JoyfulDreamer's Forum Posts

  • It does rotate. ;) Press Q or E.

  • Okay, I have an example game here:

    Have fun! :)

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  • OMG, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE. :/ I just had another random crash and almost lost a bunch of work. I had C2 crash when left on over night as well (though usually I would save before leaving). I think C2 should auto save to a temp file and ask on restart to restore the saved temp file.

  • You may have, but I'm sure 98% of the time it's not the case. ;) I think it's better to change the names by default and let the developer change it back, since that's the expected result in probably 98% of the cases. But, that's probably a moot point now since best practice is probably to use "Self". ;)

  • Well, sorry, but I've never seen a reason to keep the same object name for a different object (I think your example is a little contrived from reality ;) ). Anyhow, I guess 'Self' is better practice actually, I completely forgot about that! LOL. ;)

  • It crossed my mind that that may be happening (that old backups were being included). It may happen if you previously had 100 backups, then turned it off, or reduced it to 1 (assuming there isn't a bug in C2). ;) Not sure how C2 handles it in that case, I haven't checked. Perhaps just keep the auto backup off and backup only to external locations.

  • That's not what I'm asking for. You never noticed the word "expression" I think.

  • In almost every situation when I want to replace an object in the script, and that line contains an expression using the object being replaced, I keep having to go in and manually change the name. I think it's better to automatically rename the expression object of the same name as well by default. Thoughts?

  • I was making a video tutorial and put all files in the same place.

  • Well, I already did it. I have a working prototype I'll post shortly. ;)

  • I was experiencing a long abnormal save time, and Construct 2 seemed to be stuck on the backup process (I have no locations setup, so it was taking a long time with the local backups [more like revisions I guess]). Anyhow, it turns out I have some rather large files stored in the project folder that got sucked up into the backup. Is it wise for Construct 2 to take the entire project folder and save to a backup file? I like to keep things in one place, but I suppose I can create a root folder to encapsulate the construct folder and the other related one. I just figured the backups where for project associated files only.

  • Oh people, this is just for fun, lighten up will ya! ;) Besides, I've already built my own 3D engine in the past. I don't need to start with anything. ;)

  • This is not hard to fix. Just create a global variable to block the "every x seconds" logic until the game actually starts.

  • The other question is: does it use compression? ;) (that is, conversion of JavaScript objects and values to compacted binary values) this can greatly bump the throughput. ;) There are articles on this on how compression of data in JavaScript multiplies the amount of data sent per packet.

  • When there will be support with the java-sdk, switching to udp in photon cloud, would it be possible then, using the platform behavior? Or integrate multiple controls in the photon behavior?

    Everything related to movement will send unreliable packets, everything else then tcp or reliable udp?

    If yes, will it be in near future?

    There is no UDP in websockets, there's only TCP. This can work for some games, but not good if quick and reliable response times are needed. UDP is possible using WebRTC, which is only supported in Chrome and Firefox (and Webkit GTK+ will support it soon as well, if not already). For very large multiplayer games, you may want to check if the Photon HTML5 client supports WebRTC and not just Websockets.