janlindso's Forum Posts

  • This type of issue is typically a graphics driver problem. You could try beta drivers if any are available, or maybe give the r211 beta a spin in case we already fixed some related issue.

    I've managed to update my drivers, and I have also installed the r211 beta, but the error is still there. If I remove my GFX drivers it works though, but then again the display looks bad in general. Have tried different GFX drivers, roll back etc.

    Specs: INTEL HD graphics 4600.

  • I guess subevents would be the best solution then? The solution with variables might get a bit messy in larger projects.

  • I know how to make several AND events, and how to make OR-blocks. But is there a way to make both in the same without creating sub-events?

    Like for example:

    If (Touch AND Overlapping) OR Keydown

  • Learning by doing is definitely the best advice coming to coding and development. And in the long run it will even be a lot less time consuming than asking here. Of course you can learn here, but you need to be very specific, and it is often easier to help someone if they have something already. It shows that they atleast put some effort into it, and just don't want someone to do it for them.

  • So, do you want this movement to be at the end of patrol route (far left or far right), or just randomly? If so, you could just add a random event that stops the boss, sets the idle animation, waits a little, and then starts him again.

  • Is there any way to fix the delay/lag when touching the screen? I think this is a problem with every export I've done. Is this a typical problem, and is there a way to optimize it better? It's an easy touch event, that has a bit of delay.

  • MadSpy

    From what I understand, your example is a drawn path, right? I need the path to be generated automatically, making it a bit more advanced. The object moves down the path, the path split into right/left (one of them is a dead end), then repeats.

  • This game looks beautiful!

  • MadSpy

    Yes, this works! Not 100% sure if it will work in my project. How did you do it? Did you use any plugins?

  • Yeah, I had my suspicion, so I tried installing new drivers. I'm using a Dell Latitude E6540, so I'm unable to install other drivers than those on Dell's website, which are not the latest ones. Will see if I can install them manually somehow, and just ignore the warning. If not I'll need to wait for Dell to update with new drivers.

  • Demo

    my fault

    Kinda, but without the main object moving from position (cant use scroll-to either as it has been use on another object already). So, only solution as I see it, is to make the path moving instead. Like in my gif example, the object never change position,

  • Something like this ?

    (left/right arrow to change direction)

    Maybe, if only I'd get the link to work.

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  • I don't know if this is what you searching for, but I think it can be helpful. It's a blackhornet job, did with the LineTween plugin. ^^


    http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?fi ... 4777992425

    Thanks. It's pretty close, but still not it. This one makes the object move along the lines. I want the object to be at the same spot all the time, so I guess it must be the paths that moves and not the object itself.

  • Made a new plugin folder for it, but gets an error on loading C2:

    "Unable to load plugin in......."

    "Found 'GetPluginSettings' global, but is not a function"

    "This plugin will not be available in the editor."


  • Crosswalk apps are stored on the phone, not the web.