> >
> > The game works on my Moto g6, but doesnt do the user consent stuff, the white screen could be related to the web2gl bug.
> > Your ads are working well, but maybe show them every 3rd or 4th go, because its super annoying too often.
> Thanks for testing.
> Yeah, not sure about the white screen. I was exporting the game from C2 and building the signed APK with Cocoon.io, but I eventually ported the game to C3 and built the signed APK with C3. So C3 doesn't seem to be as reliable as Cocoon's Canvas+ export for older devices, or there is a bug somewhere. But it works perfectly fine on my Nexus 6 and Pixel XL. Is there a fix for the webgl bug?
> And thanks for the input about the ads. I need to remove the banner (to improve gameplay) and only show the interstitial every 3rd fail.
No worries, I think this is Ultra annoying that at the momment our games (c3 games) are unreliable on certain devices, it's probably related to this thread https://www.construct.net/wf/forum/construct-3/general-discussion-7/force-webgl1-135173?q=webgl2
Anyway, can you check on your older device and see if this game works ?https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sizzgames.snakeinthegrass
We need a hotfix for this I suspect ( A toggle for webgl1), although I don't think It will be forthcoming.
Cheers in advance
sizcoz for the link to the webgl issue. I'll check that out to see if there is anything I can do (sounds like there isn't and it is a limitation of C3).
I tried to download your game on my Nexus 10 tablet, but it says the game is not compatible with my device. I tried on the device and on the web.
I downloaded and played on my Nexus 6 and it played great! Super smooth and graphics looked great. No glitches. Interstitial ad loaded after 2 or three sessions.
So possibly same issue as my game not being compatible on the older devices as you suggested with webgl. I hope there's a fix.