Jermfire's Forum Posts

  • I'm wondering what would be a good file system to use, so that 2 different types of games can read the same data. So far I've not seen a way to make a game write to XML, but if its doable, then I can possibly run with that. If anyone knows how to write to xml with C2 events please let me know.

    Main goal is to create a linked system of smaller games to connect, to form a larger expansive game.


    For instance, John buys "Farmer's Delux". Sally buys "Store Tycoon".

    I want to let John sell the wool from his sheep to Sally for her store. The money from Sally's store game, gets added to John's Farm game in exchange for the wool.

    These would be made as two separate buyable games, running on the same server.

    Possible with C2? Of course I know I would need server side coding as well, but I can pull that off if I can get C2 to write to a file on the server, that can be read by another game on the same server.

  • To answer Problem #1

    I'll have to get into my files again, but I believe i did a test on this. I set it up as a "tower defense" game first. I broke up the background into separate images and made them solids. edited the collision polygon to follow the curve of the "ball groove" (the groove the marbles roll in). Then set to follow path.

    I have to find the original with images, but I made a quick mod to a tower defense demo to show what I mean.

    The black bars can be replaced with curved images with modified collision polygon.

    I dont' know about problem #2. Never made it that far after moving to work on my main game idea.

    If somebody else has a better way than this, please let us both know!

    Note I saved this capx using the latest version C2 v196.2


    ps: " I want to achieve this __________ with very little manual effort "

    That is the thought of every human in history trying to do anything. Ever.

  • Yeah, you can try, just an array for the items.

    Group for monsters who drop, separate group for those who don't.

    then use instance variables for rate of drop/ how many items spawned.

    Instance variables on the items for rarity.

    Hope this helps

  • And I've seen the 3d plugin here, would like to make a hidden object/adventure game that lets you actually walk around the rooms and explore, instead of just clicking a flat picture. Then the puzzles can be more elaborate, like push and pull, ringtoss, ect..

    One day this could evolve into a bigger more realistic 4k resolution game.

    Think GTA, but as a detective finding clues and solving puzzles on how to send the demon back to hell.

    Ok, GTA meets Hellraiser.

  • Any one remember an older game that started on arcade called sunset riders?

    Would like to do a more updated western in that side-scrolling shoot-em-up style.

    Also something like Streets of Rage. Mainly fell in love with 2 and the level design. I like that fast paced beat-em-up that actually uses more than 2 buttons, but not overly complicated.

  • Hi guys, i was wondering what you think of these as enemy characters for a horror game?

    You have created a new Pokemon. I shall call him Skingore. The second one is his first form.

    His powers are:

    As its bleeding profusely from the eyes (blood floodwave atk)

    Projectile acid-vomit(melts and stun)

    Fingers are sharpened bone(hepatitis slash attack-does poison dmg)

    scream can bust eardrums and literally vibrate the brain to mush(massive scream atk-aslo stun/lose multiple turns) has chance to force opponent into pokeball.

    The first one is his second form. Has everything from the first, now with added horn attack

    Third is final form. Sort of a bloody version of Charizard. Has all of the above, now adding:

    lethal bite

    Sawing tail whip

    Since wings aint much good for flying, it uses them to pierce the rib-cage and rip its opponents apart.

    Give ya any ideas? Go ahead and use them if you want. (just try not to Pokemon it, ya know, lawsuits and all...)

  • now if I can just solve the issue I'm having with yours. Sometimes after clickstorming, the gems connect at an offset with a gap in between.

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  • R0J0hound Nevermind, I managed to fix your .capx, my old .capx has Layout folder inside, then I dragged into your .capx and it works!

    It's working very well, now I would like to complete my doubt if you don't mind, I was worrying how to manage to fall the gems after of a chain reaction, other gems should go fall when aren't connected to gems.

    This is example which is made by yourself, I'm looking a possible solution to set gray area to wide without using distance, imagine the top acts as source of connection, if other gems are disconnected to gray area, they should fall. ... nnect.capx

    how on earth did you do that?

    Edit: Ok open the capx with winrar(or similar) and put the layout folder inside of the capx, then save and close.

    neat way to fix broken capx.

  • lel, when you said "circle math" I thought about eating some pi. A nice apple pi would be so rad.

  • Yes, it does allow the Else statement where I put it... Also, no need to mirror anything, just set the bullet to Set angle according to the angle of movement...


    I wouldn't check for the keys, by the way. Instead, you could check the facing by having such a variable, thus this would also work even if the player is not moving...

    it would be a nice addition, to post the version # of construct being used for the capx.

    gonna have to get 194.2 now...

  • Would love to see a tutorial on the whole cliff hanging action - how is that accomplished?

    It looks like the windowsill could be a jump through platform with an invisible jump through platform skillfully placed lower beneath the window. In reality the character "is walking" on the new platform, but the animation and placement looks like he's hanging on the window.

    would be nice to have this feature working on my game as well.

    Edit: I just tried works for me lol.

    RE-Edit: I did not notice there was a second page in this what he posted would probably work better performance wise.

  • At the same time this DOES keep the iOS market cleaner - the amount of trash "made in a day" "games" and apps on Play Store is astounding. I have noticed several times how this has negatively affected decent apps as they get pushed back behind the wall of rubbish.

    Yes and they do need a better "test" area. There is a tut here that requires a game to be posted to the app store...just to test the google play highscore/acheivement system. A few templates on codecanyon have to be published in order for it to work.

    A nice sharable Sandbox mode with all working features would be wonderful. Also apps should only gt the "new" rating if they are 3 days at the max. I've seen apps last 3 weeks under the "latest" category.

  • Out of interest, y u no iOS?

    Also, I can't afford an Apple Dev Account.

    May be the single most common reason for not supporting iOS.

    Publishing price

    Desktop web= free\not including hosting ect...

    Chrome=$5 one time fee.

    Android=$25 one time fee.

    iOS= oh boy....$99...per year. for store apps.

  • Not sure how well it works, but I'm currently trying to use dropbox to host fb app. It has https enabled.

  • Prominent Thanks! I was considering having a float timer and will definitely be tweaking the float control.

    One question if you guys don't mind, I have an animation where the ostrich (player) turns into a balloon for the float.. would that + tighter camera scrolling make the float feel better, or is it just too hard to control?

    An issue I was having with the float was that it doesn't always trigger when you press jump+direction. jump strait up and float always works, but running jump works sometimes.

    I can't seem to get it to work where the long shaft that you have to float up is. His float time is a bit short for that part.

    Turning into a balloon that's slowly deflating would be a decent idea for a float timer. Would help engage the player to pay attention to counting the button taps.

    Currently the float feels more like the poor Ostrich is trying to fly with his flimsy wings and just gets tired after too many flaps.