jojoe's Forum Posts

  • Make the destination the AI goes to, NOT the destination sprites (player) center. Make the point they go to actually 16 or 32 units away from the actual sprite.

    Find path to----> sprite.x-sprite.width. And sprite.Y-sprite.Height.

    This will put it diagonal under the target sprite.

    Hope I understood you correctly.

    If you want an example send me a private message. I have AI, and Pieces of AI that might help you out.

  • Hi!

    I have a small template made:

    If you are interested send me a PM for the source code.

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  • >

    > Problem solved. You dont have problems. Must be something like a plugin like I mentioned before.



    Lol, that is funny way to put it.

    Yes, We have different computers, and different software running. Not all computers work alike.

    I have bad English, i am not from around here.

  • >

    > > What does Firefox have to do with it?

    > >


    > My firefox spits and sputters with HTML 5 games. Whenever I am thinking I am having a performance problem, I look up and see that i am testing on Firefox. When i switch to Chrome the performance is the way i would expect it to be....


    That is weird, I never have any problems with firefox at all. I normally test chrome because I export to desktop via chrome so , you know..

    Problem solved. You dont have problems. Must be something like a plugin like I mentioned before.


    That is nice, I wish i had your computer. I much prefer using Firefox.

  • Hi freshdeus, My English is not so good either,

    I am working on a system, that lets you just upload the card suits, and the face cards. The cards are assembled in real time and the entire package is under 500k. I made a similar system in the Unity Store, and it has sold quite a few copies. DUTOIT gave me the idea a few years ago, and I have profited from it greatly.

    If you are interested in something like this for your game send me a Personal message.

    All you need to do is worry about the actual game. The cards will all be taken care of. The theme, and the card styles can all be changed in real time. The users can even make their own custom decks.

    Entire system has 6 Sprites!!!! Perfect for your celphone project!

  • Thanks guys but I want the sprite to bounce with 0, 90, 180 or 270 depends on the angle of collision. I want it to go left, right, up or down. I hope you understand what I want

    Ok So I was not wrong in thinking you wanted 90 degree right angles.

    R0J0hound made me believe I as incorrect again. I was right about the right angles and R0J0hound was wrong. (This is very unusual)

    Maybe my english is not so bad afterall? This is good. My feelings where hurt yesterday. I felt like I could not read anything. I almost gave up on helping people.

    Glad you got the answer you wanted sivricmarijan

    have a nice day.

  • You can use the multiplayer plugin and pass the file name as a URL between devices and download the textures into a sprite. Maybe have the device do a screenshot, save to disk and then it passes the URL?

    I dont know, but it seems like it is possible.

  • Thanks RamPackWobble,

    I use the perlin noise but you can use Simplex or whatever too. Perlin is just most like the natural shapes in nature.:

    You can do this for Free. It will cost you nothing.


    Great looking package but no very suitable for phone use, you have almost 7 megs worth of perlin noise files, I am just rendering them in real time.


    If you like my effect send me a PM, and I will hook you up. i have a bunch of other effects I will add too if you want them.

    My effect uses no textures.The effect pack listed above in the store takes almost 7 megs worth of texture. My effect takes 2 8x8 sprite. and the entire file is 172k, less than one of the textures in the store version.

    I can make some more effects too on demand, I made myself a template that is easy to change into other effects.

  • If you want localized rotation dont use 8 direction. Use Rotate clockwise and rotate counter clockwise... The localize movement is Move Forward. Wish there was also move right and move left for strafe .

    There is a car behavior too, maybe with some tweaking it will work as well.

  • Please forgive me if I am wrong, I have crappy english.

    I think what you want is an Anchor:

  • Scap if you do not find your solution send me a PM. I have some templates for common AI types. You can march in formations, and set up complex routes for them to follow.

    I have it so they can be as simple or as complex as you need. They can just march from way-point to way-point, or you can add special commands to the way-points, areas, and paths. (Like Rainbow 6).

    Well anyway you can use them in a commercial game, or you can just pick them apart and learn from them. Might save you a lot of time. PM me if you are interested.

  • LittleStain Thanks for the solution

    R0J0hound Very elegant. I learned something new today. Thank you!

  • Put the action that changes the counter at the very bottom is mistake #1, Mistake #2 is that the animations are 0 based, this would explain why you can only get 3 values. try starting your loop at 0

  • Thanks chrisbrobs!

    Made some neat ocean effects with it!

  • Hi you can use Perlin noise and masking to accomplish this:

    EDIT: here is one I came up with

    uses no particles.