jeansson's Forum Posts

  • And the web app option is out of question anyway since it freezes the home button of the ipad if the app is minimized then maximized.

  • Actually, I don't know what will happen, I have only done some quick tests and it looks like it works anyway. But if my options are to only have audio when the user is online compared to no or buggy audio always, I have to choose the first option.

  • I found that removing the sound from the offline.appcache solved all my problems. The now all play fine even after reloading. They wont be available offline but that is better than not working at all.

    i will try the stereo and frequency downsampling as well. Thank you!

    I am not preloading since I read somewhere that you shouldn't..

    It's a jungle out there! <img src="smileys/smiley11.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Ok, I found it, AnalyzerPeakLevel(tag, index)

  • I cannot find information about this, is there anyway I can listen for the amplitude on a playing sound? I would like to synch a characters lip movement to the amplitude.

  • I have noticed a strange thing. On iOS (ipad 2 & iphone 4, iOS 7) my game runs fine when testing over lan preview, but when I deploy it to my server it is laggy in runtime.

    I do not understand how this could happen, because everything except the sounds should be loaded, right? I have a very good connection to my server so it should not be an issue. It runs apache with the mime types configured as described in the manual.

    Are there any other configurations that should be considered? Or is the preview on lan different from the exported project in any other way?

  • +1000^10 on that!

    It would solve my request here in a more elegant way!

    My current problems are that I try to emulate modularity with external event sheets but it just ends up with passing a lot of UID:s and since the local variables are behaving like radioactive decay I still end up with most of the logic in the main event sheet.

    With this implemented and the issues with ios fixed, or at least a work around I will definitely buy scirra a beer! <img src="smileys/smiley32.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

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  • I have huge problems with sounds on ios (all devices, all versions) which is our main target as a platform. I have had too much issues with cocoon so that is not an option.

    My issues are:

    * Not all sounds are playing, only some, but this seems to be somewhat random

    * When the page is reloaded, and the files are probably cached, no sounds are working

    Unfortunately there seems to be little to no help here and I'm soon at my deadline so I will have an unsatisfied customer. I won't blame anybody and I understand that the problem is complex, but since ios is such a popular os, I would hope for more discussions on how to find workarounds rather than just hints to contact apple and get them to fix safari. It's like talking to a brick wall.

    I am constantly looking at options and my team has spent a few weeks only to try to solve this specific issue with no luck.

    One thing is for sure, if this is not solved, I won't get more jobs using this technique and I will have to switch to something that works.

    I will try to summarize our research when I have the time and maybe we can work something out together.

  • +1 on searchable repository with issue tracking!

  • Well i have noticed that but sometimes it never warm up. Is there any way to listen for this warm up finished? Any event or callback?

    And also, why is the performance different when running lan preview versus external server? This should not affect the fps or the warm up time?

  • I'm testing on ipad2 with ios7.

    One really strange thing is that when I am testing on LAN preview, the game tuns fine, but when I deploy to my server and test it drops down in framerate and becomes unresponsive. Since everything loads fine it seems that something seems to happen in runtime and it does not get better with time.

    Can it be some settings on the server? Or how is LAN-preview different from running from a external server?

    * I have a really good connection to the server so that should not be the problem

    * The mime types are correct on the server

    I have noticed the same issue when testing on cocoon launcher, it works when entering the preview server but when I enter the URL to the external server it does not even load sometimes, and if it loads I have the same issues with really low frame rates and occasional crashes.

    Any ideas?

  • I've created a game that uses lots of pretty big png-sequences and it has 4 different levels. One of the layout uses sounds aswell.

    The wierd thing is that it runs really slow on my ipad the first minute or so and when looking at the profiler it seems that it is the "draw calls" that are taking up more than 100% of the processor. BUT when I've switched between the levels it suddenly runs smooth. What is happening here? Caching of the bitmaps? I should mention that I have about 10 mb of images in total.

    * So if there is some caching going on, is it possible for me to wait for all this to finish before allowing the user to enter the game?

    * Can it be the sound that stalls the rendering? I have noticed that the layout with sounds leads to most of the problems, sometimes it also crashes safari on ios and also the cocoon tester..

    * I also experince problems with big delays when switching layouts, what is happening behing the curtains? Isn't it already loaded?

    Thank you!

  • Thank you!

    Just thought it would be nice to integrate it in the IDE since it would made it possible to reference other objects from within the timeline, but I will try the spriter workflow.

  • Well, I think there is a big difference in using 1 and 0 instead of a boolean. By using the correct data type we have type safety which makes it impossible to use the boolean as anything else, e.g. assigning it a 2 by mistake. It gets a lot clearer for you or any of your colleagues what you are trying to do and you don't need to use hungarian notation to explain the purpose of the variable. Nice to read that they are planning it for the future.

    As with using strings like arrays, it's the same thing here. Also for an array you would want to pop, push and slice, and event though it already exists as an object I think it would be clearer and nicer to be able to declare it as a variable.

    Some other features I thought of:

    * a variable that can store a reference to a sprite (I know this might be tricky)

    * the possibility to scope the variable for only the current event sheet (private, public)

  • I've read it, boolean is not exposed in the event sheet interface. I know there is array and dictionary but I think it would be easier to just be able to create them as ordinary variables.

    Just my thoughts.