kenzonico's Forum Posts

  • 5 posts
  • Mobile performance is almost doubling every 2 years, here is an interesting graphic :

    [quote:2dv9jd5c]Based on new data for these components, our fundamental assessment is that the rate of performance increases for these seven enabling components of mobile innovation—memory, application processor, storage, infrastructure speed, device speed, imaging and display technology—is expected to decelerate only slightly between 2011 and 2016, relative to 2007 to 2011. - PWC

    And here is an infographic about HTML5 :

  • Some of you guys believe you can have all this...

    1- A cheap solution (yes C2 is really cheap considering the updates and how the scene is moving fast).

    2- Not learning programming in c#, java or js, everything must be click and drop.

    3- An intelligent assistant to tell you how to do events correctly and how to not use 5000px sprites for mobile.

    4- Push a button and magically it will export to all possible mobile devices with a perfect fps, with feature parity (and multiplayer too! ).

    I understand the hope, but you have to be realistic in your expectations, even if it is hard to accept : you can't have it all today.

    To make a polished and fun game in the mobile world today, it is a lot work or experience, or everyone would be able to do it.

    And the comment "pay 10k to make exporter to iOS, android", is naive at best...that about the min. monthly salary of a capable developer. If it takes years to millions-dollars-funded companies to create exporters, it is probably going to take a lot more than a month to one developer.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Thank you BluePhaze and Alyra Games it worked !

  • Hi everyone, I made a game with a 16:9 landscape resolution for mobiles.

    When I export it to cocoonJS, I use letterbox scale. Everything works fine if the device is 16:9.

    Otherwise, there are black stripes appearing on the sides which is normal, but in these black stripes you can see the sprites outside the layout, and also trails of sprites leaving the layout (like bullets, etc.)

    * Is someone else is having the same issue ?

    * Is there a work-around (using another scaling option, changer layer properties ...?

    It is really frustrating as my game is almost finished and ready ...

  • Hi, i am getting "The build failed. An error occurred while building the application. Verify your build assets are correct and try again." when i try to build... :(

    Assets are about 8mb, and game is working in preview / debug mode on device.

    What could cause this build error ?

  • 5 posts