Jermfire's Forum Posts

  • its hard to help without any specific details. What system are you targeting? Android/iOS/windows?

    Have you checked out the tutorial: ... th-cordova

  • If you can add attachements it would be even more wonderful!

    It uses base64 to send attachments. I just tested this for my self and it works!

    Here is an image to base64 converter file size limit is 4mb supports text, images, spreadsheets, documents, but dont know about video, but I imagine the string would be ridiculously huge.

    Take the outputed code and copy past it into the Attachment in base64 parameter of the send email action. Its a long string so make sure you copy the entire thing and don't forget to put in inside the quotes!

    Now if somebody makes a plugin like that... electronic Ergasms would be had all round!

  • > You need to copy and past the objects to the other project, like this:


    Hey sorry for not phrasing the question properly, allow me to rephrase it. I want to implement the events from TESTB into TESTA(the infinite runner) so that I can have the same effect as TESTB in TESTA. The problem is that construct does not allow me to add the events,more specifically, the second line of events.

    Thanks for the time

    Well he pretty much did that part for you. Now all you have to do is figure out how to arrange it to work like you want. Nobody is going to do that for anyone around here(not for free anyway).

    We can assist you in places your having trouble with. Not do the work for you.

  • You can also edit the image points. set origin to the lower middle of the handle.

  • Make global variables, as they register through all layouts.

    Something like global var DoorOpen = true

    Then when you click to close door, make DoorOpen false. Then vise versa.

    Then you can pull off something like when you close the door, Freddy starts knocking a bit then leaves.

  • I just use layers.

    infront - layer 3

    player - layer 2

    behind -layer 1

    background - layer 0

    Then you can stack as much as you want and switch the objects to the layers you want.

    It makes it easier to use a function on a separate included event sheet, then call the function in main game.

    Are you making an isometric game? if so, there are some tutorials and examples to help out.

  • Use a global variable for health. then use pin on the health bar and pin it Position only to the player.

    that way it will stay with them, and it should carry over to the next level. If it doesn't carry to the next level, you could use webstorage to save health at level end and load it at level begin.

  • Here is a quick and dirty capx of an asteroid getting pulled into a blackhole. It may not be the best way, but its a start for you to modify to your needs.

    It uses Rexrainbow's gravitation plugin. Get it Here:

    Read up on this for checking the distance between multiple instances of the same object. It has some useful information here as well.

    Hope this helps.

  • Lol!! I see a lot if these type of movies on NetFlix!! And because I love zombie movies am a sucker for clicking on them :3. Strippers Vs Zombies eh eh

    I've not seen that one. Have you seen Zombie Strippers with Robert Englund? That one is hilarious!

  • I just realized though, take away the truckstop, and her being a *********

    I just outlined the basic plot for the Resident Evil Movies.

    Oh well. This one will be "made for SciFy" movie.

    Meh, the idea's out there, who ever builds and releases it first gets the creds!

  • Update your link.

    its now

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • *in epic movie guy voice* ONE HOOKERRR..... STANDS ALONE..... AGAINST AN ARMY OF THE UN-DEAD.

    Meet Zara. After doing business at yet another truck stop, she wakes to find the world is not the same. Undead truck drivers. Gas attendants. Meat cleaver wielding cooks. All of them.... Zombies.

    Armed with deadly knives on her boots, and anything she can grab, Zara must to survive to find her way out, and back to civilization...if it still exists.

    Coming this fall, play as Zara...The Zombie Hunter. Guide her in a kicking zombie *** to find and stop her nemesis. A scientist hell bent on destroying the world, because she refused to be his hoe.



    RatedMformature. ParentalAdvisory. Thisgamecontainsviolencegoreandsexuallyexplicitcontentnotyetsuitableforminors.

  • Isn't that what the Shield does?

    lol the promo video makes it sound like a rival to the big boys like sony and nintendo.

    clicked on learn more. Its android. mfw <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing">

  • Sup. Ok I bought this today. tested it. ( you really need to put up a demo so we know what were paying for)

    Not too bad of a start. I can work with this.

    I do have some questions.

    Q1:errmm...If its a time management, where is the timer? or any reference to time?

    Instead its more of an infinite-time resource manager.

    Q2: What kind of math is this using?

    in preview I had 11k. which is 11000 right?

    1 venue gives income of 4500 or 4.k right?

    so when it gets done, it only gives me 2k or 2000.

    later I had 7k. Venue says income is 21.6k, but I only received 2.16k?

    I think it would be easier on you coding this to reduce the amount down a bit. Working with such large numbers is a difficult task alone, I'll see if I can wrap some the events into a functions to take down the event count. If it works, I'll give you the modified capx to work with as you please.

    Q3: I see your still working on it, which is great. If we purchased this, do we get any of the updates( ie. like construct 2 does their licence?)

    Q4: what are the buttons in the Menu supposed to be for exactly?

  • I know, I had to pick on ya as well. Gave a combined reference to how EA games handles their releases, as well as how a person can get really screwed over. But I better put quotes around "dastardly ways" before somebody here takes me too seriously though.