justifun's Forum Posts

  • The 3GS is pretty crummy performance wise. Some people arn't even targeting it because its so bad.

    I phone 4 minimum.

  • Here's a great resource with over 300 game mechanic examples to get your inspired.


  • Ever since studying cinematography in school i can't watch a movie the same way either.....its both ruined and gave new admiration at the same time.

  • ou don't need to be able to draw, you just need to be able to keep going until it looks good.

    so true.

    I find this hard to get over myself as well. But draw something...anything...then step back, ask yourself or other's "what's working" what isn't and improve it. Then repeat.

  • simply move the destroy action to after your finger is lifted off the screen. (eg: is NOT in touch)


    touch (is in touch) -> right click and pick "invert" thus making it "is not in touch

    action -> "last touched object(s)" destroy

  • You've already kinda answered your own question.

    First you would check which enemy is selected, and store that in a variable. Then you would check the distance between the player and the enemy is withing striking distance. And if so, start playing a loop of the attack animation, and apply damage every X seconds to the selected target.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • If you live in the states, hit up your local 7-11 and buy a greendot prepaid visa card ($5). You load up as much money in cash as you want, then you can use it just like a regular credit card for online purchases.

  • Export it as a html5 project and copy the output directory to your flash drive. Then when you are at the new computer, load up the index.html file into your favorite browser and voila!

  • That sounds like a pretty in efficient way to do things. and dizzying!

  • I haven't tried this myself at all yet, but couldn't you disable the scrollto behavior anytime the player's position is less than half of the layout width?

    then it will only pickup each time they cross the mid point of the screen?


    system every tick

    player.x <= layout.width/2 -> disable scrollto


    enable scrollto

    trigger once

  • C2 Exports HTML5, so older browsers that don't display html 5 won't be able to display everything properly.

  • One trick is to simply stop receiving input from the player once the paddle reaches a specific X value.

    (without having seen your capx)

    (Condition 1)

    On key "arrow right"

    (Condition 2)

    paddle <= (screen.width - 10)

    action - every tick, move paddle.X +1

    this way it will stop moving the paddle once it reaches the screen boundary on the right.

  • Nothing has been reported yet as to bandwidth limits, but space is super cheap.

    5gb free

    25gb for $2.50 USD a month

    100gb for $5 USD a month

  • Google drive now supports hosting public webpages, which you can also use to host your games similar to the way people have been using dropbox thus far.

    1-Go to your Google Drive (drive.google.com)

    2-Press the Upload icon next to "create" in the upper left

    3-Choose "Folder" and pick your root of your html5 exported C2 Project

    4-When the upload is complete, select your new folder from your drive, and press the little person with a + icon (share) at the top of the page

    5-Change "Who has access" from private to public and click Save

    6-Copy and paste the big long jumble of letters from the "link to share" field and replace the beginning with this


    Note: the index.html at the end.

    Now copy and paste that link into a web browser or share it with the world.

    Voila. Google drive is now hosting your game.

    On a side note: here's an article about how to map a drive letter in windows to your google drive.


  • That's not how html5 works. And packaging it in some other fashion would require the user to download a plugin or something to read it properly.

    So, sadly this won't work.