Jetta88's Forum Posts

  • A bug so threatening that Microsoft had to release a patch for Windows XP this week 5 years after the end of the life phase. Market share for Windows XP currently sits around 3% which is still tens of million computers.

  • See the button that says clone, or download?

    Click it, download zip.

    It's in read-only, so can't download...

  • I've moved on to Construct 3. Slowly but surely, I've been porting my C2 work to C3.

    It's annoying to remove the plugins, but it doesn't fully break my games.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads

    I imagine this was not the intention, but for me to get access the Timeline object, with the r148 stable, I still needed to go to 'Settings'->'Advanced'->'Enable Experimental Features'.

    Thank you. I thought I was going crazy..

  • I use the Enhance plugin to use Admob in my games. It works perfectly for me.

  • Nice artstyle!

  • No..

    I really don't like the fact that it's browser based..

    Most of my projects uses C2 based plugins not supported with C3 right now, so I don't wanna bother with it early...

  • One percent transaction fee.

    On top of a member fee.

    I'd look for another implementation.

    What he said. You're better off using Paypal or Stripe for microtransactions..

  • I would recommend contacting rexrainbow and ask him to see if he can consider adding that missing Restore purchase function into the plugin.

  • ugh...XDK is what I use as well... I wonder why they nixed it?

    Probably because they've provided their services for free and never charged.

  • >

    > > Waltuo yes I know it would be damn cool if C3 would come also in that way.

    > > I own the surface pro 3, and the surface book, but none of them fit in my pocket. I meant it as in an app version, a mobile as in phone, you know, pocket. But your small tablet comment is not a bad idea

    > >


    > I just couldn't imagine trying to use the events system on my cell phone. That would be annoying for me... just saying.


    And so its is happening

    Lol, yeah that's a feature that I still won't be using really though..

  • Anyone participated get paid yet? It's been well over 30 days for my apps and still no payment..

  • Good job on getting the exposure.. Hopefully Nintendo doesn't take action..

  • Yes, that is what I said.

    So if you know how to add ad event and plugin in construct2, then enhance-thingy is og no use then...

    It does the same thing, except if you "enhance" it you have no control on where the ads will show..

    Exactly, but half of the AD plugins barely work for Construct 2, so this is a good alternative to that. Either way, why not just get paid $50 for spending 5 extra minutes integrating Enhance to your app?

  • totoe won Blub Blub for December 4th. Since they won already, I did another draw.

    has won Blub Blub.

    Both of you will see your codes shortly via PM
