jayderyu's Forum Posts

  • is right

    however you if for some reason you do because maybe there is some error code that passes with it?.

    so don't forget your qoutes.

    Object.setVariable("V", "false")

    In the properties list on the side. Don't use qoutes as that automatically handles data types. But in all expression lines make sure you use qoutes.


    Property bar

    Object.V = false


    object.setVaribale V = "false:

    So to check it then do

    Object.V != "false". this would check string object of V against string

    where as

    Object.V != false. is comparing a STRING against a BOOLEAN value as false is actually system value.

  • Well I noticed it looks like your abandoned the the Platformer behaviour. Possible becuase you need too for some of Sonics abilities. But doing so puts a lot more stress on your cpu code.

    You should figure another way to cut out the WHILE loop in movment and try to only run it once per tick. I haven't sit down to see how many times per tick it will run. But I can imagaine that it's running a few hundred times. And is likely the reason it accounts for %16.

    Also I noticed you call Player.Repo and Collision with both on Evertick.

    you should run a single every tick and put them in order once. As it looks now If assuming these are running in order.


    Movement while loop


    ok. se thats the supposed run order. Now imagine 3 ticks of that


    Movement while loop with position/Collision




    Movement while loop with position/Collision




    Movement while loop with position/Collision


    notice how poosition/collision call functions are right after each other. Is that really needed?

    now I did some testing. You can disable the entire post-move and have no negative gameplay effect i noticed. And this saved apx 8%

    I then tried leaving the post animation on and turned all the other collision and position checks prior tot he post and managed to get the the group from 36% to 16%. However this comes with that the animation starts going off. Character doesn't rotate as smoothly. There is some room for improvement :)

  • You should check the tutorials. There are a plethora of helpful docs.


  • I'm 100% sure Ashley will do an official Steam Plugin. Probably soon too.

    As for being miffed. Well you just need to take it that Game Maker exports to C++ and can access the Steam SDK directly. So there is no middle man layers. This let's developers access new features are sooner than C2 will ever get.

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  • Video games are never art. Ever.

    However ART can use the medium of video games. This means that a good game is not art. VG's can can have emotionally impacts, movies can have emotional impact, books can have emotional impact. But i wouldn't consider my sniffles in the Lord of the Rings books or movies and consider them just because I felt they were emotional scenes.

    On another side as a table top gaming GM I've managed to get my gaming group to sniffle at the death of certain characters. So does that make my D&D(actually tribe 8) game art? nope it does not. While I was glad to run an emotionally charged game the emotional experience doesn't change that what I was doing was still just the game.

    Here buzzfeed.com/awesomer/36-beautiful-landscapes-that-prove-that-video-games-are-art are some wonderful imagry of various games. Doo these make the games art? no. However the artists should take credit for there portrayal of the world. keep in mind that the visuals of a video game are only one element of the game. A game is composed of visuals, audio and gameplay. At the center stage is the game play. When the gameplay of the game is the game itself then it's a game and not art.

    However and I wish I can remember the name of the game. But there was game developer who had synaesthesia of sight and sound. His game was a portrayal of what he saw of sound. So the "game" visualized the sounds of the game. That game I would classify as art. The game while some form of rail space shooter wasn't about the shooting and levels. It's focus was on the players experience of colour and sound that the developer was expressing.

    So where as Shadows of the Colossus is a gorgeous and wonderful game. one of my favourites. I would never classify the game as art.

  • I remember when HP and Palm came out with WebOS and a tablet that used it. I thought it was a great idea. Although I felt the release was too early I also thought they should have stuck to their guns and kept it going. But they gave in far to fast rather than hold out and continue to push the WebOS platform. I suppose since WebOS didn't storm the world they just dropped it :(

  • Jayjay

    Yep that's very true. However I like to hold out away from newer MS OS's for a few years. Mostly for them to iron out the OS and come out with any new major iteration.

    However I really feel that MS did a super smart move leading this rather than waiting for success first from other companies.

    However. if any HTML OS came out I would certainly consider it :)

  • Well to be fair. I wouldn't ever considering running the game through the native mobile browser. I consider that idea just to be bad. For me it's wrapper or no go. This might be the difference in our perspectives on the situation.

