janlindso's Forum Posts

  • Good job in doing it in such a short time. The gameplay is really irritating, just like these kind of games should be.


    Put in some encouraging words that pop ups and fade out. Like when you reach round numbers.

    Make an animation when he fails. Now he just suddenly lay on the floor.

  • Updated to 2.0.

    I have now added Google Play services in my game. You can now level up (first level up is at only 5 kills). For each level you get xp points you can use to upgrade your shark.

    I have also added some achievements to the game. See if you can unlock them.

    Feedback request:

    • Would've been awesome if anyone could check if the game services works, and the IAP (click on the "remove ads", no need to click pay).
    • Any bugs
    • Suggestions to improve game mechanics to make the game better
  • The Browser object has an 'Is Online' condition - see Browser Manual Entry.

    Is this what you mean?

    Actually looked into it, but didn't get it to work properly. But seems like this must be it. Will try again, thanks!

  • I mean, there are no need to login to Google Play services as long as the user isn't online.

  • Check up the random function to generate random numbers: https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/77/nat ... onstruct-2

    Then you can save the correct answer in a variable.

  • Throw in some "Buy"-buttons etc. and add a click event that if the user clicks the button, then buy product X. The plugin you've installed will take care of the rest.

  • So did you change the additions xml file in XDK? You need to add your APP ID there.

    Another advice is to check out this informative tutorial by AndreasR:


  • have you enter the license key from google into your C2 game?

    Yes I have. I will try adding in game services to another game I've already published to see if it works there.

  • Well, I didn't get the Google plugin to work, as it seemed optimized for web (I got the login dialog inside a browser window), so I used Cranberry instead.

  • No, actually not. Let us know if you try it.

  • I guess if your game is good enough it will sell it self if you tell people about it. Even kickstarter might work then. You have Steam Greenlight if you want to become big in computer games. But I guess I would start of with smaller games for mobile platforms and then distribute to Google Play, Amazon, Apple store etc.

  • Did you get the sign in dialog when you start the app?

  • First of all you need to decide which platform you want to develop for. To make a game to earn money, isn't always the best approach if it isn't your full time job. Make a game because you want to, and because you have a great idea. There are plenty of great games for free, so why buy yours? Maybe in app payments, and ads are better? As you see there are several decisions to take.

    But if you want to make a mobile game, you can distribute them through Google Play, Apple Store etc.

  • with google play, you have to have the same version number uploaded onto google play website. It can be alfa or beta, not necessary to be live.

    In other words, the version you are using on your device have to be uploaded on google play.

    IOS is different, you can test it without having it uploaded.

    Kinda thought so, and have always done so to be sure. Anyway I am still getting the "Authentication required" message as I try to buy anything. If you see my screenshot, I am getting the "Works" output, so I know it got contact with the store. So the authentication message appears when I click the buy-button. I am sure I have added the products in my "Game services" section. And I don't get this message when I try to buy in app products from other games.

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  • There are some issues with c2 iap plugin as far as I understood, I'm currently using cranberrygame iap plugin for android and iOS.

    iap will not work in the preview, only after export and install on device

    Yeah, I kinda figured, so I turned to the Cranberry plugin as well. Seems to be working better. But I get a "Authentication required" when I want to buy an item. Do I have to publish the game for it to work? I have added the BILLING permission and everything should be setup correctly.