jayderyu's Forum Posts

  • Arima

    As for collision. C2 just needs to use a Quadtree system like


    C2 uses a brute force. so when a check type is used C2 checks ALL of them. Where as a good quadtree is more effecient :) but i'm sure some day :)

  • mepis

    I disagree with the target level and the price. I think it's a great target and price. I think though the potential is not leveraged enough. An asset store for free and cost items would do wonders for Scirra team.

    Also some one tried to make a repository before. But unfortuantly it's not adopted enough. Mainly due to Excal's point. Dev/users just don't use much outside of the IDE. The access isn't convient enough or there is a mental block to using them. the asset store needs to be integrated to the IDE. but it's awefully nice of you to consider.

    Maybe offer a code build that can be integrated into C2.

  • to set multiple return values

    Function.setReturnValue( value & "," &value2 )

    to get return value

    var = tokenate(Function.returnValue, index, ",")

    C2 doesn't support multiple natural return values. I know some lanuages do. it's a nice feature. But C2 isn't one of them much like C/Java....

  • Excal

    I was saying the same thing. Then lost my post with an access denied :|

    Anyways. Good luck with Unity :) it's a nice tool kit :) I've been thinking of moving to GMS until Modularity and Mobile has been resolved. but probably won't :D

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  • Tobye

    I've used SVN, Github, Putty to a linux and a few others over the years. For me it's not he trouble. It's the situation that the hurdle exists that holds back. Though I thought the tutorial would be pretty good.

    The easiest way for this hurdle to be handled; is for C2 to have a Group Project IP/address. Where then only the IP needs to be put in with the information of the project name and such.

    It all comes down to the one rule "Convenience is King" and using an external program, planning and diligent practice is not convenient. this will result in a reduced use.


    I fall into your categories :\ I'm very guilty. I totally agree. The lack of an integrated system and modularity is hurting C2's growth.

    However The tutorial sections are fantastic. There are a lot of excellent tutorials. Some people are happy with detailed docs. I've seen others who couldn't care and only want the capx file. And finally there are people who NEVER look at the tutorials and even know they exist :(.

    CAPX are the best way to share. It's not drop in and some times it's a pain to import a CAPX feature. But it's possible. It is however inconvient. Also lack of a good integrated repository hold other methods back. Rex holds a repo, which get's some use. But I bet if there was an integrated way to access Rex repo the use of Rex plugins would likely sky rocket.

    I understand Ashley's situation. As I understand he is the sole C2 programmer with Tom on the web/server side stuff. So He has to weigh in what features need to be added.

    maybe what Ashley should offer next prior to modularity is a true C2 Plugin system. Not by way of plugins for created games. But instead Plugins that assist in making games by the way of new interface options? new gui boxes? This could allow Lucid to work on a Spriter importer directly or some one else could have created a TileMap system already.

    Unity seems to allow developer enhancements to Unity. I think this could let other people develope areas that C2 is missing. Some could develop a modularity system.

    overall I agree. Modularity and Community based easy access features are missing for such a fantastic tool. There seems to be a lot of old C++ design paradigm for IDE use and sharing. In a time where integrated social features are the norm. C2 is running behind :(

  • Excal

    I was expecting the same old. eh it ****** But nope. You have a lot of valid points. I have made comments that C2 needs the modularity for growth, that the modules should be on an Asset store that is integrated into C2 IDE.

    And while the plugins is a great system. It's a hurdle for most developers. Where as Unity modules are still in C#/JS. That language is the primary programming language. Here the primary language is C2 Event Language. Which does very well dropping the barriers to allow non traditional coder writers to program easily. but the SDK level is and will often be for most be out of reach.

    I totally feel where you coming from. Growth of the community developement can't go farther. it's just not the nature of such a low barrier and no integrated support. c2Addon was a good start. But it's not enough.

    However a few points I want to make out.

    Unity sat in the same boat as C2. No one took the toolset seriously until a handful of top design games came out. However this happened well after the asset/modularity system was in place.

    Game Maker Studio is indeed making the transition from "toy" to serious game kit. Miami Hotline, Risk of Rain and Another Perspective are becoming more noticed and helping GMS.

    So I agree. While C2 did a great job of lowering the barrier the execution still needs work. I feel the are three key factors for C2 to hit main stream.

    1. C2 Event Language modularity

    already covered

    2. More Open Asset store integrated into the IDE

    Asking developers to do stuff in the the files/folders is a barrier. This is to remove that barrier. Personally for me it's not hard. But this is still an inconvenience.

    3. IDE team work synchronization.

    SVN is ok, but this still requires active diligence on the part of the developers. However with a lower barrier entry that entire idea requires more support in the tool. This really can't be expected that the entry users will quickly scale up to elite programmers.

    Don't get me wrong. I'm looking forward to the Multiplayer features. But these are the key elements needed to shift everything to mainstream.

    Anyways have fun with Unity :)

  • Well I wish I could offer better support. But right now the big problem is Ludie(CJS team) doesn't effectivly communicate changes to the code. This often leaves Ahsley having to muddle through the Physics errors through different releases.

    Report your bugs with a super simple capx(makre sure to see if the bug is reported) and hope that the next 1/2 C2 beta releases fix the problem.

    The other solution in the mean time. Is to not use Physics. Actually in fact my game wiched used physics only for flight I had to remove.

    Also Physics is cool but sometimes Physics is often over used. How much is your physics needed. Often if you need to simulate accurate falling blocks is the the only time. If your using physics just make objects fall easier then you can work around that. Both Platformer and Bullet offer Gravity and the ability set Gravity levels.

  • That sounds really cool :D Guybrush Cloudrider sounds like a character I can get into :)

  • eh. I can't seem to figure out 100% why there is a performance drop on the explosion. But here is the capx running most of the time at 55+fps


    maybe some one else would understand what is happening. I know when the Animatino speed was closer to 15+ the FPS would drop to 30 and even 15. But now only 35-45. But it's still odd. Good luck.

  • Well before I ever jump on anyone in regards to cost. I often like to check out standards of living, country economy. Heck someones low amount to us might be particularly higher for them. That doesn't mean I am able to do so. But there could be valid reasons. So I like to do research




    I like to consider what values we are talking about. If I have something simple and they are offering to them a high cost. Then I'm willing to slide.

    Yeah sorry. that's small. You asking for a game that I'll work on for about 1 hour. On top of that my art skills are terrible. But I find that polish really eats time up and even on the most simple games. I would want at least 8 hours to feel comfortable on the give out level.

    $10 per game is just way to small. But maybe there are others with already finished simple games that will offer up. Heck there are templates you can use in C2 that are pretty good to work off of :). I suggest using them to start :)

  • For some reason the gyro data is in the Touch plugin.

  • go go R0j0hound. I just saw this post :D

    that's pretty much what I was going to suggest. Since the example screen doesn't show anykind of moving gameplay. You can just mask it.

  • lucid

    Thanks that's awesome and you rock. A lot of this makes sense. Since you need work in relation to another programmer and an entirely different app. It does sound better to do them in larger batches of change rather than small increments.

    You guys rock :)

  • This is weird. Animating the explosion slower produces better performance. But that shouldn't happen at all. I wonder if there it this has to do with the explosion images. I take a look at them at let you know if I find what is peculiar.

  • Valerien

    The collision is not the problem. The app only has 3 objects to collide with. Though he should use bounding box. It's still not the problem.

    Also it's not creating multiple bombs. The Event is OnTouchStart. So even with the 1.0 second every time there is no effect.