KENYONB's Forum Posts

  • Why aren't new behaviors available in existing projects when opened in beta versions?

    For example, I open an existing project in beta version r124 and the Tween behavior is not available. Why?

  • I know this is an old topic, but... thanks twg for the how to. super easy and worked for me. I used an array for saved levels instead of dictionary, but it worked.

  • I submit an idea to be able to specify which ad plays using events. Please vote for it here:

  • > > Cool

    > >

    > > As for the adverts loading, I've test again, and yes, it's definitely showing the last fully loaded advert:

    > >

    > > > Load Interstitial Ad Event

    > > > Load Reward Video Ad Event

    > > (Interstitial Ad Loading complete)

    > > > Show Ad [this shows the Interstitial Ad, as the Reward Video Ad is not fully loaded]

    > > (Reward Video Ad Loading complete)

    > > > Load Interstitial Ad Event

    > > > Show Ad [this shows the Reward Video Ad, as the second Interstitial Ad is not fully loaded]

    > > (Interstitial Ad Loading complete)

    > >

    > > SOLUTION: We need 2 types of "Show Ad" events. One for Interstitial, one for Reward Video Ad.

    > >

    > Hey Ashley, any thoughs on it?

    Was this ever addressed? Is it still the case that you can't specify which ad type to show?

    How is this not corrected already?

  • Thanks paala and boybacteria for the tip. I got help from the Facebook group and my game is now published!

  • I have tried reporting a problem, but have not had any reply.

    It is still sitting in review. I have tried cancelling to re-submit, but cancel does not work. I click Cancel, Confirm, and it stays at In Review.

    What forum should I be asking questions where someone can help?

    I have submit for review under Instant Games, do I need to submit for review anywhere else like main App Review? (that says to use Instant Games).

  • I'm glad we've recently been getting email notifications for forum post replies, so thank you. But is it possible to have the reply comments embedded in the email? I can see the reply in the preview of the email, so I know the data is there, but I would like to read it in the body of the email instead of having to click the button that reads "Read User's Reply" to visit the site and see it. Is this possible?

  • > > I’m in the UK and the consent dialogue box always comes up, but the banner and interstitials display sporadically - sometimes they decide to show, sometimes they don’t.


    > sounds like the plugin is working, but the fill rate isn't 100%.

    But wouldn’t I’d have the same results on the Android version where both banners and interstitials always show? Or are fill rates for iOS and Android different?

    I bet it's different based on having a select number of ad providers. If you were using default settings and enabled ads to show from anyone/everyone it would probably be different. But I'm no expert.

  • I’m in the UK and the consent dialogue box always comes up, but the banner and interstitials display sporadically - sometimes they decide to show, sometimes they don’t.

    sounds like the plugin is working, but the fill rate isn't 100%.

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  • > Can anybody get the Consent Dialog to show for everyone? (as per the plugin properties setting?) I tried enabling show for everyone and it doesn't show for me in the US.

    Neither the show to everyone or spoofing location to EU works for me, I'm in the US too. Only people I've heard about even getting the dialog to come up are in EU.

    Thanks for confirming. I wish this would work.

    Nepeo can you confirm if the "show for everyone" works for non EU users?

  • Can anybody get the Consent Dialog to show for everyone? (as per the plugin properties setting?) I tried enabling show for everyone and it doesn't show for me in the US.

  • > After 25 days of waiting for a review, Facebook finally approves.


    I waited 39 days for one

    but the queue time decreases every day now

    I'm currently at 46 days and still in review. How long has everyone else been waiting?

  • Update! The Construct crew is working on the Advert plugin...

  • Been working on this over the weekend on my app - I've got it set up so if MobileAdvert fails to configure or MobileAdvert fails to load (using 'on configuration failed' and 'on banner failed to load') then text boxes appear indicating which.

    Both text boxes appear meaning that MobileAdvert fails to configure on iOS and so the banner fails to load.

    So the initial issue is getting the banners to configure on iOS.

    If has his banners configuring and loading on iOS perhaps its a clash with other plugins that we're using.

    The plugins I'm using are: Audio, Browser, Function, GameCenter GooglePlay, LocalStorage, MobileAdvert, Mouse, SocialSharingPlugin, Touch.

    which plugins are you using in your app - I'll delete those that don't match yours and see if there's a clash. Also, are you building via Xcode or Cordova?

    here's everything I am using:





    local storage

    mobile advert




    I build the finished game with Xcode.

  • Odd that yours are appearing but mine aren’t. I’ve even got the emails from Google saying they’re appearing.

    Any chance you can post a quick breakdown of your ad layout on your event sheet?

    I posted a screenshot of my setup a few posts back, here This is all on the loader layout.

    - as I haven't made my app live yet, on the AdMob interface I've yet to click the button 'Link your app with the App Store' - do you think this will be an issue?

    I think it might be. Go ahead and make your game live, or at least beta, and then link it. I've always published my game, then added ads and linked it in the next update.

    Also, I'm building on r111 - but the version of the Mobile Advert plugin is the version I added a couple of months back. Do I need to re-add the plugin for the latest version or does it auto-update?

    It should auto-update. If your events look like mine with options to configure the ads with App ID and Pub ID and privacy policy, then it should be the most up to date.

    try publishing and good luck