jeffige's Forum Posts

  • CloveltOc

    Try this


  • CloveltOc

    sorry, still a noob....Vanilla.capx?

    I tried deleting the spritefont+ plugin but it's still showing.

  • CloveltOc

    Yeah, it took me a minute but i got that. Still haven't figured it out yet, though.

    If you want to take a look at it, i'd be much appreciative.


    The star events/actions are on the pickups layout, at the bottom. I just added bullet behavior to the stars. Still working through it.

    Oh, the shield is on an achievement trigger. When i test, i go to menu layout > enable 'clear storage' > run > go back and disable 'clear storage' > run it again and test.

  • Sorry brother, not seeing a Move towards position.

    To make it easier, i may just add a circular sprite - 300 pixels circumference - set to invisible. Then i may be able to figure out the "is overlapping another object" to get them to move to the ball.

  • CloveltOc

    Thanks for the reply.

    What is the distance -20/20? Is that how many pixels they would move?

    As you can see in the image, the stars will be moving along with the disks up and down the screen and be different distances away. Once they collide with the ball they will be destroyed and scored.

  • The game: roll a ball around and collect stars while staying on top of disks.

    There is a power-up in the game that once enabled, it will surround the ball and should act like a magnet, pulling any stars a short distance away toward the ball itself.

    I can not give the stars a 'solid' behavior, the ball hesitates once it collides with the stars. And i can not give the stars a 'physics' behavior since there may be up to 50 stars on screen at any given time, and when i tried adding that behavior the fps went way down.

    I looked at some posts and examples, but either it's not what i need, or they use the physics behavior.

    How can i draw the stars toward the ball if they are, say, 300 pixels away?

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

  • File not found

  • Sorry, your images are a bit confusing and can't really tell if anything is incorrect.

    I don't see where the Animation is being created or spawned. And can't tell what's going on with the behaviors, such as, is there a fade, any events/action to stop the Animation from being destroyed if it's pinned.

    Walk away from it for a bit. Come back and look over any and all behaviors that are associated with the Animation and what it's pinned to.

  • please delete your duplicate post

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  • Explain please

  • Basics:

    Roll a ball around and collect stars, while staying on top of the disks. When you collect a certain number of stars, Achievements are triggered, and award you with a certain number of 'Shield' power-ups.

    The problem:

    Lets assume you have collected exactly 4 Stars and die. You touch "replay' and on the start of layout, the ball is created center of layout along with at least 1 disk. Sometimes there are other disks that overlap each other where the ball is created, and thus, Stars themselves, as seen in the Gameplay image - in this scenario, instead of the StarsCount =5, it jumps from 4 to 6. So it does not award any shields. (I had the Event on line 7 StarsCount_achieve =5 at the beginning. I've since changed it, trying to figure this out.)

    Again looking at the Events/Actions image, with these Events/Actions, it will award the correct number of shields if the above scenario plays out, but now, each time you die and replay, on the start of layout when the ball is created, it will award you with the number of shields it did the very 1st time, again and again, each time the layout starts.

    This is the Events/Actions that allow the ball to spawn the shield. I have to 'deactivate' this group or the ball will spawn multiple instances of the shield.

    I've moved the actions up, to line 7, moved them down to line 8, it seems it's one or the other for awarding the shields.

    If anyone can help out with this problem, it would be greatly appreciated.

  • I had this problem in one of my games i'm working on. The textbox kept getting resized so small you couldn't see it.

    When i get back to my laptop i'll try and grab a screenshot of the events.

    The screen itself shrinks, allowing room for the keyboard, but the textbox stays large enough to see the text.

  • i think the issue, is that your pinned action happens on a continuous loop, try calling the pinned behavior action, on a trigger once sub event see if that helps.

    if u dont have more then one animations for the shield ball effect, the animation should start playing by its own once its spawned, if the animation speed has a value higher then 0

    however we cant help u exactly without a snapshot of the actual event system u have or a simplified capx of the issue.

    Thanks for the reply

    Aa i mentioned in my 2nd post, it works now. I changed the objects that spawned the shield but then changed it back to the ball.

    So i really didn't change anything, and it works now.

  • Whether it is pinned or not shouldn't affect anything to do with the animation, something must be blocking it from playing.

    There is an object in the game that is 1/4 size of the ball. This gets centered and pinned to the ball. It's only there to check if the ball is hanging far enough off the disks to be destroyed.

    I changed from the ball spawning the shield to this 'ball check', and pinned the shield to it as well. It worked as intended. So, i went and changed back to the ball spawning the shield and the shield being pinned to the ball. Again, it works as intended.

    I didn't change anything else. Only those 2 actions. Don't know why it wouldn't work on the first attempt of the ball spawning the shield and the shield being pinned to the ball itself.


  • In my game i have shields as a power-up. If they are available, the ball (player) will automatically spawn 1 shield. The shield is animated, with a speed of 5.

    In my event sheet i have:

    System > MagnaShield greater 1 -- Ball -> Spawn MagnaShield on layer "Player" (image point 0) 2nd action MagnaShield > pin to Ball (position only)

    The ball will spawn the shield just fine.

    The problem is the shield's animation will not play when it is pinned to the ball, even if i try to 'set' or 'start' the animation. If i insert the shield on a layout and run it, the animation plays fine.

    How can i get the shields animation to play once it's pinned to the ball?

    Thanks for any help with this problem.