janlindso's Forum Posts

  • Still having a hard time to find a solution for this. Tried to make an animation to show what I want to create.

    • A sprite moving along a line (really in same position all the time)
    • If left button is pressed, then move to the left path
    • If right button is pressed, then move to the right path

    Have tried to do it with a line sprite shooting out bullets to create the path, but there must be a better way to do this?

  • Somehow I cannot see what's in my layouts in Construct 2. Everything else works; I can add objects to the layout etc., but I don't see them. If I open any windows over my layout, the image of the window can be seen in the layout after I close it. Any ideas? Version is r206, and I have updated my gfx drivers and reinstalled C2.

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  • Have you tried it as an exported project hosted on a web server?

    This topic is for mobile and not web. Maybe the official IAP don't work for mobile? I know the official Google Play plugin isn't optimized for mobile.

  • Tried to add Cranberry IAP to an app in production, so seems like it won't work while testing. Anyone confirm?

  • I'm not 100% sure, but what about adding a timer that starts when C is pressed that lasts for like 0.5 sec to check if C has been pressed again. If not then let the user move again.

  • I would add LOS and platform behaviour (with controls disabled) to the enemy. Then if player is in line of sight, then move enemy towards direction of player.

  • gumshoe2029 I don't think I'll need pathfinding for now. Just drawing lines vertically and occasionally split into two ways. I almost made a solution with bullet behaviour that shoot out lines, but now only got one vertical line. I might get this working, but I'm definitely open for better solutions.

  • Looks good so far, but it may easily become boring without shooting in my opinion. The only thing I want to do is to shoot those aliens! Add some shooting on spacebar or so.

  • I used particles for my shotgun spread.

  • This looks great man! Love the Prince of Persia-ish mechanics! Also great to see fellow Scandinavians in here.

  • If you read my first post, I mention vector as hi res. I know all technical differences very well, but I'm more asking about the impression by the players. What they tend to prefer.

  • I'm a big fan of lo-res (also known as 8-bit) game art, but also enjoy newer game with more hi-res. This topic doesn't cover the large production 3D games, but by hi-res I mean these cartoonish kind of games (pixel art but with higher res). An example of what I mean: Angry Birds vs. Flappy bird.

    My question is: Are there any studies, ratings etc. that shows what's preferred by the majority? What are the pros and cons between the two considering visual looks? Till now I've been designing with easy 8-bit techniques, but consider using vector based software instead to create art of higher quality.

  • In my game I want my code to generate random paths for an object to follow. The path should always go downwards, but occasionally divide into separate paths for the player to select.

    I have tried several approaches without luck, so I'm simply asking for a way to make this work best way possible. Only thing I can come up with is a tick loop that adds pixel by pixel, but I guess that would be a terrible way to do it?

  • Did you try another browser to see if it's the cache that is the problem?

  • Either use line of sight or every tick as event, depending on how you want to do it. Then check for distance between object is less than a value. The in the action do what LittleStain wrote.