Greetings All,
I'm trying to create a game where you enter a password and a meter fills based on how secure it is. The better, more secure, the password is, the more the meter fills. The parameters used to evaluate how good (or bad/weak) the password is would be the following (listed in increasing/better password strength).
1. Less than 8 characters = weak.
2. 8 or more characters = weak but better than 1.
3. 8 or more characters with the inclusion of ONE of the following: uppercase letter, number, or symbol = better than first 2.
4. 8 or more characters with the inclusion of TWO of the following: uppercase letter, number, or symbol = better than first 3.
5. 8 or more characters with the inclusion of ALL THREE of the following: uppercase letter, number, and symbol = best password than all previous options - therefor fills the meter up most.
For example: "password" is a much weaker password than "p@$sW0rD".
I'm wondering how to store the above parameters in an array or with variables to check whatever the player enters against.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated - thanks!