jayderyu's Forum Posts

  • FGLmatt

    You guys rock. That makes life so much easier. For the plugin and IAP . Since now there is an official plugin. I'm going to retire my capx implemention.

  • FGLmatt

    Hey Matt, thanks for coming here and letting us know. We had another thread going on about the FGL api. So does this mean your team will be making an official plugin? Many... ok most developers here use C2 to either avoid JS programming or flat out can't write code at all. So they use C2 which is amazing robust model for VPL and game plugins are just fantastic.

    Some one did make an attempt to make a Plugin, but was unfinished. I wrote a pure CAPX use of your SDK and posted to my site at( http://c2.studioryu.net/?download=fgl-capx ). Also Maor my pure CAPX will let you test with Preview. Otherwise you can't test the ads feature without loading the fgl.js.

    So Matt, if you really want the C2 community to jump on board. Most will need an official plugin.

    Also I would like to add In app purchases to my game on FGL, but in the mean time until your read. Do you have a suggestion? GoogleWallet, Amazon?... what would be the best based on distribution clients that FGL offers.

  • Why do you need every 5 seconds. Calls like what your using should be made either on required or spaced out to a minute or more. Signalling servers and such aren't really built to be queried every few seconds.

  • spy84

    Your not asking for a feature where C2 has a limitation and requires back end development. What your asking for is a feature that can be done. Dynamic 2d lighting can be done already, 3d can be done already. Instead of asking the only programmer to develop a feature that can already be done. Roll up the sleeves and do it.

    It's not like Modularity, asset stores, gui improvements which can only be done in the C2 C++ code. you want 3d go get processing JS and write a plugin. Actually in fact someone already did a Copperlicht 3d plugin, and there is even another.

    I can't keep track of what games have been created very well, but I know there is a mobile game using C2 with Dynamic lighting out there.

    To start here is a shadow caster


    Here is Pode link to the forum

    http://mattgreer.org/articles/dynamic-l ... d-shadows/

    here is a video sample with some form of shadow casting and realtime lighting

    http://mattgreer.org/articles/dynamic-l ... d-shadows/

    I'm also sure anyone with the knowledge of how webgl and shaders work can probably also due it with WebGl. that's the point of the shaders already.

  • Already been done by others. Ther are some samples on the forum So Ashley doesn't need to do this. Also dynamic lighting isn't really traditional for 2D games. Since it can be done without 3rd party plugins and it's not traditional. I don't see Ash needing to do this.

  • > Everything is fine now. I don't know why, but I re-installed under 32bit for C2 which worked. When I tried going back to 64bit it didn't work. I suspect it's something to do with installing Win8.1 and working with old folders.


    I'll ask Ashley if he has any idea why this is happening. Are you saying you can't get it to work under c2 64 at all, even with new projects now?

    EDIT: Another question, did this problem start only in the latest version?

    I cannot say 100%. I just noticed I was having troubles after installing C2-64. Previously I always used 32bit , but since I installed a new OS, then the following day c2.169 came out I figured I would just use 64bit. So when re-imported my character because I wanted Character Maps it just didn't work. Prior to that I had no need to re-import and was just using what was alerady imported. So I went back pages and when through various import guiedes. I tried deleting the current Spriter import for a fresh start. With that failing I decided to try a new project with Spriter packages instead. Still not working.

    So then I decided to install down back to 32bit since that's what I usually run with. And then it worked.

    I'm not saying it's a plugin issue or even possible a C2 issue. It could just be somthing to do with folder ownership. I dual partition my HDD. 1 Partition is the OS and the other for data and app which can run on their own. So this wan't an upgrade of the OS it was a clean OS install. So i'm thinking that the prior installation folder just wasn't playing friendly for some reason. So with 32bit working. i went back to 64bit... and didn't work. Again. i'm not convinced it's a 64bit problem. I think it just has to do with something else. But I'm not 100% sure.

    The only option left is to do a purely clean 64bit installation and see if it works. but right now I got everything working nicely and I'm not inclined to foobar that up with multiple installs

  • Everything is fine now. I don't know why, but I re-installed under 32bit for C2 which worked. When I tried going back to 64bit it didn't work. I suspect it's something to do with installing Win8.1 and working with old folders.

  • lucid

    umm. I'm having troubles importing. Whenever I import. The graphical assets do not import with the SCML file.

    1. Importing into a fresh app. No graphic sprites import.

    2. Importing into an already Spriter app. Importing will remove the graphics.

    I've updated Spriter, C2 and the plugin after this problem occured.

  • lucid awesome. It's all coming together.... do we still need the SCML file system for C2 still? Would be nice not to have to play with both.

  • newt what did you get 60fps on. He is having mobile performance troubles. Knowing what mobile you and the OP are using to test on would help.

    Thought his chunk of code you highlighted can certainly cause a hit. With the new collision cells they seem redundant. Then doing this every tick isn't helping either. Though I'm not sure the level of negative effect either.

    I'll take a look later today on my iPodTouch4g and see.

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  • Outside of the Gain(Volume) effect which is on the Master volume; most other effects are modifiers to the audio and don't have the same effective db use. If adding reverb 0 is none where as 100 is most.

    Though adding effects with named tags with be a lot nicer than dealing with effect by added order . I have a work around for my audio engine but it's clunky.

  • nope. the last opinion survey showed apx 60% developer for mobile. it's just apx8mb over head than a standard unity pcakage is negligible compared to how easy it is to make games.

  • troublesum

    How many fields were there. hundres/thousands? Dictionary as I understand has a square powered performance. so at each double increment of key value store it get's a little slower. Though small groups should be fine. So this is about more. What kind of more. It is a good point though. Might be mindful to monitor how much is in a Dictionary if it's needed every tick. Do you have some number samples?

  • troublesum sums it up pretty much on nail. Test on your minimum target device. If you want give settings to turn on or of features if you want. I will however addendum. DON"T USE DOM OBJECTS. DOM objects are not part of the canvas drawing routines and so it's another render layer on top and that renderer is not meant to be fast. It's meant to display complicated drawable objects for webpages.

    Though I would like to know your reasoning for not using Dictionary. Dictionary is a pure memory data storage. Are you thinking of WebStorage that does file writing?

  • FYI. I found Unity to have and overhead of apx 7-10mb depending on required features.

    Technically you can make a Chrome Wrapper and cut out features. For example if your not using WebSockets you don't need to include them. Same with DOM rendering and other such features. However the only way to cut these features to reduce the size is to manually cut the Chrome features and pack it yourself. None of the automated Chrome Wrappers I notice offer this feature. So I'm sure you can reduce the size, but your technical knowledge is above most C2 demographic knowledge.

    Again I must itterate Unity's own engine size almost clicks in at 10MB. So is really 7mb all that big a deal?