justifun's Forum Posts

  • On touch - place a dummy object where the player touches,

    then pin your player, to that dummy object

  • Simply assign each player a different set of controls to use.

    If you want to get fancy and setup one function to handle all controls you can as well.

    Assign each player a "Player number" variable - 1, 2, 3, 4 etc.

    On any key pressed - call function "player action" (keyboard.lastKeyCode") (Player.playernumber)

    Function "player action" ("A", 1)

    If function.param (0) = "A")

    pick player object = function.param(1)

    play animation "punch"

    if function.param(0) = "left arrow"

    pick player object function.param(1)

    move player left

    So basically you are creating a function that will update a players movement/animations

    then telling it which player its effecting

    then you can recycle this function to work with any number of active players and movements. so that you are only coding it once, and splitting its duties among all players inputs

  • Its working smoothly here for me.

    There's a bit of a hiccup when you snap/unsnap to the edges of boxes when you are holding onto them.

    Not sure exactly what's causing that, but you could have the camera scroll to intentionally lag behind the player movement a bit more to help hide that.

  • JLH1964 - Try out the "Andy" android emulator, i've always had more success with that

  • cranberrygame - I get this error while trying to build the test file for the phonegap screen capture plugin

    Plugin installed: Device (org.apache.cordova.device)

    Plugin installed: SplashScreen (org.apache.cordova.splashscreen)

    Plugin installed: Canvas2ImagePlugin (https://github.com/wbt11a/Canvas2ImagePlugin#7ba2044)

    Plugin installed: org.apache.cordova.inappbrowser (org.apache.cordova.inappbrowser)

    Error: Plugin failed to install: org.wbt11a.canvas2imageplugin (org.wbt11a.canvas2imageplugin)

  • rexrainbow - the link to the test file on the first post is broken,

    also, no matter what settings i try, it always just draws a long solid line of sprites as a trail. seems like the "pixels per step" feature doesn't work.

    looks like a cool plugin though!

  • You can simply make the box move at the same time as the player by pinning it to him while he touches it while holding the interaction button.

    not sure exactly without any concept of the circumstances

  • jeromeenligne you might also want to check the distance between the two points so that you arn't checking it moving one pixel

    distance( mousestart.x, mousestarty, mouse.x, mouse.y) > 10

  • You create a variable that stores the position of the mouse pointer, then next tick, or later in your event sheet you compare those values to the current mouse position.

    If x is bigger, than you moved right, if Y is bigger you moved down. etc

  • You need to read up on the system expression CanvasToLayer

    here's a tutorial and capx that explains it a bit more

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/1167/l ... er-example

    The positional data of the objects will be different on each layer because of the parallax.

  • You probably don't want to test what type of tile your player is touching that way.

    An easier way to check if your player is touching a tile that has grass in your example is to use the Is Overlapping at Offset trigger

    Offset X =0

    Offset Y = - 20 (or however far down from the origin of the player you need to check)

    First check if its overlapping a ground tile, then test if that tile is a "grass" tile (by comparing the animation frame number, or grass tile sprite depending on how you set it up)

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  • Check out the "Magicam" plugin, its amazing what you can do with the camera with that.

  • jayderyu

    [quote:1esh973a]However I suggest investing in the time to make a test Crosswalk build that will pull resources from a C2 Preview. that way you can test far more often and easier. Similar to how CJS tests.

    Can you please elaborate more what you mean and on how to set that up?


  • While looking around for affordable voice talent i stumbled across this site that has people you can hire for as little as $5 per 50-150 words.


    Looks like a great cheap way of getting some voices into our games.