kayin's Forum Posts

  • I suppose just looking at it as "event written plugins" is kind of underselling it. Or perhaps its a request that is sort of misrepresented a bit. Really though this seems to fall into the group collab stuff too. Portability of assets also allows them to be re-used and modified better. I suppose I should be looking at this request as analogous to allowing people to write libraries, which would probably be a boon to everyone over all.

    But still, the poll options are weird.

  • Well I think part of the problem is theres stuff that shouldn't really be there. Gamepad and Performance should be no brainers and multiplatform to SOMETHING should be a semi-given. That can eat up 3 votes. They're hard things to vote against. Then you got juicy things like online multiplayer. Yeesh.

    Really I think Universal Joypad support and performance should be a given. Well, performance is a bit different since that has more to do with optimization and time. Performance should be a general goal of any project like this. I dunno, the poll in general seems weird just due to the type of things on it. You got some stuff that is almost a must, some things that are somewhat weird (...plugins written as events, really?) and then a bomb like Online Multiplayer which is more interesting, since it takes a lot of commitment to make but is very desirable. That said I'm not sure if Ashley is really going to use this poll 'as is' and work on whatever got the more votes, but more to get a better idea what people want before weighing the effort to implementation amounts. From our end it can seem sorta unfair and crazy though. Still,m I'd drop gamepad and performance from the list and see what that stirs up.

  • Everything should be in "human readable" or text format, no binary: SVG for image, xml for object/project description etc...

    So it's easier for revision control system, team working, re-use, merging, editing, archiving, etc...

    do want

  • Man, gamepad support shouldn't even be on the list. That is such a must yet I feel compelled to use a vote on it. Gamepad support should be a 'for sure' feature. Then I could pick something else for my 3rd choice!

  • Universal Gamepad support. This is like a must.

    Resolution Support. With options that go every which way. Again, should be basic functionality.

    Loading of Objects/Layouts/Scripts. Fun stuff. Like for loading say, characters in a fighting game or something. Or to load bonus content. Or whatever. Maybe a way to 'sign' files so people can't replace them easily with dummies?

    Being able to script as text. I'd really like this one as many tasks would be easier as quick copy and pastes or 'replace all' edits. I know the graphical editor tries to do some of this but it never quite works. Being able to switch from graphical view to text view would rule.

    Palette Support. Come on, we're using PNGs. I understand theres some headaches with the sprites being 2d planes in a 3d space, but that shouldn't be that big of a deal.

    Multiplatform of course.

    Creatable data structures for storing sprites, sounds and the like in descrete little files instead of having a blown open directory laden with spoilers and cheat potential. Also good for working on the same project with multiple people.

    Theres a few other things I'd like (the aiblity to define several collosion masks for example per frame, or more advanced 3d support for backgrounds and effects), but this is the stuff I think is the most important.

  • Oh hey it's David! Hey darling, don't forget about my terrible performance crippling bug!

    Great to see you guys getting real stuff done again. Thanks a bunch, I'll give this version a spin soon.

  • I'm still sitting on this performance killing bug that prevents me from working on anything big. Might be a function of looped engines or something -- I have no idea. Sadly this all came up when the construct team started losing steam and it's gone unfixed for several months.

    Not that I can blame a free effort, but I am slightly skeptical over the SAFETY of working on such a game in construct. Though honestly that is the only thing thats ever outright crippled me.

  • Well, my usual 'see new release and hope my game killing bug has been fixed on accident" routine as again ended with sadness. Still nice to see some activity though. Cool stuff, but I gotta go cry now.

  • I had an idea for construct 2 that sort of covers this. Multiple layered object. So you could do all your detectors on one object, or have, for example, armor that breaks off, or do fighting game style hitboxes. It'd be more flexible and obviously useful than just multiple collision masks.

    What I do right now (as a practical, but annoying solution) is have an object. I copy the animation I want to add hitboxes to and paste it on this object. I think Go over the sprite with boxes and trim out what doesn't fit right. Then I set animation speed to 0, and give it the same animation name.

    Then every frame it's position is set to that of the player, it's animation is set to that of the player and it's frame of animation is changed to that of the player.

    Then you modify the original animation and do this ALL OVER AGAIN, but hey, what can you do?

    You COULD store all attack data in a 3d array and then make a mini app for creating hitbox data. Then they're made each frame! But thats a lot of work! But thats also the 'pro' way to do anything fighting game related.

  • Only if you had a nice convenient place for us to put information! someplace on-site and official, but not difficult to change! Something where you wouldnt have to get involved! Something like a wiki! Such a shame we don't have one of those!


  • Hahah, thanks. You are the man, lucid.

  • This doesn't work either. While it doesn't write to all positions at once, this time it won't write to any position outside 0.

    Even if I hardcode in a slot number. I ever cut down everything to a single number array in an attempt to write to a particular index. It was a failure. This really seems like something is broken.

  • Hey lucid, the code I posted for you yesterday didn't work So I rigged the same situation in a cap as an example so hopefully you or someone can notice what I did wrong!


    This is sort of a proto example of a save file format for my next game. Save stores all info and then there are superarrays within save, such as general. General keeps track of a few number arrays like x and y position, game time and deaths. General would have an index between 1 and 4 for each saved game.so {"save", "general", 1, "x"} would give the x value in generals saved game 1 slot.

    In this example, I keep save and general and only work with x.

    1 saves, 2 restores. Q and W add and subtract from the save slot. Text on the right tells you what save slot it's on, text on the left gives the x value in general 0 through 3.

    When you press to save, ALL VALUES get set to your position, which is clearly wrong. Lucid said my code looked fine when I gave him a screenshot of it, but clearly something is up!

    Any help will be appreciated, I've tried a million different things and 999,000 of them crash S.

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  • Heres my suggestion for a rewrite

    * Defining fonts. The ability for Spritefont to use multiple sprite fonts and define them each seperately.

    *Being able to spawn text locations, because trying to use multiple Spritefont objects seemed to not work too well. "spawn text at xy" (and associating some sort of variable with it so you could modify or remove it) would be very nice.

    *Line breaks. Might already exist?

  • This really should be a feature (even if its not till 2.0 comes around). I mean, with how pngs work, the functionality is sort of a natural possibility. Constructs current implementation might not set it's self up well for thast though, so oh well. Still I would absolutely love to be able to load up different color tables at any time, even if it were just for special effects or as an easier way to update a sprite set.