jeffige's Forum Posts

  • Mastersuslan

    You need to upload the image to a website, like photobucket, tunypic, imgur.

    Then you get the url of that image and use the Img or URL buttons on here to post it.

  • Ashley or any experienced user

    I'm still learning C2 so i'm not sure of certain things that may happen after a particular event/action. I've been trying to figure out this one problem in my game for days.

    I have game music that plays on the start of the main menu layout. If the player leaves that layout, the game music is paused. If they return, the game music is resumed.

    Also, on the gameplay layout i have a countdown 3...2...1... (beep sound on each number) and the game and game music starts after the '1' is destroyed, there are also sound fx when stars are destroyed by the ball.

    The Problem

    Right now, I force login the player before the main menu layout, all music and sounds work. If they logout of google game, all music and sounds stop.

    If i move the login to the leaderboard layout, when the player touches the 'Global' button they are logged in to google game, and all music and sounds stop.

    If you quit the game (browser closed) and return, all music and sounds play fine, whether the player is logged in or not. I've tried different events/actions on the music and sounds, like 'resume', 'unmuted', 'set not silent'. Nothing seems to work.

    Does logging in to google game do anything to the game/browser? Like suspend, loose focus or something else i'm not experienced enough to know?

  • Okay, it's too early for me...I just got what you were asking.

    So i think you're gonna need the windowwidth expressions. Or is it viewport?

    Search the manual and google for these. This will return the boundary for each device. Problem with that is, it may not be perfect. May be off a few pixels.

    Another thing you could do is have rectangle objects that are invisible along all 4 sides of the game's screen. Make them a bit longer and wider, and then create them at the co-ordinates of the phone's screen.

    Yes, it does seem like a lot, but there are some very experienced users on here that could do it no problem. It's all about trial and error.

  • So I assume that I have to choose smaller aspect ratio and the rest of the screen will be black?

    Take a quick look at

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    or this.

    There is no 'perfect' resolution. Can you imagine how many different versions of your game you would have to create to design for every mobile screen.

    Yes, your game may not display perfectly on a htc one s screen as it does on an samsung galaxy s8, but that's a trade off. You have to design so it appears to be perfect for that screen it's currently on.

  • "the local top ten", would just be their own name ten times? Or am I missing something here...


    You know how on some mobile games there is a 'local' list of the players top 10 scores displayed?

    Like that. But instead of having that local top 10 list that you have designed, the top 10 'local' scores are displayed in the google game's leaderboard window, without having the "social" or "all" slider.

    I started to think about this because i have the top 10 high scores that are saved locally on a layout, and the player can touch 'Global' to open the google game's leaderboard that shows scores from guessed it...the globe. The problem is, the two look so different. I'd really like to have those top 10 scores saved locally in a window that resembles google game's leaderboard window.

  • First, a question, are local top scores or leaderboards still relevant?

    Now, has anyone created a local leaderboard (the user's top scores that are saved on their own device) using google games leaderboards?

    As in, you add a 2nd leaderboard in the google dev console, but only the top scores that are saved to the player's device are shown on that leaderboard.

    I wonder if it's possible to change and display the player's name in that google game leaderboard to one that they have created, like for a local top 10?

  • We have a cool guy called AndreasR here who answered your question before you even asked. That's how cool he is

    Yes, he does offer lots of help on the forums, but like many, he leaves a lot of things out.

    Like, in order for your testers to NOT be charged for the IAP's, they have to be added to the testers list, not on the all applications or the game services tabs, but under the settings tab.

    At least thats what i had to do to get mine to work.

    Also, he did ask about testing achievements.

  • Do you force login a player or do you allow them to tap a button to login?

    When do you force log them in?

    When do you allow them to login by themselves?

  • Phoenixbowman

    Easy answers are no, no and no.

    Hard answers:

    My achievements are all ingame. i.e. i have an achievement layout that the player can go to and see what they have and what they need to do to get the others.

    In that achievement layout, i have everything turned way down. For instance, collect 1000 stars is set to 25 for testing. As you said, to make sure everything works as intended.

    Now if you have a flag, on a pole, on a mountain, on another planet, THAT will prove difficult to test for, unless you go actually do it.

    If you can lower an achievement, DO IT! Just record what it was before, and to make sure you put it at its original value before going live.

    As far as the IAP's - as long as everything is set-up, added, saved and linked in the dev console, and everything matches that from in your game, and set to test, your golden.

    When you purchase an IAP, the confirmation window will pop-up and let you know: "This is a test. You will not be charged".

    But you do know, you can not test with the email/google account you have set as the administrator in google dev console?

    My account is blahblah at gmail, for example. I can not test with that account.

    I have to test with one of my other 5 google accounts. And the accounts you want to test with have to be set in 3 different places in the dev console. Especially for the IAP's. That you can find under 'settings' and i forget which tab it is, but its at the very bottom of a page. You'll know when you see it.

    Now when you test, google game will show a small pop up box at the top of your game screen, telling you that you hit an achievement.

    Also, i don't know if it can be done without 1st uploading 1 apk to the dev console and alpha publishing it, but after you build in Intel XDK, you should be able to download the .arm file from the link you get from codova androud/ios build email directly to your phone....on Android. Dont know about ios.

    For me, these are just mini-tests. If it looks to be working, the achievements, IAP's and other things, i will upload that new apk to the dev console. I want to be sure that Intel XDK and google dev console are on the same page, so to speak.

    And sorry, that was a longwinded answer. Shorter answer: YES, you actually have to get the achievements or do the time based ones also. But as i said, just lower them way down. Or turn them way up...for instance: you have to cross a bridge in a short time, say 15 secs. Hard. Turn it up to 60 secs. Easy.


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  • So I've got 99.9% of my game done. All bugs have been eradicated.

    Except for this one!

    The game sounds and music play fine. No matter what i do, no matter what layout i am on. Even when and after Google Global Leaderboard is shown. Even if IAP's are bought. They all play.

    But after the player logins for the first time to Google Game, and they go back to the main menu, all sounds and music do not play.

    I've tried using actions like: Audio > Unmuted and Audio > Resume, but still nothing.

    If the player quits the game and comes back, everything plays as they are supposed to, because they are still logged in to Google Game. If they logout and log back in, the problem returns.

    Someone please help.

    I so desperately want to finish this game and start the beta testing.

    Any help with overcoming this obstacle is greatly appreciated.

  • allevlativ

    What behaviours do you have for this object?


  • So you know you need a developer license.

    Don't know about apple, but you have to fill out EVERYTHING in google dev console that relates to your game. No need to upload an apk for testing if you build with Intel XDK. Not sure about cocoon.

    Actually come to think about it, you may need to upload a dummy apk to dev console to get the ID's to work that you add to the IAP and google objects.

  • + allevlativ = allevlativ

    And look at my previous post. Just add a global variable. Call it whatever you want.

    Add the events and actions just like my post.

  • To use the dt, i showed you how to try, just copy what i wrote.

    I have something a little like what you are trying to do. It may work. It may not. Won't know till you try.

    If you need help with my example, me.

  • Try something like this: ( Combo1 is a Global Variable)

    System > every tick - System add to > add dt to Combo1

    Now just add your events:

    Keyboard > on A released set Combo1 to 0

    System > compare Combo1 - equal or less than 0 - On A pressed Play Attack1 from beginning

    System > compare Combo1 - greater than 0 - On A pressed Play Combo1 from beginning