justifun's Forum Posts

  • If you need them to overlap. you should hide one, while showing the other, and then switch them after pressing it.

  • I'm trying to build on this example to allow the player to hop up onto a isometric platform - like a crate for example.

    I imagine you'd have to create an object representing the top of the box, and when the player comes in contact with it, snap the shadow to the players position and re pin it together again? Or is there an easier way to accomplish this.

    On top of the box the player should be able to move around in 8 dir again, and when they walk off the edge they drop down to the ground again.

    any ideas?

  • Stop on Attack:

    Simply disable the input control while executing a attack animation

    if you are using the "platform behavior" for example, simply enable the

    Set ignoring input action to disable

    and re-enable it at the end of your animation (you can use "on animation end" or compare the current animation frame to what ever frame number you want him to regain control on. eg: if on frame 10 of the animation set ignoring control to false

  • Its probably cause its late and i my brain is not working....

    but lets say you have a 2D beat em up game like battle toads etc.

    and you have a crate in the middle of the room.

    So far i've been using a simply translate on the X and Y of the sprite to move it around the level, and collision boxes around objects i dont want them to walk through.

    But how do i get them to jump up on top of the box?

    Do i put the jump animation into the sprite instead of moving the sprite, and then do some kind of math once its on top of the box to now make the character walk around on the top of the box?

    or is there some way to use the platform behavior and create areas like the top of the box for the character to be able to walk around on, in which case, how do you fake the isometric ground of the top of the box?

  • You will probably also want to pop the player in front of the NPC based on the Y position relationship to each other.

    there's a plugin for just such a thing.


  • play-dune.com

    ahhhh the memories....

  • Beat me to it Ashley! Been to busy getting ready for the holidays.

  • Can't wait to give it a go!

  • squidi.net/three/index.php

    Here's 300 different game mechanics to inspire you. Clicking each one gives you a more detailed breakdown how they work.

  • I read somewhere, one surefire way to protect your own IP in the event that someone tries to claim that they invented it first, is to put all of your concept art, design documents etc etc into a package, and mail it to yourself, then *don't* open it. This effectively proves that it was at least created before the date of mailing. Only open it in the event of some sort of copy infringement claim.

  • Tobye I'm confused. Do you want it to spawn somewhere between the maximum layout width? or just what's visible on the screen wherever you happen to be scrolling at the time?

  • Use a percentage of the layout.width and layout.height instead of hard numbers

    that way, no matter what resolution, your object i will always spawn at 50% or whatever of the screen.

    for example.

    spawn at x.layout.width/2 will spawn your object at the center of the top of the screen no matter what resolution

  • Convert images into various styles of pixel art


  • Sounds like they spent a ton of time re-inventing the wheel. A game like that could have been made much easier using C2 for example. He spent months porting XNA to IOS. For what?!?!?!

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Check out this neat little article about the WII-U browser gamepad tests


    No Audio support

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