Joannesalfa's Forum Posts

  • Well, it seems has dependencies API wouldn't work with normal javascript...

  • Wow, it's most important feature, it should be replacement to PhoneGap

  • Adobe is considered a bad company :/

  • I'm not sure what you mean...

    There a basic instruction

    Following the steps:

    1-You can create a global variable it would be called "Score" in event sheet.

    2-Create a Text Object

    3-Make an event "Every Tick", make an action for Text, choose "Set Text" it appears an Expression window, go to that and open click, you see list of variables, double click Score or type Score WITHOUT quotes " "

    4-Do whatever when you destroy an enemy, it should make a new action "Add to variable", select Score and create value 100.

    That's all

  • Yes, correct! it should fix when the users were already logged in FB before the game launches if login again is not needed.

  • Good article!

    That's why i decided to use C2 over GameMaker ;)

  • Yep. I was using other facebook plugins, i was looking full complete facebook, it would be awesome if you made it yourself :D

  • I've tested my game with facebook like 50 times, "On user logged in" is not an anytime solution, only it's designed to trigger like pop-up window and that's all.

    "Is in user logged in" it's an unique solution can share their variables to wall without errors, it should work anytime if user is already logged in.

  • mo i have a question

    Will the compiled games have cocoonjs splashcreen via live update when subscription is expired? I tought your idea was no long-term

  • Trust me, Is in logged in it shouldn't be a trigger event. It will break the share "variable" to wall when an user is already logged in FB externally before the game launches.

  • The most important about event is "non-trigger; Is user logged in" it means you already logged in before the game starts, it won't work to share some stuff on wall.

  • I hope you could add them to feel us better.

    Coding isn't fun, but when you take a break and you figured out for better solution, it's fun :)

  • Don't you plan to integrate official facebook plugin conditions and actions?

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  • Awesome! Have they made it available it get rid of the CocoonJS splash screen yet?

    I know it's going to cost when it happens, but I haven't heard any info about it in a while.

    ArcadEd only for paid subscription...

    along with in-app purchases and other features, their idea was 49/mo per month, no long terms, 500 per year, etc.

  • It worked in C2 webGL effect preview, but it didn't work in runtime.

    it appears an error

    <img src="" border="0" />

    There is my .fx

    #ifdef GL_ES

    precision highp float;


    uniform float p;

    uniform float amount;

    uniform float seed;

    uniform float lines;

    uniform lowp sampler2D sampleFront;

    varying vec2 position;

    float rand(vec2 co){

        return fract(sin(dot(co.xy ,vec2(12.9898,78.233))) * 43758.5453);


    void main( void ) {

    float y = floor(lines*position.y)/lines;

    float disf = 0.01*(cos(position.y*130.+p*10.)+sin(position.y*183.+p*80.));

    float parity = 0.; if(mod(y*lines, 2.)>0.5) parity=1.; else parity=-1.;

    float a = smoothstep(0., 1.0, p);

    position.x = amount*a*(y*0.3+disf)+position.x+

            amount*0.5*parity*smoothstep(0.6, 0.65, p)*(sin(position.y*(12.+40.*seed))+smoothstep(0.64, 0.65, p));

    vec4 colorInput = texture2D( sampleFront, position );

    gl_FragColor = colorInput;


    How to fix it?