jeffige's Forum Posts

  • I have a local top 10 that is saved on the device and global leaderboard using google game. But ofcourse the 2 look totally different. So i was thinking about creating another leaderboard for local high scores only.

    Has anyone ever used googles local and a global leaderboards in their game?

  • what plugin(s) do you have in your game?

  • If you're intersted in helping me test my game, get in touch with me.

    Thank you to everyone participating so far.

  • If he has cranberrygames AdMob plugin he needs a trigger. On Play button touched > show ad.

    What he showed me he did not have any triggers.

  • Start of layout > localstorage check item

    Localstorage on item exists > get item (get is not needed anymore, but I haven't figured out how to get item, so i left it)

    Localstorage on item get > system set item to localstorage.itemvalue

    Once and done.

    I have ALL my localstorage on splash screen, about 25 of them. No worries. Cause you should be setting item to globalvariable after get. And GV's are...well...Global.

    What do you mean by loaded and uploaded?

    Do you mean fetched the loaded into tge game?

    Takes mine about 0.5 secs.

  • Is there a way to test achievements without actually getting them in the game? like running a test to see if the achievements actually register.

    No. They have to be in the game and in dev console for them to work.

    And yes, you ONLY have to change the App Version Code each time you upload an update to your APK, add only 1 to current version code.

    And save the current number each time, trust me!. I updated my APK maybe 5 times in one day, and i had to redo it twice cause i forgot what version code I was on.

    Also, in the app version, i would do something like,, etc, etc. Cause when you update, it will show a list of your apk's, and when it's in alpha testing you can tell your testers what version they should have.

  • Phoenixbowman

    The App version code is only for the APK you upload to the dev console.

    The App version is what shows in the play store, such as or 1.07

  • Sorry I'm am total noob with this, but do I need to create a list of Achievements in my actual game? Like I have a list in the game that i set up so it changes whenever someone unlocks an achievement? Or can I have a button that says when clicked, Show Achievements list from Google Play? Like click button > CordovaGame Show Achievements.

    What's getting me is there is also a Google Play object as well, which I know can be used to sign in and for Leaderboards. So why not use the Google Play object for Achievements as well?

    Testing: Is it possible to test Achievements, Leaderboards, and IAP in a browser or do I have to upload them first as an Alpha?

    You DO NOT need to create achievements on a layout in your game. I did, cause that's my preference for the current game.

    As for the clicked button and google showing your achievements, that i do not know, haven't messed with that.

    I believe you have to upload 1 APK to google dev console 1st, making sure everything is filled out and added (there is a lot).

  • You got the cranberrygame plugin?

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  • i use cranberrygame plugins

    Easy. it does take a bit for him to send the link to get the plugins, but $10 for 70, 80 plugins!? Deal


    Got it working. Have to add testers in a different part of the google dev console

  • ok. What i would try to do - if down arrow is pressed - create object - CRAWLBOX (insert a box that is close to the size of the crawl space)

    create that box so that it is in the same position as the player (make it 0% opacity) pin it to the player. Just like in the platformer tutorial.

    Then if that crawlbox is touching the floor and ceiling objects - play animation - crawl.

    Just off the top of my head. That's what i would probably try to start with.

  • you'll have to add achievements in google dev console. At least 5 i think. When you add them you can name them anything you want to.

    Like beginner, noob, king cannon.....whatever you want.

    Google will give you an achievement ID for each one. In your logic (event sheet) when the player triggers that achievement, you have to add an action: cordovagame > unlock achievement "jfhfuf64hfrnfkjfydtrd" (tag "blowhole")

    As soon as that triggers, that's when google creates the box with whatever you named it in the dev console - king cannon

    Easy peasy

  • I have 9 achievements in my game. A single layout in-game that shows the achievements ( boxes created in image editor showing what it takes to get the achievement) and the event sheet that has the logic.

    During the game if the player hits an achievement, google game creates a small box in your game at the top of the screen, showing what achievement the player reached.

    The player can also go to my achievement layout in-game and see which ones they have, and how close they are to getting the next one.

    I am only using cranberrygame-plugin - game and have set up the achievements in the google dev console.

  • PitfallJerry

    pm'ed ya