Joannak's Forum Posts

  • Since those animation images are not layed out on regular grid, you need to take a paint program (Gimp or are free) and separate each part of animation into individual parts.

    Store frames as PNG format files with transparent background and then load those into C2 ..

  • I know.. I did read the forum quite some time before jumping in. I could have registered earlier, but didn't feel any mandatory need to do so.

  • Oh boy. this has potential to become the next cookie clicker..

  • I tested this on FFox and didn't see any game logic problems..

    Next I'd like to see results page and option for local (take turns share mouse) multiplayer. And of couse, more holes to play.

    Really great work. <img src="smileys/smiley32.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • As a Noob with C2, I'd like to see would be a good explanation of these scaling alternatives existing at the moment, what effects they have and how to choose the best for my needs.

    For example, when I search word Letterbox from the online manual, the only page that shows up is about Tilemap object ( ) ..

    And from that I can deduce that I'll need to set at least three seemingly unrelated options/settings to avoid backgroud seams. On the other hand, I don't see any information what's the bad side? So if those are good values, why having others at all?

    I do know that there may well be a relevant thread on this Forum, but with forums, it's much more likely to find outdated, totally misinformed stuff than real knowledge.

  • My first own computer was C64 and the first console was Mattel Intellivision. I also have AppleII and Amiga 1000 at store, not used any of those for a long time.

    On appleII, the most remarkable games were Lode Runner and Castle Wolfenstein's (not the 3D crap, but original 2d). On mattel there were Treasure of tarmin, Snafu and some others.

    C64 had first Design your own games (Adwenture construction set, racing car destruction set) and of course EA classics like M.U.L.E. and Archon, not forgetting classics like Elite, Zork and Ultima.

    (there were too many good games to Amiga to mention them all)

    Back Then.. EA (or EOA as it was) was the mark of inovation, nowdays they just push sameold sportsgames-

  • helena I like the graphics you have made, it may well be that there's some detail in code (or iOS tools) that cause unnecessary slowdown and can be eliminated. It may take some effort but I'm quite sure it's nothing totally impossible.

    stevefromio Oh.. Apparently so: Well, live and learn. Not that I'd be any more keen on having those thingies, but it's still good to be informed.

  • /edit thanks Newt.. I thought so)

    And IIRC Apple does not support Flash at all on their portable devices (Ipads and Iphones) .. Or does it? I never had Apple product (besides apple II) so I can't tell for sure.

  • To

    You might try something like this tutorial. It seems quite simple and should do what you were looking for. Of course, you'll have to make it invisible, stick the orb to the player and size it similar the visual effect used.

  • Some web browsers during years have been notoriously bad on loading all parts of the web pages, especially more complex pages. Sometimes the browser just crash entirely, but most of the time reload is enough..

    Since browsers are on constant development it's really impossible to say which version is the most stable of whatever browser but here's an example results from a test at Tom's hardware site.. (links? no links here.. ),3534-10.html

    Personally: I use latest beta Firefox (v27 at the moment) for everyday pages (more than 50+ tabs open at the moment) and Chrome (31.0.1650.63) for comparison testing and video playback.

  • Ah. Was going to post a bug report about grid setting issues on R156, but apparently these have been broken some time now.

  • Oh.. So it's possible to make this kind of program with Construct 2? Remarkable, please keep on developing this.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • People, please..   <img src="smileys/smiley31.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> <img src="smileys/smiley31.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Do remember that not all of us are English native, (or even those who are, would be capable to read/write proper English, but that's totally different subject ) so there's plenty of room for misunderstanding.

    For the 'hollow mask' .. one has to first want to play the game long enough to see even one drop. Luckily it's the first one (only kind?) so it does appear on decent time. I kinda like the way the visual effect works...

    Occasionally it could indeed to be nice to be able to detect selected object hitting some cloud like visual effect with out any designer inserted extra hidden support sprites.

    But I do see the point of not making it so. This kind of cloud can be made of thousands of particles and the huge amount of collision checks would kill the entire system performance even when those collisions weren't really needed.

    So (as a coder).. I'd recommend not to trust any neat undocumented features or side effects that's not explicitly mentioned on manuals (or developers) since this program is still on development and things can and will change over time..

  • Hi.

    As a fellow noob I'd recommend you to skimm trough tutorials. I know there are quite many of them (over 100?) but I seem to remember things like shop making, player inventory etc..

    Also recommend you to get familiar with: Arrays, Instance variables and Drag/drop behavior, since those are most likely useful

  • While ranting (I cant edit my previous post at all?) :.

    Also, those reputation-quests seem to be quite odd. For example I have no idea how to get: Evaluator or Eye to Eye

    And for the others.. I don't support Google+ so I'm definitely not going to +1 anything..

    Edit: I have to admit, that even though this reputation system is not well explained, it apparently is indeed possible to ramp 1000 (or more) points on nine days.