justifun's Forum Posts

  • Might be a great way to create some 3D looking assets for your games


    a 3D voxel editor for windows/mac/linux

  • You would probably want to create 1 arrow sprite. Set each frame of it do a different graphic. Then give it some basic stats like damage, speed, etc.

    Then create a function called "CreateArrow"

    Whenever you want to spawn an arrow you would call that function, and all of the parameters would be based on the parameters you specify when you call it.

    In the function would you setup a bunch of IF statements to determine which kind of arrow will be generated.

    On call function "CreateArrow" , " poison", "300", " 10 "

    If function.param(0) = "poison" -> set damage to 100

    if fucntion.param(0) = "fire" -> set damage to 200

    blah blah blah...

    create object "arrow"

    set arrow.type = function.param(0)

    set arrow.damage = function.param(1)

    etc etc

    Another option is to look into the "nickname" plugin by rexrainbow

    you can create objects ahead of time with different stats/looks, and give them a nickname that you can call at any point similar to the way you described

  • Make sure your animation is set to loop in the properties bar on the left.

    Select the name of the animation in the image editor window.

  • VMware fusion works as well.

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  • Unfortunately objects can only truly collide with each other if they are both solid, however you can fake two non solid objects so that it appears that they are colliding by using the on object overlapping condition. So in your case. Make everything except the enemies have a solid behavior and make an event that says...

    Note: movement behaviors like the platform behavior already get a solid attribute so no need to add a second one.

    Enemy on collision with enemy -> change directions.

  • One work around for more complex uses of tilemaps to create more detailed collision maps like you want to do is to place an additional invisible sprite overtop of the areas you need it in. So for example you can make a loop that goes through and wherever there is a type of tile that you need it. It will automatically place it on top for you.

  • Figured out what i was trying to accomplish.

    Check it out - left and right arrows to rotate the red square, space bar to shoot bullets


    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/403 ... index.html


    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/403 ... otate.capx

  • tulamide - lets say you have a square moving around the elliptical path, how do you angle it to aim always at the center?

  • Imagine you have a isometric type elliptical circle on the ground and you wanted to make another object rotate around that path. Being controlled left or right via the keyboard arrow keys. Any thought's on how you'd approach that?

  • Can you create an "Set speed" action please?

  • Another solution is to create 2 tilemaps, one for each resolution and load the appropriate one depending on which device you are playing on.

  • check this out


    See how i looped through the tilemap and if the tile was a "sign" tile, it placed a red solid square overtop.

  • You can have it check the value of a tile, you make a loop that goes through each tile once after creating them, and if its equal to the value you want, then you can make it do something.... i think i have an example capx. lemme find it

  • You can have it check the value of a tile, you make a loop that goes through each tile once after creating them, and if its equal to the value you want, then you can make it do something.... i think i have an example capx. lemme find it

  • Why are you getting all of those lines between your tiles?