jojoe's Forum Posts

  • jojoe, there can be bulk prices for educational institutions, so perhaps something could be considered from here.

    Send an email to to discuss it/have more informations.


    When i do send the E-mail, there might be some thank you notes attached to it ;)

    EDIT: sorry for the double post.

  • I noticed that GameMaker went on sale over the Christmas period on Steam. If I was an existing GameMaker customer that would have really annoyed me, to the point of migrating to other software.

    I think a static price point is the best way to set expectations and not frustrate existing users.

    jojoe great work getting animation students interested though. I nearly took the animation route, but much prefer devving games now :)

    Hi thehen,

    Yeah, I am regretting my choice a little bit now, but thanks to C2 and Unity I am making up for lost time. Hopefully I can put together a small indie studio in the next few months and get some games out on the market.

    It is really nice to be able to call the shots. I thank C2, and Unity for this. Now I do not have to make other peoples dreams, I can make my own come true.

    I have a friend helping me out with PHP and Java so hopefully in a few weeks there will be a new multiplayer game on the market.

    With any luck by next year I can call myself a full time game developer.

    (Heck, I am shooting for under 3 months thanks to C2!)

    anyway, I must agree, with your opinion of the static price. I was thrilled to see it as low as $130 USD.

  • I feel funny even asking this. C2 is the best purchase I have made in the last few years, and is worth every cent.

    Some of my animation students are looking over my shoulder at my game making ventures. A couple of them have expressed that they would like to buy the full package but as kids, they don't really have the money.

    Does Construct ever go on sale, or have some sort of discounts?

    I was also wondering if there is a bulk discount? Maybe I can get the kids who are interested to pool their resources.

    And lastly, Do I get any sort of perks for leading people to buy C2? (maybe forum badge, discounts of future purchases, an autographed picture of the developers?). Just asking out of curiosity, I do not expect anything, I am happy to help.

    Once again, I would like to state how happy I am with my purchase. If I had to buy it again at $500 I would still be happy. The current price is beyond being reasonable, I would expect to pay $300+ for a package like this.

    Also thanks for making the free version, the kids are having a lot of fun, without any instruction to speak of. I am quite sure at least 2 of them are going to be buying, or have bought this package already.


  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Hello all!

    First off, You do not need to have prior knowledge of blender to use this utility. (Yay! :) ) If you can save and load files from an application, you can use this :) .

    This is a nice little template for blender that will let you see your textures tiled in a 3x3 grid, and let you paint anywhere on the grid in real time.

    First off you will need Blender:

    Install blender first, then download this file:

    If you have blender installed , your browser will automatically offer to open it for you, or you can just save it to disk (recommended).

    After you open up the file, you should see this:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Use replace image, when loading your custom images... Load image will not load it into the proper material block.

    This should be really useful for fixing bad seams in seamless textures,

    and for creating new ones from scratch!

    Old time blender users, please make sure you have the most recent version installed to ensure a bug free experience :) .

  • JohnnySheffield should be one click export with an automatically wrapped EXE and Mac OS X .app!

    Yay! Awesome!

    I knew I made a good buy when I grabbed my licence.

    Thanks Ashley!

  • hey this is cool, I requested this very thing 2 days ago, glad to see it already exists!

  • WElcome aboard.

    I have been in and out of game development for the last 10 years.

    This is a great product, I must fully agree.

    As soon as I am granted the "non-spambot" status, I plan on donating a bunch of animated content, and an AI tutorial.

    If you want to work together on something for the community, just shoot me a PM.

    I have tried quite a few game engines through the years, and this is the very first one that actually works as advertised.

  • Hello,

    I am a professional game developer for Magic Beans studio.

    I make 3d and 2d games.

  • That is a browser security issue.

    Trust me, you really do not want your browsers to have the ability to execute, delete, or rename things on your computer.

  • Making a browser-less games for windows 7 would be a dream come true 8).

    Thanks for the link.

  • Hello Joannesalfa!

    Yes, I used a Blender, and open source 3d package.

    Sculpting make the landscape a really easy task, it only took me about 2 hours to do everything you see.

  • Ummm....

    So after Buying the software, being validated by the forum and given a medal for buying said software, and posting links to an actual project, You guys are going to keep me on the "UNtrusted might be a spam bot list?"

    please excuse me for being slightly insulted. I am a human. I really really am.

    Very nice of you to offer to post links for me Arima, please don't get me wrong. I appreciate the effort very much.

    I honestly am not a spam bot. You guys have even validated my Email, and Paypal account.

    Spam bots usually do not reply to forum posts either.

    I am legit! I am not a bot!

    Lol, I hope that made you laugh... Have a nice day.

    I will ask Ashley for permission to share things I make with his cool game engine.

    I doubt he will have a problem with it. He might even validate me as human, if I compliment the neat new features in the new version I downloaded yesterday 8) .

  • Hello,

    They say a picture is worth a thousand words. So this blend file is probably worth 1000*current.fps.

    You will need Blender to open the file,

    Just hover your mouse over the 3d view, and left click on the plane to start painting.

    The texture us UV mapped to all 9 planes, so you can immediately see what the borders will look like.

    When you like what you see, hover your mouse over the 2d view, and press F3 to save your texture. (Alphamap, and bump map sculpting version comming soon.:D )

    Well, that is the gift to the community, now for the request.

    Can you Ashley, (maker of all things cool in C2), please make a feature that tiles the current image, to the edges of the canvas?

    This feature would be extremely useful for creating seamless stuff for our games 8).


    Have fun with the painter everyone! I will make a better version, and post it in the next few days.

  • Hey thanks for the welcome everyone!

    Sorry for the delayed responce, I have had some major downtime.

    Everything is fixed now.

  • Yeah, when i use it, the forum block me from posting it, because my forum rep is under 500.

    Thanks for the reply blackhornet. Nice of you forum guys to help out, looking forward to hanging around and contributing here.

    Lots of awesome tutorials, and projects going on 8)

    Ironically it lets me post the blender website link, they must be white-listed or something. It is a very popular application now.