Juicy's Forum Posts

  • Okay, my way does not seem to work that well in the long run. As i'm waiting for help on the code to get this to work, another question in my mind is how would i go on about doin a second floor? i was thinking something like the player should press T or whatever to use the stairs and that would enable a closed space where the rooms floor tiles are at and revealing the hidden objects into view. Would something like that work or is there another way of doing it in your minds ?

    Also, i must sound like a broken record, but if someone knows a capx file thats similar,would love to see how its actually done by others. I feel like im battling towering walls here...

  • Crap.. don't get it, i got the code done now, but it does really nothing to my map.. Could you open up a bit what the code actually does. i'm having a hard time understanding it. Or maybe drop a tiny demo file so i could understand it better. Does it matter if i have a dozen different layers on the map?`Im guessing the player object doesn't have to be in the family objects?

    edit: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/735 ... test2.capx

    uh, i got a sort of a different approach on the matter but im not at all confident this is a good way to go. Anyway it works kinda.. opinions?

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  • Big thanks, i didn't really get it to work on my project yet, but i'm sure i'll figure it out eventually

  • Thanks man, could you explain a bit how did you get that code done? I can't seem to find a way to create such snippet :/

    a demo capx file would be grand.

  • the forum search option might be useful. My topic comes up right next after yours as i just asked about this a few days earlier.

  • Bumping this a bit since my question is related to the same level desing.

    I've gotten a small test map done and started to ponder how am i going to get my player to go inside a building and climb some stairs to another floor. The collissions seem a bit problematic. Could i set i somehow so that say if i walk stairs up, the program would shut down the collissions that were on before and activating the ones in the current floor? and perhaps i could get the player to bump with the wall only if the players and walls collission polygons meet?

    Dont really know how to proceed from here :S

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/735 ... ctest.capx

  • Looking good there mate, nothing wrong with GTA 1&2 look.Perhaps you should go with this top-down look now, and after completing it, if u'r still passionate about it, make a sequel with the more complex graphics.

  • well there you have it <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile"> check how it's done and go with it. To press the selected button, i would do it like this


  • you mean something like this?

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/735 ... utton.capx

  • Youre going for something that looks a bit like this ?

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/mrrabiw7x41rx ... 6.png?dl=0

    As it happens, i just today scratched my head off with how to make isometric maps and finally got something going. So if this is the style you're going for, you need to set up your layer to something like grid width: 32 grid height:16 and check snap to grid (this can be done in the "view" section. After that, you need a tileset that works with the grid. for instance, the tiles in the pictures are 64x32

    Hope thats of any help, i just about shot myself trying to get this damn thing to work.

  • Would you have any games in mind if i'd take a looksie how they are made?

    edit: nevermind. I think i got it now. That grid snapping was the key to this i think. Also found a nice message that opened it up for me nicely

    "Katala, that system for the tile maps.

    I currently work with a sqaure, (in paintshop) rotated 45 deg, then resized to width: 100% height: 57%

    then I set snap to grid in construct 2 to half width and half height of the resulting tile, giving me a perfect snap to grid with isometic tiling by means of sprites

    Does require me to spawn/copy all the tiles ahead in the editor though.

    But works really smooth."

    Im a happy camper thanks for the help however!

  • Soo.. going beyond just mere collissions, could i basically create a similar game to zomboid using this method? such as going inside buildings, creating multiple floors, seeing through walls where the player is etc? I'm guessing all of this if at all possible, should be done in TILED instead of Construct.

    No one is propably working on anything resembling a program that would convert the file to C2 i suppose? This is quite supprising what a brick wall this is, one would have thought that construct2 would support this. As the main page intro videos first words are "remember the games you played growing up?". Yeah, damn straight i do! Syndicate, starcraft, diablo 2, commandos, jagged alliance, theme hospital, tiberian sun... im running out of breath

  • Okay, got it to draw the map somehow. So now since the map isn't showing on construct before i preview, how am i supposed to make the map interact with the player? such as collissions and the like.

  • Could you tell me a bit how you load the tmx file? Your capx looks great, i'd just need somesort of manual to understand how to work with it.

    I also found another plugin called "tmx importer v2". The demo is a straight top down map, but im wondering if this could also be set to isometric. I just can't seem to find any tutorial anywhere on how to actually use these. Frustrating as the tools seem to be out there but i have no idea in how to use them

  • Got the plugins installed too. Im guessing its doing essentially the same thing as ROJOhouds proposal?

    Would either one care to explain in retard, what exactly am i looking at here and how do i operate it?