jayderyu's Forum Posts

  • Ashley I was noticing the use of Apache Cordova. However using PhoneGap I didn't need NodJS before so who knows how this will turn out. I imagine that Google would invest more into better design.

  • Unless your doing an online multi-player game. I personally wouldn't really have any concern over it. If however you are doing a online multiplayer game. Then I would agree that you should focus an online check.

    mindfaQ point is also valid. As an example I only have an iPod Touch and if I don't have wifi access then your online time is pretty much near useless :( in fact you have to build redundancies to NOT let the tree grow. while it's off line even if the time would have pass accordingly.

    And on a final note. If they want to cheat they will. The best anti-cheat is a game that's not popular.

    I'm good :) but thanks for the offer.

  • Well what's your website so we can see example expectations. And what range are you paying for the games?

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  • Oh I forgot if you need to know a percentage of growth.

    then also add the

    var start_time = Browser.ExecJS("time stuff")

    and do an easy

    unlearp(start_time, target_time, browser.execjs("gettime") )

    this will give a 0.0 to 1.0 value to use as a percetange. unlerp() * 100.

    you can then use the % to compare the period of growth of your tree.

  • -- use this to get the system time

    set variable = Browser.ExecJS("var d = new Date(); d.getTime();")

    -- use this to set a target time

    set finish_time = Browser.ExecJS("var d = new Date(); d.getTime();") + ( time_in_milliseconds )

    -- use this to get the time difference

    set var difference = finish_time - Browser.ExecJS("var d = new Date(); d.getTime();")

    -- compare time. you can also check if difference is -/+ value

    If (browser_time > finish_time) then tree is finished growing.

    This will let you use the local clock rather than calling than making an internet connection

  • Please share the capx or an image. I have no problem with stopping music playing after a layout change. So something might be missed.

  • I come from C/C++/Java... and while there are a few weak points it's mostly pretty good. Most of the time there is no need to code at all.

    However in rare circumstances. I would love to have the ability to modify a specific action. Place it like normal, but then right click to get access to a custom coded version that I can do. Just to ease up on some of the other heavier lifting.

    I like the Event system I guess just mostly in the actions :D

    But it's really not needed. You have the option to code anyways with the SDK access to make plugins/behavours and such.

  • In know where you coming from. My Draoust game was coming a long very nicely. Almost to the point of done in 95% of the other areas. I just needed to wait for CocoonJS Ouya support and Spirter Plugin for Character Maps.

    I'm still pretty much waiting on both. CJS isn't/wasn't supporting Ouya IAP and still waiting for Character maps. And then theres the wait on the CocoonJS plugin. So yeah... it really is.

    I'm thinking of releasing this as a PC game in the mean time.

  • There isn't one. C2 is a Windows only binary.

    However you don't need a MAC to develope the C2 game. C2 doesn't compile to MAC code. However you will need a MAC for all the fiddly bits to package up the C2 game.

  • hmm. Well hopefully there work will be 100% rather than XDK and others which are focused only the DOM for applications.

    However it's still probably about 1 year away before it's solid enough. This also seems to be a move on Google's part more to disturb Intel's efforts. I guess we will see.

  • Well I'm glad it's working out. Do you have any samples of a generated tree. I woldn't mind seeing it and seeing the code behind them :)

    And just out of curiosity. It sounds like you saying that your using the official Canvas Plugin; where as C2 doesn't have one. So I'm assuming you used Rojohounds. I think Rojohounds canvas was meant for a replacement drawable background and not an individual sprite replacement.

  • time expression is clocked in seconds from the start of the game.

    OnStart of game

    var time_start;

    var time_end = time + 60;

    durring game play

    if(time_end < time) do end game stuff

    Please don't use dt as part of anykind of timing measure. dt is used for animation to keep animation to time step the same. As an example

    move 100px per second.

    object.x + 100 * dt; this will break up the 100 to that of only a fraction of the 60fp1second. However dt shuoldn't be used a timer keeper as dt is not really a timer.

  • because this is one of C2 weakest points. Collision checks with it's own object type.

    Instead of On Collision. try OnOverlap.

  • The tutorial capx is built for active multi touch interface(it in fact runs 4 multi touch analogs in the sample capx with no conflict). Maybe your thinking of a different tutorial as the one I linked uses the required ForId parts of Touch. Since not using ForId will make multi touch brain bashing harder for dual analog on the various devices.

    If you want nicer aiming your going to have to take the extra step and use effective use of angle(thumpsitckshoot.xy, thumbareamove.xy)

    Your touch only starts when the touch is ON the stick which means fingers have to be precisise. This makes dual analog harder. Most Dual analog usually let's the player touch the area to start then the stick moves to the touch.

    Another thing to know is that your system only works while the sticks are InTouch. However the problem with that is that there is always some delay and fingers will always leave the "Is In Touch" state. Making that method unreliable.

  • Just a follow up question. Were you trying to create a plugin or use Rojo hounds Canvas plugin?

    If went with procedure tree's. I would suggest a plugin instead.