jeffige's Forum Posts

  • I'm working on an asteroids game (yes, another asteroids game) but i'd like to do things a bit different. Instead of having a single static background, i'd like to have several backgrounds to represent different parts of space. My problem is getting the players ship from background to background smoothly.

    I thought about just scrolling the background in but that would look cheesey imo. Showing the ship in hyperspace may be a good idea, but don't know how to implement that.

    Another idea would be to show a screen with certain statistics, like the time it took to pass the level, number of asteroids destroyed and times the player's ship was destroyed. I'd need lots of help with this, though, but then couldn't i just destroy that background and spawn the new one?

    Any input on this would be greatly appreciated.

  • Question...why can't you just destroy them once their off screen and respawn them later?

    I'm not at my laptop right now but i think you can pause them. Sorry, cant remember the exact event. If you get too many sprites that are still created off screen this may hog some memory.

  • I'm currently in the process of designing the assets for the game and i've been brainstorming how to handle the onscreen controls and the field of view for the actual game.

    I've seen a few mobile games that have the buttons near the bottom corners, but these can and do cover the ship and asteroids at times when they leave or enter the screen at those points. I've also seen some that have bars on either side of the screen that house the controls. The ship and asteroids actually enter and leave the screen a few pixels before the edge of these bars.

    So my question is, how do i design the area that the ship/asteroids enter/leave the screen without covering them up? My layout and window size are the same at 960x540. I thought about bringing the sides of the window in, so the actual window would be 704x540 and placing the bars on the sides. But i thought anything outside the window would not be seen on screen.

    I'm getting close to being finished with the sprites and start building the game, but i am really stumped with this. Any help with this is greatly appreciated.

  • I hope i can explain this right.

    I have the four basic shapes: square, circle, triangle, rectangle permanently shown on the lower part of the screen. On the top part of the screen these shapes will be randomly "flashed" and then the player will have to REMEMBER their sequence and then touch the corresponding shapes in sequence.

    So my question is, would this work in the same way as the simon says games work? Or does there need to be some other events created since the player input would always be on screen in a different area than the symbols being flashed on screen?

    Thanks for any input.

  • I plan on having 2 levels of difficulty in my game, normal & easy. The easy difficulty will eliminate a need for 1 of the animations and a 4th touch button/keyboard press (thinking about the young ones that may play).

    I plan on having around 25 levels + bonus levels. In all that would be around 50 levels. I can't imagine having 50+ levels opened in the editor.

    So how would i keep those organized? I was thinking if it was possible to have normal levels in 1 folder and the easy levels in another, but i don't know if C2 allows for this.

    Thanks for any suggestions and help.

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  • Can't get that to work. Tried changing things around but It only spawns 1 instance or i get an error message about the repeat.

  • When my player collides with a crate, the crate spawns a treasure from the Treasure Family which has 8 different treasure objects. How can I spawn more than 1 treasure object from the family when the player collides with a crate?

    I.e: Sometimes a crate will only spawn 1 treasure from the family. Sometimes 3 different treasures from the family, etc. etc. I'd like to spawn 1, 2 or 3 different objects.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • Do you have an onscreen inventory box? Or a separate layout for inventory? Or a HUD to show items?

    You could have an event such as "Event"= Player--> on collision with object (pick what item) "Action"= System--> Create Object (select the item, what layer you'd like to appear on and the X & Y position.

    The easiest way is to place that item on your layout exactly where you would like it to show up (inventory, HUD). Then copy the co-ordinates (the X & Y) and use that as your X & Y co-ordinates in the "Action"= System--> Create Object dialogue box.

  • Sorry sgn15 & TheWyrm I'm not quite understanding your suggestions, but is it possible for me to give each SpikeShort and SpikeBase a corresponding number (SpikeShort_001 SpikeBase_001 and so on) so I can only have 1 event/action (instead of multiple events/actions or variables for each paired spike and base)?

    So for example the event would be something like: Pin SpikeShort to corresponding SpikeBase (SpikeShort_001 to SpikeBase_001)

    So when I add another SpikeShort & SpikeBase to a layout the event/action will automatically pin them together w/o having to add another event/action or instance variable.

    I'm just not that informed on variables, even though I have read entries and posts on the subject. For some reason the logic escapes me.

    Thank you both again for the help.

  • In my game I created: a SpikesShort, and a SpikesBase that has sine behavior for the spikes to pin to. The SpikesShort are pinned to the base at start of layout. At one point a spikeshort got deleted from its base in the layout, but when i ran the game the spikes appeared, pinned to its base and both moved correctly.

    I was trying to find out why and which spikesshort it was (i liked the idea of not having to move and place the spikes exactly to its base if moving the base), but because of the number of spikes and bases it got confusing. So i deleted all of the spikes and bases, except 1, and started over again. Bad idea.

    At first I just copied the 1st base then the spikes, but the copied spikes would move in unison with the 1st base. So i cloned the spikes. Problem is, the spikebase(s) wouldn't move. The 1st spikebase struggled to move, as if something is holding it back.

    I tried pinning the 2nd spikebase to the 2nd spikesshort, but since the spikeshort doesn't have sine behavior they both wouldn't move.

    On 1 layout i have 12 of spikebase(s) and spikesshort(s) that are pinned to one another. I was trying to keep the amount of those objects down.

    Is there a better way to implement the amount of spikes and bases on a layout but have them move in unison with their corresponding pin? i.e: not having 12 different bases and their corresponding spikes (24 total) in the projects window.

    Sorry about the length of the post, wanted to explain it as best as i could.

  • Hey ggibson1

    The only reason the collectibles have the physics is because when the player breaks a crate the collectibles shoot upward in an event: move random pixels at a random angle. Right now the collectibles bounce just a bit when they land. I've tried not using the physics but it looks weird when the collectibles are spawned then fall like a rock, sticking to the ground.

    If i could figure out how to make it look a bit more natural w/o the physics i would surely use that instead.

  • Hey ggibson1 thanks for the replies, and putting me on the path of correctness.

    I went back and DELETED ALL of the solid & physics behaviors for the collectibles (individual and family). At 1st they acted like a wall. So I added the physics behavior back to the family and after messing around with the properties it works like a charm.

    Thank you again.

  • Hey ggibson1 i disabled both. Now when the player collides he stops until the collectibles are destroyed.

  • When my player is running and collides with a collectible there is a split second lag in the players movement.

    i.e: The player is running, collides with collectible, hesitates for a split second then continues running.

    How can i get rid of that lag?

    Right now i have the collectibles being spawned with collisions enabled. "On collision with another object" the collectibles collisions are disabled-then flash 0.1 on, flash 0.1 off for 1 second then destroy.

    I've tried "overlapping at offset" X-10, Y-0 which works but only from the left side of the collectible (on the right side the player stops dead in his tracks when colliding with the collectible). I've searched the forums and used my dear friend Google, but no luck on finding how to get the "overlapping at offset" to work on the positive and negative X axis.

    A big thank you to anyone that can help me figure this out.

  • From what I've heard dhondon dev'ing for apple is more difficult than android. Yes, android has many different aspect ratios/ sizes, but apple has many, many more: 4:3, 3:2, 16:9.

    Again, read through the tutorial in my earlier post from ASHLEY.