostly listen to podcasts on my phone it would be nice if you could add artist, title and a cover for the podcast audio file details. It's easier to track in my music player and it also looks nicer.

  • I've tested it on the iPhone 4.

    Now that I have tried a few simulators, iPad Retina and iPad 2 give me an error after the game launches, iPhone 5s, 6, 6 plus and iPad Air just fail to build altogether.

    Although iPhone 4s and iPhone 5 simulators work correctly.

    I'd suggest testing on a few real iDevices and see what happens.

  • Oh yea, I didn't minify the project. But I did get black screens while it was on scale inner fullscreen, even without minification.

  • Ok, I was able to run your game in landscape mode.

    1. Change "Fullscreen in browser" in C2 to "Scale inner" (letterbox scale was probably the cause of the black screen)

    2. In Xcode, on the General tab, Device orientation, uncheck portrait/upside down and check Landscape Left and Landscape Right, or on or the other.

    3. On the info tab, find "Initial interface orientation" and select "Landscape (left home button)" or right home button.

    The game should run with these settings. Obviously some parts of the game will be outside of the screen depending on the screen ratio, but figuring a way to fix that is the beauty of supporting multiple screen sizes.

  • Just to clarify things, Xcode is the program you downloaded from itunes on your mac, Ejecta is what you downloaded from github https://github.com/phoboslab/Ejecta

    To see memory usage, after running the game, click the third icon from the right, right under where the run button is, and than click memory.

    Also, have you tried running on different emulators?

    You could send me the capx or the ejecta exported project. I'll check it and try to run it on a real device tonight.

  • I've been using Ejecta for a while now and I don't remember experiencing black screens with my projects. I'm basically following Ashley's tutorial.

    Are you using the latest Ejecta build/xcode/C2?

    Are you running the game on an emulator or a device and what device/iOS version?

    Are you getting any errors in xcode?

    If I understood correctly, after running the game you see the splashscreen, after that a black screen. Does the game crash? Is anything loaded in the memory before crashing?

    As for using Intel XDK for iOS, it's basically pure cordova, same as using phonegap, meaning you most likely won't see good performance on devices not running iOS8.

  • Hello,

    the game I've been working on for some time now with two of my buddies is now available on iOS and Android (via Amazon app store).

    Wizard's Rune is an original logic puzzle game for mobile devices loosely based on the PS1 game Intelligent Qube.

    It features 100 levels across 5 different worlds, each with its different mechanics and challenges.

    Trailer: http://youtu.be/CIZVYOMTwls


    Here are some screenshots and gifs:

  • You could have a separate layout, that's not accessed during run time, where you put all of your sprites, instead of having them on layouts you're actually using for your game.

  • I just tested my Ejecta exported game on the iPad 2 and don't seem to get any audio. Audio plays normal on iPhones and the iPad 2 emulator.

    Did anyone else have trouble with audio playing on iPads with their Ejecta exported games?

  • Yea, seems to be a problem with the 64-bit version of Java.

  • Sargas

    As stated in the known issues in the release notes:

    "When using the Updater functionality to get the new version of the Intel XDK, if the download takes more than two minutes, you may see a message stating "Cannot download an update since one is not available". Despite the message, the download is still continuing in the background and will complete unless your Internet connection is lost.

    Allow ample time for the download to complete, exit the Intel XDK and then restart. If the download completed successfully, you should now see the Install Update icon in the upper right hand corner of the Intel XDK toolbar next to the orange (?) icon."

  • https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/809/ho ... -crosswalk

    It was originally published in January but it's been updated a week ago.

  • Raiper341

    "Updated the project templates used when creating projects to make use of Apache Cordova 3.5.1 to fix a security vulnerability identified in Apache Cordova for Android."

    Full release notes are here

    It seems that the Crosswalk launch icons are still not being saved.

  • newt Could you point me to a source on that?

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • IntelRobert On a project created in XDK 1332, when I try to change the app version or app name or anything in the Android-Crosswalk build settings nothing changes in the built application although the settings are saved on the XDK project. As I posted earlier when selecting app icons they do not save in the project settings.

    Also when I create a new project, if I change anything in the project settings the project wont build. I first have to build with the default settings and than editing options won't cause any errors when building (although as stated before, the options are not changed in the built apk).