Jjanikowski's Forum Posts

  • I went through the tutorial below. I got the test adds to run. My app is now on the android market with mopub test ads.

    How do i get real adds to show up. Its been life on the market for 1 day.

    In admob I'm unable to link my app in the form.

    When i search for my App it says unable to find it.

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/781/ho ... :28?page=2



  • I'm close to publishing my app. Im using cocoon.js service. In their configurations it allows me to target different android systems.

    What is the min version that supports construct games and should i set a max version?

    what is your experience with this? Am i safe selecting gingerbreat as my lowest?

    Is there a way to test my app with gingerbread which is the lowest ludei allows you to select.

  • Any way to do this with out having a server to host a php file?

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • perfect thanks!

  • OK so i went though the steps and got test ads again on my App. Will they change to real ads once its in the marketplace?

  • I tried clay.io and it didnt work with cocoon.js publishing.

    How are you posting to FB wall from your aps?

  • Can this keep and display multiple scores from all users of the game? Or just the high scores from one particular phone?

  • I got the test banner to appear. I deleted it and tried to create a real add. I was unsuccessful.

    Do I actually need my app published in the android market before I can create a banner for it in admob? Then in mopub.

    Or did I just miss a step and need to retrace my steps?

    Thanks for your help.

  • Ill give that a shot Ram.


  • this appears to work..

    set x to (ViewportLeft("Layer 0") + ViewportRight("Layer 0")) / 2

    This code above works great for graphics but not for text objects. Very weird. Any idea why?

  • Did it work with cocoon.js?

  • I had clay.io high score list working untill i tried to publish with cocoonjs and my app failed to work. Once i removed the clay.io plugin the app worked again.

    Is there a tutorial for setting up a high score list and being able to publish with cocoon.js.

    Has anyone done this? Please set me in the right direction.


  • I was aproved in about 3 days.

  • Ive tested my app on my phone and tablet each is different dimensions. I had to enlarge my background image to accommodate no white or black space. This has messed with my layout and things are off center.

    I tried this (System on start of layout - Graphic set x to (windowwidth/2)

    This hasn't solved the issue. How do i center it on any device?

    My project is 480, 854. I export in cocoonjs as scale to fit.

    My project is set to fulscreen in browser - scale outer.

    Thanks for the help!

  • On the bottom of my game there is a duplicate of my game running at the same time. Its only about 30 pixels. The top portion runs just fine and looks good.

    Its duplicating and filling this extra space on the bottom of my game.

    my game is sized 480 by 800. I have my project set to letterbox scale.

    I'm exporting via Cocoonjs.

    has anyone experienced this?