Jjanikowski's Forum Posts

  • I did finally get it to work last night. I removed my clay.io plug in and it worked finally. Ill have to read how to optimize images now for mobile. Thanks for the help. If you care to share any insight on image optimization please do.

    Thanks for the help.

  • Thanks for that bit of information. So I compressed all my image files to under 10k. I removed my audio files all together to see if that was it. I'm still getting stuck on the flashing ludei screen.

    I'm not sure what webgl shaders are so I'm sure I'm not suing them.

    Does it matter if i publish using canvas/web/gl or webview?

    All my images are pngs but that shouldn't matter.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I read this tutorial below about admob mopub and cocoonjs.

    So mopub takes a percentage of the admob clicks? Did i read that correctly?

    I have to apply for a premium account with cocoonjs. (ludei)

    What do I do if I get rejected?

    Why cant we just add admob or adsense directly to our games? or can we and I missed a tutorial.

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/781/ho ... b-cocoonjs

    I dont want to sell my game in the ap store I want to give it away free and get ad revenue.

  • Ok, there's two apk files from ludei's mail, right? One is named as "~debug_signed" and another as "~release_unsigned". Debug one is for the test, so it could be installed in your phone without signing and zipaligning, but Google Store doesn't accept it.

    I did install the debug one. it just shows the ludei splash screen and never loads my game.

    Have you encountered this?

  • I'm following this tutorial.

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/432/an ... h-cocoonjs

    I made it to step 3 and I'm stuck. I did install the android sdk.

    Where do i find this keytool thing? Can you provide the download link?

    • keytool and jarsigner from the JAVA JDK

    Also where do i find this below?

    • zipalign from the Android SDK

    I'm not ready to publish to the android market yet. Do I need to go through these steps to install the apk on my device and test?

    I did receive the two apks form Ludei. When I install them on my phone they do not work at all.

    HELP! I'm lost.

  • Is it possible to put adds from admob or google adsense into my construct game.

    I'm compiling using crosswalk and the intel xdk.

    I only found tutorials on the cocoonjs.

    Any good tutorials on this?



  • Skin Slap!

    Thanks! On to the next problem.

  • Jjanikowski - make sure you have newest C2 version. On export, choose Mobile->Android and export into "www" folder.

    That worked thanks! I was able to export to my phone now.

    Do i need to up vote your answer somehow?

  • Thanks ill download and install contruct again. I thought I had the most recent version.

  • I started going through this tutorial by Ashley. Hopefully you read this Ashley.

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/809/ho ... -crosswalk

    I get though the steps and the app emails to my phone and fails to open after installing the APK.

    Sometimes it just goes to a white screen and does nothing.

    Heres a video of me going through the steps. Did I miss one? Did I publish my construct game to the wrong path?

    http://www.bluegill.comyr.com/crosswalk ... lkdemo.htm

    Any help will be greatly apreciated.

  • I figured it out. I needed to have it loaded on a server for it to work. All set now. Other questions to be answered in another thread though.

  • Any help on how to solve this issue below would be great.


    Message from webpage


    Javascript error!

    Object doesn't support this action, line 574 (col undefined)

    This is either a bug in Construct 2 or a problem in a third party plugin or behavior - please report it to the developer!




  • I'm trying to load xml into my project from a file path. Then place it into a text box.

    If i embed the xml i can sort the nodes fine. But i need to load it from a external file.

    I'm using a system - on start of layout - xml - load command.

    My xml is located here "C:\Work in Progress\aaa.xml"

    I added that to the load command in quotes.

    Am I using the wrong command? Any help would be apreaciated.

  • Thanks Ill take a look at this tomorrow.

  • I have this JSON file below that i want to import and display the text from it to a text box in construct. I think im on the right path but not sure. I could not find any basic tutorials on this. What am i doing wrong?

    Project zip fileScreen shot

    My JSON File

        "title": "This is the title",
        "introduction": "Welcome to this learning object, shithead!",
        "questions" : [
                "id": "question1",
                "prompt": "What is your favorite color?",
                "answers": [
                        "id": "answer1-1",
                        "text": "red",
                        "isCorrect": false
                        "id": "answer1-2",
                        "text": "blue",
                        "isCorrect": false
                        "id": "answer1-3",
                        "text": "green",
                        "isCorrect": true
                "id": "question2",
                "prompt": "What is the color of your underwear?",
                "answers": [
                        "id": "answer2-1",
                        "text": "red",
                        "isCorrect": false
                        "id": "answer2-2",
                        "text": "blue",
                        "isCorrect": false
                        "id": "answer2-3",
                        "text": "green",
                        "isCorrect": true