jayderyu's Forum Posts

  • Dom Objects don't render in the canvas. So they add terrible overhead. While desktop's can soak this. Any mobile game shuold avoid them like the plauge.

    Sprites Fonts should be the only one considered.

  • Could you please push an example of the GMS version using an HTML5 export. Then using the same Intel XDK apk?

  • oops . I misread.

  • Here is your answer. DON'T.

    You have only 1 place to change your file references and that's in the export dialogue options. Once exported don't change anything. You might want to, but don't.

    1. Everytime you export you will need change the sorting of the files.

    2. c2runtime.js has already defined and mapped where those files are located. Moving files will break that.

    3. To update the c2runtime.js will need to be updated every export.

    4. You will likely break things.

    When does anyone go into say a game like Mass Effect and start re-orginizing files?

    If you are creating a website front end you don't need to re-orginize the export files.

    Create your website front end view. In your html page use an iFrame. Refer to the game index.html into the iFrame.

    there you go. no need to change the exported files. Your just going to make your life harder if you go the other way.

  • Let me understand this better.

    Your hitting Enter when the Export conversion starts because you want it to go Faster or is it a Double enter out of habit?

    I would have never know about this error. This is kinda super low priority.

    Also my 50mb exported in 30 seconds still.

  • You posted in the wrong section. This post should be in the "How Do I".

    I just wanna say before you delve much deeper. Research. A lot of new devs dive right in withough knowing enough technical knowledge and then have a hard time understanding why there is a problem.

    1. GPU's only can handle image sizes of 2048x2048.. if you have an image size larger. You will suffer both memory and speed problems..... I see you have a 20000 width image there. You will want to slice that into 2048x550 and then placing them next to each other

    2. An invisible sprite does no render and is no problem on the GPU. However if it's still moving then it still uses CPU.

    3. A Opacity 0 object is still rendered and use the GPU.

    4. batch your sprites into types and layers.

  • This problem comes up A LOT. This speed problem is a daily occurrence. Often the result of not enough research and a development practice not set up for mobile.

    Here are the development procedure and tips.

    1. Mobile devices are 1/20 the power of PC. If it runs great on PC there is no evidence the game will run great on mobile.

    2. If your game is going mobile. Your primary test device is mobile. Keep your mobile device hooked up to your computer. Develop a quick way to test on your device. And test on that. It's fine to test on the PC more often, but make sure that 1/4 tests are done on the mobile device.

    3. There are tutorials for both memory and performance tips.

    4. If you can. Keep your custom all the time update logic to 24-30FPS. You can do this by a EveryTick 0.0033.

    5. Batch common layer graphics into 1 or few Sprite Objects(ie all types of weapon fire in just BulletsSprite, All HUD elements in HUDSprite)

    6. I've mentioned this before. But it always bares repeating. Minimize your use of Plugins. Some Plugins have heavy overhead on mobile devices. I will give a sample. However these samples are device dependent. Newer devices handle more at one time.



    RotatePlugin. Graphic size made no difference. 20FPS on a 100x100 sprite, used 50% of the CPU

    EveryTick 0.0033. Set Angle + 8. Graphic size 2048x2048. 60FPS, used 15% of the CPU

    PIN Behavour(not actually pinned to anything, just added to the object)

    No Pins. 220 objects, 30fps

    With Pins. 60 objects 30fps

    *** so with pins, that don't do anything the game performance was cut in less than half.

    MoveTo(third party plugin)

    MoveTo, moving. 20FPS, 60% cpu usage.

    So I'm going to assume you

    Assumed PC and Mobile are close enough to the same power

    Didn't test regularly on mobile

    May have looked at performance tips

    Didn't consider logic FPS(really I only do this)

    Didn't batch your graphics into layered objects(most new users make 1 visual to 1 Sprite... kills performance)

    Probably overloaded your game with lots of behaviours

    My suggestion.

    1. Disable EVERYTHING and only enable 1 Layout(i suggest your simplest layout to start)

    2. Test your loader Layout on mobile.

    3. If it's slow. Go through your objects by disabling them until you hit 50+fps

    4. Re-enable until you find what slows down your game.

    5. Find a performance solution or ask the forums for a solution.

    6. If the problem is Fixed go to 7. If it's still slow go back to 4.

    7. Your Layout is running smooth. Go to next simplest Layout.

    8. Good luck

  • I know. But I think if players feel the delay is too long. They can search for an alternative and if they don't mind they can use it

  • I think he is asking for a spreadsheet grid that can be databound to other sources.

    C2 is game tool and what you ask for could be used in games... are certainly for more in the domain of data apps.

    If your going the app route and avoid canvas. You can go and use a js implementation such as http://flexigrid.info/... I have a pure CAPX implementation for FGL just to prove it could be done. Some one could do other such tools.

  • sqiddster

    I can't speak for the thousands of games out there. But for every game that I played which supported in game screen shots. Everyone had a split second pause. If I wanted a screen shot without the pause I always needed to use an exterior image capture program such as Bandicamp,Fraps....

  • ok. This is usually the result of 1 1 possible out comes.

    1. Your using a non Scirra plugin that is outdated or has a bug

    2. Your using Browser.execjs and there is an error in the js code line.

  • You can download the capx at the end.

    There are easier ways, but they usually are less accurate, don't scale to multi screen ratio, don't layer well with parallax.

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  • Yep. There is no way to use any model of creating a specific family instance... officially. There is a plugin that let's you create an object based on a string naming paramater.

    I assure you I tried the same thing and thought the same thing. If you are doing Create Family, then the object will be random from the Family. If you Create Object which is in a family, then you will create the object..

    Do you need to create the object. If your using store items. Should you just use one object, but have numerous frames/animations to distinguish the items. Then just use setAnimation/Frame.

  • Ashley

    I can understand that. However LF is built on top of Box2D already. So it's Box2D + Extras. If it's out of practicality still. That's ok. I wouldn't have even suggested for you to do it except that it would replace the current Box2D mostly because it's Box2D+.

    Well in the end your call. It is extra overhead if it's an additional version.

  • Good find Captain. After looking at LF. It's the full on Box2D engine with Particle Liquid behaviour. This would be great a a replacement for the current Physics.


    Anyway for a review and or replacement of the current physics?