Jetta88's Forum Posts

  • Does this work through CocoonJS? If so, I may consider getting it..

  • There's no limitation to making your own plugin for it.. Ashley tends to care more about Intel Crosswalk than Ludei's CocoonJS due to the past history of Ludei's reliability when it comes to plugin updates, etc.

  • For me, CocoonJS is better in the FPS department.. At least with my latest title... 60+ FPS and ~20 to 35 with XDK..

    And actually, if you're a Premium (which you can get free anyway) member like myself, that 30MB upload limit goes to 200MB.. You can't do over 50MB anyway, because Google limits up to 50mb for single APK files, which is why you need to use proper image/audio compression tools..

  • This is why I don't bother with Leadbolt and will not touch XDK until they have a proper ads system like CocoonJS..

    Yea, getting things to work in CocoonJS takes more work, but once you get things working like you should with it.. I still find it better than XDK.. especially the performance..

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  • thanks! I plan on doing an update for it, but all my Ouya time has been spent figuring out IAP stuff. CocoonJS might not be good for Ouya/IAP.. but fine if you want to make a 100% free game. There is another solution though that might take awhile to make, will insure C2 devs can make games for the Ouya for sure. A solution provided by a developer at Ouya, so this is going to be exciting. Nothing will happen though till September due to other current priorities on the devs plate.



    That's fine, because I don't plan on releasing my game for Ouya until late September anyway.. I've already have most of my game ready for the Ouya.

  • ,thank you

    One thing that bothers me is my game runs smooth on XDK but Whitescreens on Cocoonjs.Its the same project using the same js. I understand that its all about how things are handled within the wrapper you use but for the sake of developers you would think that Scirra,Intel,Ludei and who it may concern could get together and tackle this issue. It dosnt make sense that my project would run perfect on one system but have issues on another.I see the clear winner as XDK right now,with or without IAP.

    Thank you for giving me the advice you did in previous msgs.its all well taken.

    Are you compiling under Canvas +? If you compile or test with Webview +, you will get that white screen..

  • I'm late at this, but enjoy the time off.. This was a fast summer imo.

  • I played it yesterday.. Good game..

  • Quick gameplay teaser of my upcoming "Deadly Space Boss Arena 2" game.

  • Oh alright.. Never made a Youtube video with the Free Version of C2, so I don't guess I wouldn't really fully know..

  • : In the topic you specify, Ashley just tells that the user asking is allowed to monetize the videos he's making since he has a license.

    Nowhere he clearly specifies "you can make money out of the free version as long as it is money you'll be saving for the license".

    On the opposite, when that specific question ("Can I monetize in order to buy a license ?") already had been asked, Scirra brothers have always been clear about it, the free version is not meant to make money out of it.

    At all.

    Hence :

    [quote:13b6fa3b]Not allowed to be used for commercial purposes

    In which, if you go back to my last post.. I said that I worded that thread incorrectly.. and made edits to my mistake... but yeah.. the answer has pretty much been made for OP..

  • Kyatric - Actually.. that was this year...

    Maybe I worded it incorrectly, but you can monetize making tutorial videos on youtube, whether it's free or license, because you're not selling the software itself.. However, you can't sell games or monetize from games made with the free edition...

  • I remember when someone wanted to make money from Youtube videos towards the Free Version of C2 and I remember Ashley saying that they could do it as long as they would use that money to later buy a Personal License, but I would do like zenox98 mention and emailed them to be sure that you could do this..

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