JJEvil's Forum Posts

  • Cool. I can think of a couple of uses for this.

  • Very cool. I will have to check it out.

  • Cool. I'll have to try this out.

  • Eisenhans

    Dude, I understand where you're coming from. I just have a philosophical difference with what you're saying. Screw the haters. Flappy Bird went HUGE overnight. If you make something that connects with people, why hide it? Put it out there, and let it pass or fail on its own merits. The only way we can get favorable comments on sites like reddit is to foster a supportive community that understands the effort we put into our games. If we constantly shun/avoid participating in those forums then the only voices we'll have evaluating our work are the negative ones. I'm trying to get C2 developers actively participate,create an online community, and contribute honest evaluations. If we stop being so insulated, we can foster a community that appreciates what what we do. Beyond the secure walls of these forums. There's commercial gold out there, we just have to be willing to fight for it.

    EDIT: hell, if you don't feel comfortable contributing your own content out of fear of a backlash, at least subscribe to support my stuff. Because I'm going to unabashedly put it out there. I'm going to tell people that I'm using C2. I'm going to be proud of what I create and throw it in the face of haters because I believe I can make a better product than coding elitists. Go over there to support me, if for no other reason.

  • The Construct2 sub-reddit currently has only 657 active subscribers. I think we can get that over 1000.

    Go here: reddit.com/r/Construct2

    Go there, sign up, click subscribe on the right and post something interesting. Let's grow this community and show that we are not just a niche. Show your projects. Share your interest in C2! Flex some internet muscle!


  • Eisenhans

    That's why you make quality content. Screw the coding elitists. If they were true elitists they'd all be coding in machine language. They're not, because C libraries make their lives a lot easier. It's completely hypocritical for them to look down on us for using C2 when they do the same thing to a different degree with C libraries. Who cares about TRUE coding? THe real question is whether you can use the tools at hand to make something that defies expectations and keeps players interested. You do that, and you don't have to worry about what some hipster elitists think.

  • jayderyu

    There are 650 people that subscribe to the C2 sub-reddit. We could have that over 2000 in an instant if we really tried. More web exposure means more places that we can display our projects on. Selling our games is all about quality content + audience, right?

  • Also

    Holy crap, just watched the video for your game and it looks AWESOME.

    You should totally be broadcasting that all over the internet. I have something to aspire to with my own game.


  • squiddster

    I browse reddit sometimes for indie game news, ideas, and just to look for games that I would like to play. I ended up buying it on Steam to make my own game, but I would never have even heard of C2 if it weren't for reddit.

  • This board is awesome and I love that it has an active community, but it has limited reach. We need to branch out and show what C2 can do to the larger internet community. I've been posting in the official C2 sub-reddit for a couple of months.


    What other forums are C2 developers using?

    How do we grow these outside communities? How do we spread the word and capitalize on the increased exposure to get C2 and our games noticed?

  • Personally, I'm finding that it takes a lot of long hard hours. You have to make something that looks good and pops. Also, if you're currently unemployed, it helps free up the time you need to develop. But it gets harder to do the hungrier you get, lol.

  • WackyToaster

    I'll have to give that a try. The simpler, the better when it comes to events.

  • What did you use to create the 3d in your video?

  • flashkit.com Has quite a few free to use audio files. They can be a pain to download, though.

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  • Hard Light for a neon type glow! I can get the effect by using multiple effects and sprites right now, but it's a pain.