Jayjay's Forum Posts

  • +1 for Chowdren. It's the only real option, unless you're making it turn-based the WiiU wrapper likely won't handle your game.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Found a really cool tool called "Ready Motion" that looks possibly inspired by Construct / Clickteam products before it. Seems to be designed to learn coding for kids and/or do Arduino Uno Programming.

    It's free on PC, iOS, Android, but apparently made in Unity engine so people can "export" their games to Unity and go from there if they're ready to take the next step.

    Found it by accident on Google Play store and it runs well on my phone and Android tablet, really good interface for mobile: getready.io

    Doesn't seem to be so heavily oriented on commercial games like Construct is though, but it's probably a great toy for kids to learn before upgrading to a full game engine!

    Definitely beats Scratch :P

    Edit: Oh it does export with Unity, to APK / etc, neat! :o forum.getready.io/t/the-ready-maker-project-export-to-the-apk-file/2068

  • "But I was told that C2/C3 is nearly as fast as native, so maybe we just need something even fastesterest!"

    Sarcasm aside, this has always been a slight issue, it might be worse "again" now, but it was always there hiding under the Chromium runtime, and Google has made it pretty clear they don't care enough to fix it for game engines built on their platform.

    Overall I just find it really ironic that the reason we left the native realm was to avoid driver issues, and now we're facing issues that are basically the software/sandbox equivalent of drivers, and once again Scirra and by extension their customers / us are left throwing all our hands up saying "It's not our game/engine, it's the platform we're building on!"

    HTML5 will improve, it has already improved a tonne from when us CC users first tried C2 betas, but I don't think Google's going to save the day here. Scirra needs to invest some of that sweet C3 sub money into a proper runtime of their own for HTML5/JS that runs on all platforms. That's when they'll have the winning combination of killer editor and amazing runtime.

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    The point of the subscription is that there would never "be" a Construct 4.

    At the same time, I imagine if they ever move into 3D and VR/AR territory they would rebrand or sell as a sub-product (eg: "Construct 3: Dimensions" would be pretty clever).

    If C3 had a one-time purchase price, the only way to keep it fair to everyone who subscribes would be to make it basically the same value as subscribing for 10+ years.

    Perhaps even better would be a multi-year purchase discount, eg: buy 5 years and get the next two free (7 for 5).

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    It should hopefully also mean there is never actually a "Construct 4", just refresher/updates as it evolves.

    Sort of how Windows 10 is "the last" version of Windows but will receive updates forever, except you pay Scirra rather than Microsoft collecting whatever data they feel like and advertising on your login screen.

  • The Q3D plugin for C2 works fine: construct.net/forum/extending-construct-2/addons-29/q3d-v-2-4-3d-physics-skeletal-79612

    Something like that for C3 would be nice. Likely going to be third-party, but C3 should be easier to "add" a 3D editor / toolset for than C2 would have been.

  • Buy Construct 2 and learn it, then move to C3, the knowledge transfers and if you take 3+ years to get to a level where you're ready to make full games with it then you've already saved a years' worth of subscription costs training yourself. You would still be able to release games / etc. made in C2 of course, even on consoles thanks to the Chowdren exporter (not free)

    *this advice is only valid for personal licenses and while C2 is $199.99 USD and C3 is $99 USD per year, if C3 drops in price or C2 rises in price again then ignore it

  • Chowdren has done the work to make multiple visual scripting tools export to consoles, but sadly only supports C2 right now and not C3.

    That said, if you're going to do the work of making a converter from Construct to another runtime, go for the Godot Engine because it's open source and someone has started making visual eventing for it so you can collaborate: github.com/godotengine/godot/issues/17795

  • The point is that minified or not, you're not "protecting" anything:


  • Android APKs can be decompiled, Unity Engine games can be decompiled.

    Basically anything you can do to protect the game for real is so intensive to do it isn't worth it.

  • Construct 2 will "scale" in real time, so your sprites are stretched to fit the screen, if you want it to, but this is not a permanent / baked effect. So every frame it'll be re-rendering the textures scaled to the desired size(s).

  • Glad I could help a little! and hadn't heard that song before but it sounds good, thanks!

  • I don't think anyone has a plugin for Firebase yet, so you'll need to write some JavaScript: firebase.google.com/docs/web/setup

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  • Make your screenshot/share JavaScript external, loaded in the index.html file, then call it from Construct maybe?

    Really, minifying your script doesn't do much to stop someone decompiling it. They point of minify is to decrease download time.

    See: unminify (dot) com