See for yourselves: ... test-12492 . The game includes a .capx file. (Geez... I will soon need to put the people who helped me into the credits because of how much help I needed.
File not found
Try. Again. It. Works. For. Sure. *Megalovania plays in the background*
So what exactly is the movement problem?
What is it supposed to do?
You evaluate turn = 1 ? If so, you set turn to 2, making the next condition, evaluating if turn = 2 ? true.
Use 'else'.
if 1 ?
if 2 ?
if 3 ?
and so on.
Besides this obvious little error, i have no idea what the gamelogic is supposed to do. Sorry.
(link to the game: ... test-12492)
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
The rest is perfectly fine. It just says to move a certain number of pixels * dice number on conditions of the move button clicked and turn being equal to 1, 2, 3 or 4.
If the rest is perfectly fine, then this is not gonna help at all. ... .capx?dl=0
Oh well...
... Could you help please?