jeansson's Forum Posts

  • It would be great if you could add some possible data types for the variables. What I miss the most is:



    *One dimensional array


    * a variable that can store a reference to a sprite instance (I know this might be tricky)

    * the possibility to scope the variable for only the current event sheet (private, public)

    * A true composite object, like the movie clip in flash (tricky as well...)


    Thank you!

  • I have not found anywhere where you discuss your aim for the future and what features you wish to implement. Is there a place like this, like a developer blog and is it possible to contribute in any way?

  • I have worked with flash for lots of years and what I miss the most is the timeline and the possibility to make tweens. I am working with a childrens game now that is using a lot of animations and it will probably end up being > 20 mb since all the animations come from png-sequences. It runs really smooth and looks very good but I am somewhat woried about the download size.

    If we had access to a timeline, like in flash, where we could take an image and tween it over time this could easily save me lots of space.

    I've read about spriter and it looks really nice, however it seems a little hacky right now since it needs to inject stuff into an event sheet. And what I also need is the possibility to send events along the timeline to be able to nest different animations and to control the flow of the game depending on the location of the different animations.

    So my question is, is there any plans for a timeline or any enhancement of the current animation frame editor?

    If this is the case I would be more than happy to share my thoughts on this.

    Thank you!

  • Thanks for your tips and thoughts. To clarify, what I want to be able to do is to create custom behaviors for sprites the same way that I now create events in the event sheet. For me it would be far more OOP to place the logic on the sprite instead of mixing it with the general flow of the game. We should of course also have introspection on the public methods and parameters (code hinting) and the possibility to open the declaration (or event sheet) for the object from out master event sheet (like pressing F3 in eclipse).

    This is somewhat possible now by coding custom behaviors in javascript but it would be really nice to be able to use the fast workflow in the event sheets.

    I have not been working with multiple sheets per layout and I will try this approach to see if it makes it somewhat what I look for. nice to read that you have exciting plans for the future, keep up the good work!

  • In large projects I find it difficult to separate the logic enough and often end up with lots of events triggered by different objects, sprites and states. When the flow is non-linear it gets almost impossible to keep track of what you are doing.

    I am an experienced programmer and I miss the possibility to use design patterns for my projects, but at the same time I really like the simplicity of using event sheets. I would suggest the possibility to add an event sheet to a sprite, where the sprite could itself control it's behaviors, much like in flash. It would also need to be able to send events to the layout and maybe other sprites as well and it needs to be able to expose methods for the master sheet to be able to call.

    I understand that this might be hard to implement but have you anything like this in the pipe? Or is there a plugin that facilitates this kind of functionality?

    Thank you!

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hello! I have maybe found a solution for this. I use the css importer plugin ( to be able to include an external css file in my builds, and in that file i have:

    html, body {

         background: transparent !important;

         color: transparent !important;

         background-color: transparent !important;

         position: absolute;

         top: 0;

         left: 0;

         right: 0;

         -webkit-backface-visibility: visible;


    It works for me, try it out!

  • I've been using construct 2 for a while and it seems to be the best tool coming from flash, even if I still miss a lot of features like a timeline, full debugging and support on all environments.

    I've made a lot of games in flash and there were never any problems with them behaving different on different platforms, but now since Steve Jobs killed flash I've been thrown back 10 years and I try my best to keep up with my clients needs.

    Don't get me wrong, I am very happy for construct 2 since it would have been a nightmare to code my games from scratch and get them to work in all browsers on all platforms.

    My main issues are sounds on ios, especially on iphone but sometimes also on ipad. I've read all the topics on this issue and it always boils down to the same answer, "contact apple, it's their fault", and i totally agree on this, BUT, we all know apple. The will not even read our bug reports, they never do. And even if they did, they would only tell us to create an app instead.

    So in my opinion, it would be better if you great people on scirra could try another approach; "apple won't fix anything, let's see if we can get it working anyway" or at least find workarounds.

    Unfortunately I cannot deploy my games as native apps, and the point with html5 was that i shouldn't have to. If that was an option I could create them in flash which is a much more potent platform.

    My main issues are:

    * Sound does not play on iphone, only when using lan preview, not when deployed on server. This happens sometimes, and sometimes it plays some sounds but not all, so this is not due to incorrect mime-types.

    * If I create a web app, when it is minimized and launched again, the homebutton does not work anymore and you need to do a hard reset. On ios 6 and below the power button was unresponsive as well.

    I am investigating this on my own and I promise to share my progress, if any.

    Thank you!