Jonsterz's Forum Posts

  • Check out this thread, the last post.

    R0J0hound managed to find a way to do the artillery type game without plugins.

    (and it is generating a random terrain too.)

    This is awesome! Thanks for that link Paradox! Now my example feels quite inferior...

  • I'm working on 'Forgot my lunch' (stages 1&2 playable in the arcade)

    Help Chip get his lunch, he forgot it on top of the building under construction.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Working on stages 3-10 at the moment.

    And still some tuning and tweaking to do, but since this is my first game ever I'm pretty satisfied so far..

    This looks absolutely awesome! I like it :)

  • Might aswell:

    "Little Green" is the name of the game:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Level 3

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Level 5/Boss Level

  • Allright!

    The boss is sort of okay now I think, give it a go, try and beat him! He's not THAT hard.

    Little Green

    Link also updated in first post!


    Today I've been working on a boss level, he's quite fun to play against, and quite hard! Here's a screenie:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Oh and,

    He's fully animated.

    Just a few sound effects and I'll upload it for you to try (hopefully)!

  • Great start on this! Very challenging (which is awesome) Can not wait to see more.

    One thing I would recommend is to recess the ground spikes. It's kinda annoying to die when running into them.. Just my opinion.


    You mean like having a value that states when the player is acctually falling on the spikes, not only touching them?

  • Yes, I got all the coins, then take the chest and when touch the flag, make the animation and change the colour, but never got to next level.

    Maybe could be a fail on explorer (I use Chrome), because I got the coins again, touch the flag without take chest and the bug still. I refresh with F5 and all goes well.

    Well, the chest does nothing yet, it's just there, so you don't need it to advance to next level.

    And yeah, might be a bit buggy but should work fine on Chrome.

  • At last I clear all 4 stages, and find some things:

    - You are evil when design the levels. <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    - On level 1 some times when take all the coins and the treasure chest, when you touch the flag nothing happen.

    - When jump, if the green guy falls in the edge of a platform (for example on the edge of a slope), that stay here instead of fall and can jump from there.

    Continue the game, is great!

    Haha yeah, thanks! Yeah it's still a bit buggy, but I'll improve it! And the coin thing, has never happened to me, are you sure you grabbed all the coins?

    Yeah, the little guy is a bit sticky on the edges, I'll fix that!

    Thanks again! :)

  • Thanks man!

    It's supposed to be hard, and he falls fast because it's ment to be quite fast paced! :)

  • Umm, just found a little bug. Just now.

    When you jump, on level 3 or 4. The enemies jump aswell, even though I have their platforms "use default keys" set as No, so it shouldn't react to the keystrokes. Why does it do that? It works fine when using the WASD keys.

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  • Hello y'all!

    No reading? Just play -> Little Green

    For the past few months I've been working on a little project called "Little Green". A few months you say? Well it's technically 4-5hrs a week. That's why.

    It's just a simple platformer, give it a go! I recommend playing it in Google Chrome, because Firefox for some reason makes it lag and can spawn some of the enemies in wierd places.

    Here's some pictures:

    <img src="" border="0">

    <img src="" border="0">

    <img src="" border="0">

    There's 4 levels in total, and I haven't taken a screenshot of the 4th one, you'll have to see for yourself what it is.


    LEFT/RIGHT or A/D Moves the character Left/Right.

    UP or W Makes him jump.

    UP or W while in air, makes him double jump.

    SHIFT while in air, makes him "float".

    So yeah, there you go! Take a quickie through the demo and tell me what you think?

    Future plans:

    • More animations
    • More enemies
    • More levels (30 or 50)
    • Every 5 level would be a boss level.
    • Timestamp for scoreboards (who completes the game the fastest sort-of-thing)
    • Better effects

    So yeah.

    Link again: Little Green


  • Looks great! :)

  • Looks good! I'll give it a try! :)


    • Spelling: Tryes: should be Tries:
    • Spelling: Sores: should be Score: (In my opinion)
    • Snowflakes could be more "snowflake-like". And they bounce wierdly of the ground.
  • Do it like this : round(random(0,10))

    What he said.


  • Jonsterz:

    Thank you, the Global Variable worked!!

    Just one more thing, since I really don't want to make a new post for it:

    How do I randomize a Instance Variable?

    I have a "Cash drop" that I want to be random. So whenever the player picks it up, it'll be a random number anywhere from 0 - 10.

    I tried random(0, 10) but then the "text object" I use to display it goes blank.

    Global Variable again?!

    Please help.


    First, check that the text box is big enough to display the text, if it's not big enough, it will go blank.

    Yeah, the random value works. Although I'm not quite sure you need to set the 0 value, I think it automatically sets that. Just have the amount of total cash you have, as a global variable.


    Global Variable -> Cash.

    Event: Player -> On collision with another object (the cash object)

    Action: System -> Add to Cash ( And insert here, random(10) or random(0,10).

    Hope this hepled, and glad my previous tip worked!