Kanske's Forum Posts

  • 15 posts
  • You can export to Cordova and either build with Android Studio or Cordova CLI. You will be able to make changes to the manifest file.

    dop2000, thank you, this is a nice idea! Unfortunately, I do not understand how to make a build in Android Studio and Cordova CLI. At the moment, Android Studio gives an error that does not allow you to create a Debug APK. I'll try to search for information. Thanks.

    Another solution is to resize the window in your game when keyboard is open. Check out this thread:

    This is a sad option, given that correcting one word in one of the project files completely frees you from the need to scale...

    I turned to another Construct community and there I was offered to try to disassemble the Debug APK, make changes to the manifest and then build and sign it in the JDK. And it worked perfectly! Although, the procedure itself is quite painstaking=)

    I still hope that Scirra creates a professional product with a lot of features and in the future keyboard settings will become available since I am not the only one who has faced this problem with the android keyboard and people continue to manipulate the proportions to make beautiful projects.

    I posted a request to add this feature on the ideas site for Construct 3, I hope it will change something.

  • How to edit a AndroidManifest.xml inside APK, change the value from





  • Hi!

    I am creating a vertical application for android, it provides a text input mode, as if you opened a notepad and wanted to make a note and then could edit it.

    But when the android keyboard opens, it deforms the application window, changing the proportions and it looks very ugly and small. And I would like it to be on top of the layer, covering part of the application interface and not affecting the proportions.

    Is it possible to do this?

    I tried to find solutions and did not find any examples for my request. Except for similar cases that were considered on StackOverflow. People write that you can make adjustments to AndroidManifest.xml and I extracted it from the Debug APK, but when I open it in Notepad++, there are just unreadable characters, I do not know how to edit it...

    Please give me some advice. Thanks.

  • So, this is a bug, right?

    Thank you guys for your attention!

  • In this project I'm using files/array as on your image BUT I saw that it sometimes takes more time to load the file/array than to draw the layout

    I created a button that loads JSON into an array when touched. To make sure of this version, but, the problem remains the same.

    I also tried the option with a separate event sheet. On the preview, everything works, on the android device no...

  • Hello.

    I have a problem with loading JSON into an array when loading the application.

    I use the usual method, as in the examples. Everything works fine on the preview in the browser, but I try to export the Debug APK to look at it on the phone and when starting the arrays just remain empty.

    Why is there such a difference in work? It seems that I did not have such problems before and the arrays were regularly filled, and I have been suffering with this problem for the last week.

    I use r257 beta release.

  • Yup=))

    Comrades from c2community.ru tell me about feature:

    If you run in to a bug or issue in Construct 3, please post it to the GitHub issue tracker here:


    So, im going to Github and create issue, and this problem solved about one day=)

    All work fine now!=)

    Thank you Dear oosyrag, for your help too=)

  • Working in Construct 2, I set the cost "-20" for objects and it worked great, objects with the pathfinding behavior moved along my paths. However, after importing to Construct 3, this feature stopped working.

    Looks like you're going to have to increase the cost of everything else besides the road instead.

    I'm afraid of how this will affect the performance of the game, especially for mobile devices=))

    Seems like it would be a simple fix, you could make a suggestion at construct3.ideas.aha.io/ideas.

    Great advice! Thanks! I'll do that=) I didn't know there was such a site.

    And if my problem is a bug, how can I report it?

  • Dear fellow developers!

    Please add the ability to reduce the path cost for objects to the pathfinding behavior.

    Your great example "Pathfinding: path cost" shows how pathfinding can avoid unwanted areas, but I can't create the opposite logic when pathfinding builds a path trying to pass through the specified sprites.

    Important point! Working in Construct 2, I set the price "-20" for objects and it worked fine, objects with the pathfinding behavior moved along my paths. However, after importing to Construct 3, this feature stopped working, and no matter what price I set, pathfinding, on the contrary, tries to run a path through the specified objects. I tried both positive and negative values, but I didn't see much difference.

    Thanks for your attention.

  • Setting the cost to 5 worked for me. Normal cost is 10.

    This only reduces the cost and causes the area to be avoided to a lesser extent. It seems to me that in this behavior it is impossible to reduce the path cost for objects. Sad=(

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  • I'm not familiar with it myself, but have you explored the Add path cost example?

    Yes=) I'm looking for a way to do the opposite result. In the above example, the arrow looks for ways to bypass rough terrain, but in my case, the entire map is rough terrain. I build roads on it and I want the arrow to try to follow the road.

    The whole map is a tilemap, the road is a Sprite.

  • Hello comrades! Help me understand, please.

    I have a map on which NPC workers move, they carry loads from point A to point B using the pathfinding behavior.

    I build roads for workers, which give an increase in the speed of movement, and I want them to try to drive along them when choosing a path to get to their destination faster.

    I know that there is an action "add path cost", but no matter what values I enter, the workers on the contrary avoid traffic on the road. I tried both positive and negative numbers in the range of 20 to -20, but it didn't help.

    As a result, I can create areas that workers will try to bypass, but how do I create areas that they want to walk through?

    The map I have consists of a Tilemap object, roads are created from Sprite objects. What should I do?

    Thanks for your attention!


  • Dear people.

    After much thought, I realized that I was wrong to state my claims to the Scirra team. Thanks to you, I changed my mind about the approach to the technical implementation of RTS projects.

    You helped me to look at the problem from a different angle and this was the reason for new ideas that I will try to implement in the future. Thank you so much for your patience and generous explanations.

  • This means that Construct does not have the tools to implement such mechanics?

    Or was it originally not worth using Construct for such projects?

  • Dear developers!

    Thank you for making Construct accessible and understandable for people who want to create games but have difficulties in programming.

    You've added a lot of powerful tools, behaviors, and other features to your beautiful engine that are not only time-saving, but also user-friendly. However, for 4 years I have not been able to find a solution when implementing RTS projects, when units can search for a path and adequately move in formation.

    I've looked through a lot of topics and tried to find solutions to the unit sprite overlay problem for a long time, but I haven't found anything suitable and similar to the behavior in the classic games like WarCraft 2, C&C, Settlers, KKND, Dune. These games are many years old, but I do not know how to create something like this in Construct. The behavior of "pathfinding" is not at all friendly with "Solid" and you have to make complex combinations of different behaviors and tricks so that units can move in formation, surround the target or block the path. To be honest, I'm not happy with the result and I'm very upset, why can't I make a game in Constuct similar to the old RTS games?

    If someone can convince me otherwise, I will be infinitely happy and grateful...

    I also want to pay attention that I am not alone in finding a solution to this problem, you can find on your forum a lot of topics that raise this issue, as well as in my native c2community.ru people are also trying to find solutions. But, in the end, everyone has to use the available mechanics instead of the one they actually want.

    At the moment, I come to the conclusion that Construct is not suitable for creating games in the style of classic RTS and the best solution is to change the engine to Unity, since there are good examples for the mechanics of RTS.

    So I really ask you to rework the "Real Time Strategy(RTS)" template. This mechanics is absolutely crude and does not correspond to the logic of RTS. You offer users to improve it on their own, but adding their own features turns out that this mechanic initially creates a lot of problems. Is it normal that objects can pass through each other?

    Or add more settings to the "pathfinding" behavior. Because you can tell the object which obstacles to avoid, but in truth it does not work correctly and is not suitable for RTS.

    Thanks for your attention. I hope for your understanding and response.

  • 15 posts