jbarker281's Forum Posts

  • Problem Description

    ____ A concise description of your problem here ____

    Just installed Contruct 2 on a computer that's never had Construct installed. Construct launches but when I attempt to create a new project, or open a template or example it crashes. I've done some research and found a bit about ATI card and triple buffering. I have NVidia and triple buffering is turned off.

    Attach a Capx

    ____ Upload a Capx to this post ____

    Can't create a Capx.

    Description of Capx

    ____ Concise description of what this CapX does ____

    Crash on attempt to create or open project.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Step 1: Launch Construct
    • Step 2: Attempt to create a new project or open a project
    • Step 3: Crash

    Observed Result

    ____ What happens? ____

    Crash - freezes until Windows prompts Construct has stopped working.

    Expected Result

    ____ What do you expect to happen? ____

    Expect to create a new project.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES/NO)
    • FireFox: (YES/NO)
    • Internet Explorer: (YES/NO)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    ____ Your operating system and service pack ____

    Windows 7, Service Pack 1

    Construct 2 Version ID

    ____ Exact version ID of Construct 2 you're using ____

    Release 233

  • Hello,

    I've searched around but have had no luck. I'm basically wanting to use Construct 2 as an eLearning platform (not looking like it will be the right solution) with gamification elements. The big problem I'm hitting is being able to simply provide formatted text on screen - similar to how you would in Word or PowerPoint, or even this How do I...? submission form. This text would be bulleted lists, definitions, short paragraphs, etc. Again, there be a lot of text so I would like to use a plugin of sorts where I could easily and quickly throw some text in a scene, format the heading differently than the body, add some bullet points, etc. without having to resort to the event sheet each time.

    Is this even possible?

    Thanks in advance.

    *grammar edit.

  • Slight update:

    When I publish the same video from Tumult Hype Pro 3.5 as HTML5, upload to my web server the video DOES play fine on iPhone and iPad. When I publish to HTML5 from Construct 2 the video will NOT play on iPhone or iPad.

    Any ideas how I might get this video to play publishing from Construct?

  • Hello All,

    I want to play a video (mp4, webm, etc) and have my video setup to begin when the play button is tapped. It works as intended on all platforms EXCEPT iPad. As you may know, iPad ignores videos without playback controls and iPad is ignoring my Play button. How can I get iPad to think there are controls or add controls so the video is not ignored? I've searched for a "video player control" type plugin but no luck.


    Thanks in advance.

  • Thanks for the reply. I was looking for something more dynamic, where the player can click a button and choose the screen to record on their computer. Oh well, looks like it can't be done - at least not without a lot of code and workarounds.

    Thanks again.

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  • Hi,

    I searched the plugins list (first and third party) and couldn't find what I was looking for - it probably doesn't exist. Is there a way, or a plugin that provides the functionality, for the player to click a button and record their screen? While I'm thinking crazy, maybe allow them to choose a window they want to capture or area of the screen?

    Thanks in advance.

  • Thanks ramones. I'm pretty sure I love you.

  • Many thanks, ramones. I think what you've provided is a great head start. I've searched but can't really find any great wealth of info or tutorials on Construct 2's use of regular expressions.

    I think the one area I need to keep digging at and resolve is how to pass the count passed to the text box in the .capx you provide to the fill meter to determine if it's a weak or strong password - i.e. meter 10% full = weak, vs meter 100% full = strong.

    For example:

    If the password is "password" that would equal 8 lowercase letters and the meter doesn't budge, or hardly budges.

    password is "PaSSwOrd" then that combines upper and lowercase letters so the meter is 35% full.

    password is "PaSSw0r6" then that combines upper, lowercase and numbers so the meter is 70% full.

    password is "P@SSw0r6" then that combines all: lowercase, uppercase, numbers and symbols (and is 8 or more characters) therefor the meter is 100% full.

    Again, many thanks for your help. Would welcome further suggestions. I'll keep digging.

  • Thanks for the reply DAG.

    So how would I set it up so that the game recognizes ANY combination of lowercase letters vs. ANY combination of lowercase and uppercase vs. ANY combination of lowercase, uppercase AND number, vs ANY combo of lowercase, uppercase, number AND symbol?

    I think I could work it out if I could restrict the possible entries the player would input but I want them to be able to test any password they can think up and based on the parameters outlined above, receive a higher score (fuller meter) based on complexity.

    Thanks again!

  • Is there a way to create 1 array with all lowercase, another array with all lower and uppercase, etc., then compare what the player enters as their password against the correct array?

  • Greetings All,

    I'm trying to create a game where you enter a password and a meter fills based on how secure it is. The better, more secure, the password is, the more the meter fills. The parameters used to evaluate how good (or bad/weak) the password is would be the following (listed in increasing/better password strength).

    1. Less than 8 characters = weak.

    2. 8 or more characters = weak but better than 1.

    3. 8 or more characters with the inclusion of ONE of the following: uppercase letter, number, or symbol = better than first 2.

    4. 8 or more characters with the inclusion of TWO of the following: uppercase letter, number, or symbol = better than first 3.

    5. 8 or more characters with the inclusion of ALL THREE of the following: uppercase letter, number, and symbol = best password than all previous options - therefor fills the meter up most.

    For example: "password" is a much weaker password than "p@$sW0rD".

    I'm wondering how to store the above parameters in an array or with variables to check whatever the player enters against.

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated - thanks!

  • Hello,

    I'm using music from the asset bundle provided by Scirra with the purchase of Construct 2. I'm inserting MattOglseby - 1 for the background music. I have it set preload and play on the start of layout (I've tried not preloading with no luck also). The music plays fine when I preview the game but once I publish the music doesn't play at all in Firefox, Chrome or IE. All other sound effects (non-music) work fine.

    Any ideas?


  • Much thanks for the information. I'm going the families route since I need to track each sprite that is touched independently. It's working - but - of the 4 sprites I have, the randomly generated array is mostly (not completely) displaying the first animation from each of the 4 sprites and not all animations from the 4 sprites equally. The array will randomly display 2 or 3 other animations from each sprite but about 90% of the array is made up of only the first animation from each sprite. Any ideas why?

    Thanks again.

  • Hi,

    I've worked through the tutorial on how to pull animations from a single sprite into a random array here: scirra.com/tutorials/307/arrays-for-beginners/page-3

    I'm wondering if, using the same steps as demo'd in the tutorial linked above, if it's possible to randomly display various animations from MULTIPLE sprites in a single array - instead of animations from just a single sprite?


  • You, good Sir, are the man. Staring me right in the face. Isn't that usually the case?
