jickay's Forum Posts

  • Thanks tgfcoder. That didn't exactly do the trick but it got me on the right track.

    The missing piece is to set the Platform.VectorX to an instance variable On Jump. Then when the player is jumping or falling the Platform.VectorX is set to the variable. That did the trick!

    One step closer. I'm going for a very different kind of platformer, so I hope to share it soon. Every bit counts.

  • I'm trying to get something to work like Super Ghouls n Ghosts, where once you make the jump you are committed to it. Lots of platformers let you change direction in midair, but I want to make it so that once you jump you jump like in real life.

    If I ignore user input the player just stops moving altogether. I've tried tinkering with setting speed, vectorx, simulating input while jumping to no avail. Any help is appreciated!

  • Was this problem ever fixed formally? Would make sense for collision box to move with sprites. I still have the problem with build 99.

    I want to make a game based on this rotation, so having this patched up would be great. Sorry if there's already a fix. I've been away for a while. =D

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  • Yes, I might of missed that, or I went back to an older file when I published. Anyway, it seems alright now. It was starting to scare me a bit if the whole game was thrown off. XD

  • Hmm....I'm not really sure if this affected it, but it seems like when the layouts are open when I export the project it seems to be fine. Before when I exported some of the level layouts weren't open.

    I'm can't tell if that was really the problem. Could have been an issue moving between different releases of Construct? I dunno. Seems okay now.

  • Any luck with this so far? Sometimes when I publish, certain levels are okay and others are shifted. Seems like each time I publish it's a bit of a toss up what happens for some reason.

  • So this is what it looks like. It wasn't like this in previous versions when I exported.

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/15724036/o-ring-shifted-sprites.png" border="0" />

  • I'm curious if anyone else encountered this at all. I was working on updating O-Ring with some tweaks and adding it to the Chrome web store when I noticed something odd.

    None of the levels were touched, but once I published some of the levels weren't neatly lined up anymore. I checked and double checked my layouts in Construct 2 and they look fine, but when I play the online versions or test it some of the pieces are slightly off position.

    Did I do something? Or was it something changed in one of the releases?

  • This is one thing that I was looking for. It's kind of unfortunate that this feature wasn't the default. Basically this works like how every graphics editor works. You can rotate and scale all the highlighted components as one whole.

    For example, in my O-Ring game I have tracks made but sometimes I want to move and resize a section of the track. Right now I have to resize/rotate each one individually and pixel push them back into position. It would be a great deal easier to be able to resize and rotate them all as a single unit. That way all the proportions and relative positions of each sprite is still in the same place.

    I saw in a different post that there is a sprite linking/grouping feature on the todo list. I'm thinking that might provide this option. I still think it would be useful to have this as a default though. Then entire levels or sections of levels can be resized without having to reposition each individual sprite.

  • Lots of great feedback. Thanks again for people's help and comments. Gave me a much better idea of the difficulty of this game and any sort of bugs. Surprisingly not a lot of bugs mentioned. Some were rare and seemed hard to reproduce. I will check into it again though.

    On that note, I wanted to say the game will move ahead to the next stage now which is adding different difficulty levels. Seems like some people picked it up easy, and others wanted more easing in. So I will make an additional 'easy' and 'hard' sets of levels.

    The easy levels will help guide players into the controls. Maybe actually have tutorials built into the levels so they can learn to slow the ring down or learn to turn it a certain way. The hard levels will be amazingly hard, so for those who thought the existing levels were not a big deal get ready for some all caps rage. =D

    Stay tuned. I'll try to get the new levels out by the end of the month.

  • Have you tried experimenting with DeltaTime?

    example: (your math)*dt


    Wow, thanks! I think that worked. I tested it on a netbook and it seems to keep the time consistent. I'm still not familiar with all the variables available for math input, so I had no idea this existed. xD

    stemkoski There is a zen-like property to the game. A balance of calmness and control with some risk taking.

  • On the plus side, I finished level 10 by blasting between the corner and the door when it was less than twice as wide as my O-Ring after resetting from a collision, so if you reset all the doors I'd have had to try level 10 again. <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Nicely done there. The doors were meant to close faster. This is one of the same problems that the controls went through. If its 'animated' through the events and actions it seems to get different results from different computers. So I still have to figure out how to make the doors close at the same rate regardless of the computers capabilities.

    Thanks for posting your score though! Let's me know you finished it. Once the bugs are fixed I will probably make another set of levels for advanced players. <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • GenkiGenga

    Can you tell me how you 'lost control'? Like did the clicking not work, or the ring didn't respond, or it was just going nuts somehow? Thanks.

    I will think about the save feature. Once I mastered the controls it takes me about 5-10 mins to finish all the levels I have so far. So I didn't think it was too bad not to have a save.

    Kinda wanted it like old school arcade games where you beat the game or you start over. =D

  • Been getting lots of great feedback. Makes me happy to see people like my idea!

    One big question though is about difficulty. I reduced the lag so most things should work properly, but I still have no idea if anyone finished the game.

    So, if anyone wants to let me know how far they got just shout out which level you made it to. I want to know so I can gauge how many more levels to add and how difficult to make them. Cheers!

  • Thanks for the link. A little disappointing but limitations spawn creativity right?