Jetta88's Forum Posts

  • It should make the difference.. All Microsoft did was unlocked the ability to export when Windows 10 released on July 29th.

  • Both...

    I think performance wise, I think Cocoon beats XDK.

    Oh god another one of these threads.. You seriously need to find counters to your limitations with C2. Check some of the third party plugins if Construct 2 can't do something you want. Hell, write your own plugins. Yes, I agree it would be nice to have native mobile support with C2, but be thankful for what it currently has. It's not impossible to make money with C2. I'm about to hit that $5,000 mark soon with C2 and I will invest in that Business License.

  • how did you install the universal app on desktop? i tryed running the ps1 file with powershell but it failed to install, after two complete days of playing around with Windows 10 on Desktop and Phone and Visual Studio, i cant say im to excited about this new operating system, i think i will return the phone to amazon on monday :/

    I'm excited about the operating system. It's a major improvement over Windows 8/8.1... I won't let small issues like that ruin my experience with Windows 10. Once I figure everything out, I will create a guide..

  • > Never mind, I figured out that problem.. I'm gonna test the pubcenter on my Duck Carnival HD game and let you know if pubCenter works. I might test for Admob too.


    did you manage to install the appp on an Windows Phone device? I just updated the Lumia 640 to Windows 10 build 10.0.10166.0 but the only supported version in VS is 10.0.10240.0

    I don't have a Windows Phone device anymore, so I'm just building on desktop, but I'm having problems with pointing the SplashScreen in the manifest files.. Keep spitting errors at me.. So I just gave up for the time being..

  • It doesn't matter to be honest. The only disadvantage that I can think of is that you have to email them to get the game's keystore information from them.

  • Never mind, I figured out that problem.. I'm gonna test the pubcenter on my Duck Carnival HD game and let you know if pubCenter works. I might test for Admob too.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Never mind. Figured it out myself..

    For those that have an earlier build of VS 2015 RTM or Community ( Prior to July 29th, 2015).. You will need to update your existing copy of VS 2015. Just download another setup file from

  • I think you should be able to use the current pubcenter ads..

    However, I'm having trouble with building and opening App Manifest GUI in the new VS 2015 Community.

  • Problem Description

    After building a Windows 10 export for VS2015, you can open the project in VS2015, however the package.appxmanifest only opens in Code Mode and not the designer where you need to upload your App icons and stuff like from Windows 8. Also I get the build error as you can see in the screenshot below, but once again even when I change the build version to 10.0.10240.0, it still giving me the same build error.

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 10 Professional Build 10240

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • Lol, this was damn impressive.. Like the concept.

  • There was a solution to this awhile back..

    1.) Download Canvas Plugin

    Then you will need to follow the steps in this thread..

  • Any estimate of when will launch for Mobile?

    The game though simple , is a good hobby, but I feel that the graphics could be better.

    Probably gonna make a Windows 10 and Windows Phone 10 build first.. Since Windows 10 release is tomorrow and I already got it.

  • I'm also running a promo if you wish to get the book for a little cheaper.

    20% off instantly!! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mrgreen.gif" alt=":mrgreen:" title="Mr. Green">

    I'll be updating the book again soon with more information.