    I see it problem as a non factor as I would be using CocoonJS, GameClosure, Eject and not Safari or Android Chrome.

  • Pode

    Hey Could we get a couple of updates :) It's looking pretty good. but these would be great if you can get them working.

    1. Get the z-order and layers working :)

    2. Render to an image context on any size, colour, deformation(not rotation) and instead render the the image context instead of the svg object constantly. That way this tool would be super wicked for mobile devices :)

  • mepis

    From reading your post. You seemed to have have lumped vector and flash animation as the same thing. This however is not the case.

    C2 would treat a vector.svg image as a single object in C2. C2 wouldn't be breaking the svg down into component bits and applying different a collison box to each.

    Flash animation is usualy composed of either a group of images or svg images and are animated on time frames. Then during runtime the rendered also handles tweening. This is similar to 3D graphics.

    Now if you saying that mobiles can't run tweening graphics then I have a large library of 3D games can say other wise.

    But that still brings the matter to vector rendering which can be heavy. however with some trickery you can do vector graphics and run with fine runtime. Examining the situation. Vectors are best sizing and deformation. If this is the case. There is a unique 3D rendering technique I can't remember what's it called at the moment. But it's pretty nifty and offers massive performance benefits by reducing render overload.

    The trick is to create a mini canvas equal to the size of the object. Render the SVG to the the canvas. use the canvas as the sprite. This way your not constantly rendering the SVG. Now when canvas image needs to change due to colour, deformation or resizing. Then it's just a matter of re-rendering the SVG to the canvas component again. Doing that means you get the benefit of SVG and the render time of sprites.

    So it's very doable to do full flash animation on mobile devices. It's just a matter of being of being efficient with resources and working around the hurdles. often taking the simple straight forward method can be worked around :).

  • I'm interested, but I've used Chrome OS from my USB before. For me I love the ideas. But I suspect we will see intermediate OS first. A standard OS that runs HTML technologies invisibly integrated so no one ever notices.

    I suppose this all comes down to getting people to use the OS. however if you can. I'm all keen on it :)

  • Performance is not a problem. It's more about being careful and being diligent on performance for mobile. however C2 developers have the same limitations as a native Android or IOS. Think less more objects and clever use of good looking sprites that can look like multiple objects :D

    just be diligent. However there are few more problems that still need ironing out

    Collision uses a brute force mode. Which instead should use an qaudtree

    Sound on CocoonJS is a work in progress.

    CocoonJS has no memory managment. So your games need to be simple :(

    Can you do GTA 1 yes you can. But your going to need to look for a plugin to do the 3d rendering of the buildings.

  • Well one of the collision models you can do In C2 is this.

    break up your collision types.

    unit with terrain(UwT)

    unit with unit(UwU)

    unit with weapon fire(UwW)

    var collision_test = 0

    Then instead of checking for collision as normal try this.

    Every Tick

    -if collision_test = 3

    -->collision_test = 0

    -> If collision_test = 0

    --> Unit collided with Terrain

    -> if collision_test = 1

    --> Unit collied with unit

    -> if collion_test = 2

    --> Unit collided with weapon


    this however is only a temporary stop gap. And is not an ideal solution.

    I've informely asked Ashley each time this subject comes up; that Ashley please use Mike chambers quadtree collision with C2 rather the current brute force method of each object checking for collision against each other. This is because this feature should be inherent in the engine for the purpose of how he works collision with sprits. But alas no such luck yet.

    So at this time it seems unlikely that C2 will ever use a better collision detection system without far more clamour :(

    Also building in this engine in C2 would require a different way of design that what you tried. Don't build it around picking out sprites. You would have to build a C2 Quadtree around using Arrays and only arrays. And doing so would be so much array management that you probably wouldn't get much performance out it anyways.

    The other option is to use a behaviour or plugin that uses this. This can work well and for your game would be fine. but in the long run Platformer and all the other cool behaviours still are missing the benefits.

  • I'm pretty sure some one already wrote a SVG plugin.



  • istavang

    Message in your in box regarding last mile stones. I know what it's like using PM. Some times you don't get the message because PM's don't stand out :D