Palette Loader/Color Replace FX

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Impact fx, explosions, fireballs, puffs of smoke, magic fx, lightning fx, bonus & pick-up fx, blood splatters, and more
  • Niffty, however, I noticed a little pause in the animation when the colors switched.

  • *SIGH*

    <img src="">

    Welp, I guess there is just no pleasing some people

    Good luck with your game.

  • Sorry, but I'm a picky person.

  • how is the player swtiching colors in your game. Will they even be moving when they switch? and if not they you are just begin way way too **** about this. and you could fix the problem by storing the animation frame they are on in a variable and then setting the animation frame when they switch.

    also for you giant wall of events you are using now you can put all that information in an ini file and then use one function to change it according to the values in the .ini file just store the values you need for each different color under a group and have a naming convention for each of the items then just use ini.itemvalue(golbal('currentColor'), "Item1"). and if you are worried about security just embed it in your cap and then out put it when the game starts and delete it when it ends.

  • I know nothing of Ini files other than storing simple values. If you played a Megaman game, then you'd know how it works. Players can switich colors at anytime. Whether they're jumping, walking, falling, whatever.

  • If you played a Megaman game, then you'd know how it works. Players can switich colors at anytime. Whether they're jumping, walking, falling, whatever.

    Don't you have to go into the menu to change guns?

  • and you could fix the problem by storing the animation frame they are on in a variable and then setting the animation frame when they switch.

    That's not the problem. As shown in my example, it does not in fact restart the animation at frame 1. (It does, however, restart the current frame, leading to a tiny pause if the color change happens at the end of a frame.)

    > If you played a Megaman game, then you'd know how it works. Players can switich colors at anytime. Whether they're jumping, walking, falling, whatever.


    Don't you have to go into the menu to change guns?

    Yes, you do have to use a menu to change weapons, and yes there is a "transform blip" animation when you do it.


    (or you could, you know... play the game)

    So no, there shouldn't even be a problem with that little pause in the animation when you change weapons, because you could either make a menu or make a transform animation, or both, and it would cover up any pause. So there's your solution, Azu.

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  • There's no transformation blip on the X series.

  • ...

    I started typing up another post to offer some further advice but it seems to me that nothing anyone says will appease you. I hope you figure something out, good luck with your game.

  • This really should be a feature (even if its not till 2.0 comes around). I mean, with how pngs work, the functionality is sort of a natural possibility. Constructs current implementation might not set it's self up well for thast though, so oh well. Still I would absolutely love to be able to load up different color tables at any time, even if it were just for special effects or as an easier way to update a sprite set.

  • This really should be a feature (even if its not till 2.0 comes around). I mean, with how pngs work, the functionality is sort of a natural possibility. Constructs current implementation might not set it's self up well for thast though, so oh well. Still I would absolutely love to be able to load up different color tables at any time, even if it were just for special effects or as an easier way to update a sprite set.

    The thing is it is not really possible at all with how the engine is. Basically a sprite is a textured plane and the camera is constrained to move on the x and y axis only. Construct is essentially a 3d engine that has been constrained to a 2d plane. so sprites are not actually sprites they are textured planes. This feature has been requested MANY MANY MANY times and the devs in general have said that its not going to happen because it requires too much processing time and will cause major slow down.

  • Yeah, it would be nice for 2.0 Anyway, I'll take what you guys said into consideration. Although, why not just make it shader effect?

  • ��

  • Niffty, however, I noticed a little pause in the animation when the colors switched.

    LOL. That's all there is to say.

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