jayderyu's Forum Posts

  • IntelRobert

    Has XDK updated to use the latest stable release. I checked it out and Crosswalk is up to 2.31 which as I understand is the next major release and uses Chrome 31 which from Ashley says is the big perfromance jump from 29. Including should removing most of the small problems that 29 is having.

  • Googling some research on Crosswalk. No.

    This might be a problem with Apple restriction. Apple doesn't allow custom web renders or JIT compilers.

    however Crosswalk isn't a Browser in that sense as it's an application wrapper. So who knows. maybe, but I believe Intel is looking into that.

  • For the scenario the OP wants. Yes it's doable and relativly easy'ish.

    Do a forum search for Joe7 3D plugin. he made a simple 3d plugin. I'm not sure I would use it for an entire 2.5D game. But for a few 3D objects in a 2D mostly game. Sure no probs.

    As for producing a 2.5D game. C2 isn't quite there as of yet. That's the way I feel. But in a few months who knows.

  • You can't interact with particles. Particles are the lowest graphical representation value. This offers the ability for high count particles and low memory cost. However then the partciles don't have enough info to be able to do anything else than be an image with an XY value.

    If you need to interact with particles. Then you need to create sprites that behave like particles.

  • yeah. pity there is no site sale :( for x-mas.

    No. buying the steam copy won't get you a license to run a non steam version.

  • What are you trying to do?

    If you use Preview button that would automatically open a browser. Worst case just run NodeWebkit as the browser to test. No need to touch the firewall.

    If however you are trying to preview or LAN. Then you should use the local IP of the computer that has C2 and previewed(at least the current build once). For example my dev computer has the ip so my mobile devices and other computers need to put in ""

    Also it is important to turn on preview over lan in the options menu.

    If LAN is not your problem. Then press the Preview Button.

    There is some tutorials to help with the different preview method in the tutorials section.

    Also this section is for bugs, not a section for having troubles.

  • Actually there were some threads on cutscenes not long ago.


  • That's because C2 game is still in the windows memory space.

    I'm not sure what C2 call's itself in the Windows name space. but if you want clear C2 you need to clear memory used. What you are currently clearing is the Canvas which is a render target and not the game logic, video or audio.

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  • What kind of error?

  • Well you probably don't need the first for each loop. Adding a Destroy with no prior selection will just destroy everything.

    Just as a test. You might want to wait a tick before calling makeDecks and going to the next for loop after creating the next Array. I remember having a problem with newly created arrays.

  • I'm not a master of HTML but I would think based on your sample that you might want

    <canvas id="game" width="100%" height="100%"> </canvas>

    also are you sure you want "game" and not "c2canvas" which Construct 2 uses? I don't use FGL or been to there site.

  • I see this mistake a lot with new developers. well maybe not mistake, but just not really effective and doesn't behave the way the developer wants.

    Don't nest an Every X seconds under anything. Only use every X seconds at the root. I know it sound like it should work as in

    While condition is met then on every X seconds do this.

    but that usually doesn't.

    Instead you need work another way of handling the problem of next time.

    If Gamepad(loopindex) Right Shoulder is down and array(loopindex) < time



    array(loopindex) = time + 0.25

    This is psuedo code of course. But that's what your looking for.

  • If you start a new project there is a list of Platformer examples you cab build off of.

  • There isn't any feature that would support this. However you can go into the C2runtime.js and code in such a requirement if really needed. Or make a suggestion to Ashley to do such an option.

  • I would love to have auto scaling for assets to be of broader use. However the design theory running now is that you should use higher assets sizes and down scale. Now of course the OP posted the problem with tilemaps creating seems. so maybe posting about having the tile renderer improved to remove seems might be more likely.