Jonsterz's Forum Posts

  • Umm,

    In my game I made it as a global variable, for both the bullet and the enemy, whatever name but for example "BulletDamage" and "EnemyHealth" and when the bullet hits the enemy:

    Bullet -> On collision with another object -> Enemy -> Subtract "BulletDamage" from "EnemyHealth".

    And when you pick up a powerup, just make another event:

    Player -> On collision with another object (powerup) -> Add 10 to "BulletDamage".

    This way worked for me, hope it helped!

  • A game that will make you scream with anger because of the difficulty level, and cry with happyness when you finally complete it. A game that has alot of randomised events and many different available storylines, or no storyline at all, but still can be completed even if you don't follow the storyline by 100%. Graphics wise it could be 2d with a bit of depth, background consists of many different layers, correct lighting and spectacular animations. And all this, in optional co-op mode.

  • Really? I've just made an image point in the character above his head named "healthbar" and then made an event Every Tick -> Set <the health bar image> position to another object -> Character: Image point "healthbar".

    Then no matter how you edit the healthbar it'll stay where it is, as long as the origin is at the same point in each animation/frame.

  • Umm, for some projects I've used GIMP and/or Worked like a charm for me.

  • Yeah destructable environment, but it's worms-like! Uses the same idea.

    Sure CAPX: Destructable Environment

  • Correct me if I'm wrong.

    Just as KSLR said, but:

    Event: Every tick -> Enemy -> Set angle toward position ->

    X = Player.X

    Y = Player.Y

    And for the spawn "ship" thingy


    Every X seconds -> Ship -> Spawn another object -> Enemy

    Hope this cleared things a bit.

  • Just like ByR said:

    Make a global variable "Points"

    Event: System -> Every 0.1 seconds

    Action: Add to: Points, Value: 10

    Then you can add a text object and place it in the Layout, example:

    Add a text object -> Name it text_points

    Then add to the previous event

    Action -> text_points -> Set text -> "Points: " & Points

    This way, every 0.1 second that points are added, you'll see them in the text object.

    You can also place the text_points -> Set text in another event, for example Every tick. That way the text object is updated every tick.

    Hope this helped.

  • Hello!

    I've created a "Worms-Like Simulation" with nothing but the basics of Construct 2.

    Now, this works, as long as you don't pack the layout full with particles/sprites.

    The red destructable area is just 2x2 pixel sprites stacked on eachother. This is super simple and could be used to create a simple 1v1 pixely cannon-like game.

    Check it out here

    I know that making this kind of things with the Canvas plugin and not tons of sprites is alot better alternative, but this works for small-scale stuff.

    Have a great one!


  • Graphics looks awesome! Great job you guys.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Great game!

  • It's got potential, I just found it a bit hard to try and survive even for one minute. Keep it up :)

  • Thank you, this include thing helped me with a project I'm working on. :)

  • Any comments? Is it better than it was before? Anything you'd like me to add? ^^

  • Link on first post now fixed, my bad.

  • Allrighty.

    After a few months from doing absolutely nothing, I decided to continue on this game. I bought construct 2 so that I can endlessly make stuff. So to speak.

    Now then, a few major changes in the game:

    • Darker theme
    • Dark background music
    • Added a whole bunch of new particles/effects.
    • Mines now work (Press space to place a mine) HINT: In the way of either a boss or a green zombie.
    • Lots of sounds changed.
    • Made a sort of inventory/stats bar down at the bottom

    And perhaps a few other things.

    So go ahead and play the newly updated game here:

    KillSlay ZombieDie

    Try it, and tell me what you think!

    PS: It takes a while before the sounds are loaded, the first time you do something, it's a delay in the sound (no preload.. yet)