jayderyu's Forum Posts

  • These are the only the only serious blocking features that need to be addresses on the C2 IDE side. Many requests can be done by anyone who is willing to actually do the heavly lifting to get work done. As an example if TileMap isn't good enough. Someone can do it themselves. However we can't make a plugin for say Modularity or an IDE based asset repository. There are some IDE elements that would be nice or could use clean up, but that's pretty minimal and will come with time. So below are my personal tops.



    APK Packer

    Development device pushing for testing

    Custom IDE development for tools(ie bezier curves for animation tweening)

    Function used a primitive similar to Number, String rather than as a plugin.

  • It's a bit of a hard link to find at the top, but it's there... I jest of course. There is a 90% chance there is a tutorial for whatever you are looking for... providing you can find the right search words.




  • Research is helpful. Last month some time Google had let it be known that any game with the word Flappy would not pass certification. This isn't a secret and already went around the forums here and including my work place.

    I can understand, but there was an insane abundance of the Flappy worded games and they litteraly put a lock down on the any clone game using the name.

    It's not just google either, Apple does the same thing. Any games you see with Flappy made it before lock down.

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  • Nope. They are some remnant to the very old legacy. In the earliest design C2 was going to be multi export; HTML5, C++,Java.... However it was quickly squashed. Configurations is the remnant of that design.

  • Same thing. It's an architecture design on how pin and the event sheet works.

    What Ashley mentions is that the behaviours become more noticeable with 2 pins. But there is pin lag and it's in C2 architecture. But by all means if you feel it's a bug. Fill one out.

    The order as I think I understand it is



    Plugins fall in under Engine.

    But you can't inherently change the order of what plugins fire in order.

    So if you end up with



    Then the Weapon.pin position is updated first

    followed by player being updated 1 tick. which will produce a 1 tick delay on pin.

    If you want to avoid the problem either use wait0 or set the object position manually in the ES. But pin intself is limited to the architecture design.

  • nimos100

    Already been asked

    You will just have to use a work around.

  • This is a security tradeoff with BRowsers. System security. Accessing files without valid permission will fail. And Browsers are really strict on accessing any files outside of the server domain directory. Any files you want I suggest including into the project files list at the project heirarchy(right click include on the file folder). Then at run time you can use AJAX to directly access the file.

    If you want free roaming file access to android directory structure. There isn't one. Yet. As for reasons noted above. i think there is Cordova feature that let us so, but there is no implementation of it as of yet under any platforms.

  • Type backwards? If you have right alignment when don't you only need to do is type the message backwards. I'm sure it's very annoying, but it sounds like a stopgap solution in the mean time.

  • glargle.... 6 weeks

  • You can't. Browsers and Ashley have disabled JS execution when the game doesn't have focus. I totally agree though. I would prefer to set any of my network games to be still running even in the background.

  • socialpilgrim

    Thanks for solving this. You rock. I am much excited about this.

  • I remember using the D&D behaviour first time I tried Dual Analog. I found the D&D Behaviour had three kill points.

    1. D&D picks up at the point of contact.

    Once at the point of contact forcing the D&D object to centre in the point of contact produced errors.

    So if you want Analog Tapping D&D loses out.

    2. Ashley says D&D is not meant for this and may produce problems.

    3. I had D&D set up in away that worked flawlessly. However if wanted to put my D&D objects into folders to clean the root folder. It broke all D&D objects. Go figure.

    Long solution. I fought to do it the hardway and then wrote a tutorial on the subject. mepis I think you did a pretty good job and I noticed mine works similar.

    My tutorial is at the top of the mobile filter

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/398/to ... ontrollers

  • fariwinds

    Thanks for taking the time to reply. Though I guess unfortunately TideSDK and many others offer kits to build Apps. Where as C2 doesn't need the kit to build apps. C2 needs the a platform to run on effectively for the hardware/OS platforms. C2 is an App builder. If TideSDK can work as a HTML5 wrapper by dropping their HTML5 app into a package then the C2 community can look at using TideSDK.

    I'm sure you and your team are working hard making a great set of tools, and good luck to your team on that. But that's not what most of the C2 community is looking for. C2 needs a good wrapper that doesn't have problems and offers good access to. WebGL, full js memory management(ie prototype memory release), full web audio, WebRTC, XML parsing, HTTPXMLRequest....

  • True. But the plugin already supports the Mapping. But there is some special importing on C2 side that is missing. SO we are waiting on Ashley to implement it.

  • Just a heads up for informatino.

    Random generates a float number between X and Y. This includes x.x and y.y. The number always creates a decimal value. So

    Random 1,2

    1.000000 to 1.9999999

    What nimos does is generate a float value of 0.0 to 1.9, then adds + 1 for a solid 1.0 to 2.9.. then uses the int to truncate the decimal value off.